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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. Does anyone know of a source hopefully a link on the internet to the Thailand Land Develpment Act - FOR HOMES NOT CONDOMINIUMS


    I understand they are two separate laws and the rules are different. I find many sources and links for the Condominium Law but none for villages that are single family homes with Juristic Entities.

    English would be great but even Thai I can use the computer to translate. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, candide said:

    Wait a minute! Which facts are "my own facts!

     Joe could have been involved in a conflict of interest because he was not holding any official function at that time

    Try this one for just one example.   You quoted this as fact despite not knowing what time period was covered by the Biden Laptop and further, his influence peddling would still be something that could put Joe Biden in a conflict if he was acting on behalf of a foreign government even though he left office.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, candide said:

    The difference between you and me, is that I rely only on the facts which are currently known.


    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  They are not entitled to their own facts.  You rely only on what you believe to be true.  I have never seen you back up any of your assertions with outside verification.  

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yes if you have security clearance and permission to have taken them at the time...........lol. Not sure what point you're trying to make? That's not whats being suggested in the

     Three points 


    1. do you know Biden had security clearance and permission to take the documents. 

    2. If he had as you are grasping at "security clearance" why would his attorneys have to report them after all according to your unsubstantited assertion he would be permitted to have the records>

    3. Even if a person has security clearance and permission to have classified documents the law is very clear that the person must properly safeguard them.  Having them in a garage is hardly what any reasonable person would consider safe.  

    As mentioned, there is an extensive security detail and protocol at Mar Largo plus secret service agents.  Not true at Biden's garage. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Oh gawd, this is also not about Hilary...................................in future quote my full post and I may respond

    No but you were somehow making the inference that Biden "if he had permission" was ok in storing the records in his garage.  I was pointing out that even Hillary had her records in a more secure location, her bathroom and Trump's residence at Mar Largo was secured by secret service.  So of those which person was the most reckless with the STORAGE of classified information. 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, lkn said:

    The Land Office does check basic compliance

    This Juristic Entity has never filed for 10 years so as said, the Land Ofice does not check for compliance. 

    I read that proxies from foreigners were required to be verified, meaning witnessed and notarized.  However I can not find where I originally read that.  

    If you don't have proxies verified by way of witness and notarization how do you establish they are valid signatures.  I could sign someone elses name and claim it was a proxy from another homeowner.  As to ID, I can copy the same ID over and over again, which proves nothing. 

  7. 58 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yes if you have security clearance and permission to have taken them at the time....

    Now you are also making a "fact" out of something that has not been established. 

    Irrespective of whether you have security clearance or not, mishandling or failure to secure classified documents is a crime.  The storage of documents in a garage would hardly be appropriate.  So you suggesting that if he had clearance that would be ok is truly a farse. 

    Also, why would Biden attorneys declare them if as you suggest he received clearance to have them. 

    As said, Trumps lawyers had been negotiating for over a year.  They were contesting whether some of the records were subject to the subpoena and also contesting if some of the records had been declassified.  

    Neither of those exist with Biden.  

    Biden's actions are even worse than Hillary Clintons who had classified information on her server secured in a bathroom closet


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  8. On 1/11/2023 at 4:16 PM, candide said:

    Now that you've been cornered as it was impossible that Joe could have been involved in a conflict of interest because he was not holding any official function at that time

    Not an attorney but you have claimed a fact NOT IN EVIDENCE


    You have zero knowledge that any of the transactions that are on Hunters Laptop do not cover the period of time that Biden was in office.  Also, even after leaving office, if and I repeat if Biden was using his influence to benefit another country he would have had to declare himself to be an agent for a foreign government.  Perhaps the name General Flynn might ring a bell. 

    As to Hunter Biden being an attorney.  I had no idea that Law School provided intense knowledge of Oil & Gas that the Ukrainians would find so valuable nor that your JD degree made you somehow an expert in real estate investing.  

    The fact is nobody pays someone else millions or gives them billions without vetting them.  You have a person in Hunter who was reckless, a drug abuser booted from the military and with no record of any accomplishments other that his ability to secure hookers.  And you really want to swallow that despite that, the Ukrainians and Chinese hired him and his firm because of his "expertise" in anything.  

    The very fact that Hunter was so careless to have recorded incriminating evidence on his laptop and then forget retrieving it after it was repaired serves as pretty compelling evidence why the Chinese and Ukrainians would never hold him in high regard.  

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  9. On 1/12/2023 at 8:15 AM, lkn said:

    As for notarization of proxies: We’ve had a pretty lax standard for proxies (to make it easier for people abroad to participate via proxy), and it has not caused an issues with the Land Office.

    I hear you regarding the difficulty but the Land Office is not ever going to check anything.  The fact that the law requires that the proxies be witnessed and notarized is truly what should govern proxies.  Otherwise, each homeowners association could just say, oh we don't want to open a bank account, or we don't want to do an audit even though both are required.  

  10. On 1/9/2023 at 11:17 PM, candide said:

    Biden influencing the Trump administration. Good luck with that one! ????

    Hint:  The government is divided into three branches.  The executive, legislative and judicial.  Trump controlled only one.  Biden by contrast served in Congress for 36 years and as VP for 8.  Do you really believe the only influence peddling occurs at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  The money comes from Congress. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 1/10/2023 at 3:32 AM, heybruce said:

    Provide links to news stories that reported any of these things as other than unsubstantiated claims.

    So the Steele Dossier turned out to be paid for the DNC, and Hillary Clinton, The New York Times admitted it was wrong on its coverage suggesting a collusion with the Russians.  Mueller and Comey found Zero Evidence of a "golden shower" and the FISA warrant allowed the FBI to have wiretaps on Carter Page.  That meant they had two jumps.  They could through the warrant also wiretap anyone that Carter Page contacted and whoever those people in turn had contact with.  THAT IS VIRTUALLY EVERYONE CONNECTED WITH THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. 






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     Is there any legal prohibition to videotape a homeowners meeting
     With proxies can a board member or their spouse receive a proxy from another homeowner.  I read something about that not being allowed

     Can a homeowner and the spouse of a homeowner be on the board at the same time. 

    Do proxies have to be presented at the meeting in order for everyone to be notified? I read that proxies in order to be valid must be presented at the general meeting to allow homeowners to ascertain their existence and verify their authenticity. .
    Isn't it legally required that financials, including a budget, suggested community fee, audit, and agenda be sent to all the homeowners in advance of the meeting.

    With proxies from foreigners is it required that they be witnessed and notarized when they are executed in the foreigners home country rather than in Thailand. 

    The vast majority of our owners do not reside in Thailand. 

  13. On 1/10/2023 at 12:01 PM, Phoenix Rising said:

    Yes, and if I had a light saber I'd probably be a Jedi Knight..

    So many and apparently you seem to believe to have special insight into what is on the computer and what can or can not be verified.  

    The fact is, that none of us know what exactly is on that laptop.  Only what the media has said and they of course are limited in their knowledge.  Now, even if it is conclusively proven there is damning evidence on that computer, that does still not mean for purposes of a criminal prosecution what if anything will be included. 

    So this conjecture that the problem is only Hunters, and his problems are limited to only tax evasion is made with all the credence of a pronouncement from a ouija board.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    If you arrived the US and your laptop went missing at the airport but turn d up months later with evidence of having been accessed by multiple people since you last saw it.

    What I would say is that computer experts would be able to determine when the data on that computer was added, and if there was any alteration of the data on that computer. 

    Need I remind you that Hillary Clinton used a computer expert to delete 33,000 emails and used a military grade software package called bleach bit to erase the data multiple time, and yet computer experts were able to retrieve it.  

    There is a huge difference between what a computer expert can determine and what a judge might allow as evidence in court.  


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  15. 1 minute ago, candide said:

    "The second involved a business venture that Hunter tried to set up with a Chinese energy tycoon in 2017 (after Joe Biden was no longer vice president).

    Yes, and even if Joe was no longer VP does his influence within the government stop the day he left office. 

    Hint: Many from congress go to be lobbyists for companies.  Why? Because though they are no longer in office they have access and influence.  

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I’m not making wild assertions, you are.

    You should really look into some memory excercises. 

    You were the one who stated that only Hunter was in legal troubles and his troubles would be limited to tax evasion. 

    I am pointing out, you have no idea what is on that computer or what the legal ramifications might be nor who it might implicate. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

    There's already evidence of tampering:

    I can't read the article since it is for subscribers only.  Again to beat a dead horse WE DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS

    So for those who are either dismissing it as evidence and claiming they can predict what charges may or may not result of themselves are making conjecture that just can't be substantiated. 

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  18. 3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    (The Laptop) can be thrown out as far as any evidentiary/exculpatory evidence located on it no matter what any forensic evidence says

    No that is "if or buts" also.  The plain fact is WE DON'T KNOW 

    We don't know what is on the computer
    We don't know what can or can not be determined as authentic on the computer. 
    We don't know that even if the evidence on the computer is completed damning that a judge would not throw it out because of some of the issues you mentioned. 

    I was replying to many who were making blanket statements as if somehow they had all the answers. 

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  19. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    And you are right, you don’t have complete knowledge of what is on Hunter Biden’s computer.

    Hunter Biden himself cannot swear under oath that he has complete knowledge of what is on this computer given it has been out of his possession for so long and I’m the hands of multiple people before being placed into the custody of the FBI.

    So perhaps instead of making wild assertions as to what might or might not be on the computer and what charges might stem from it until after it has been fully vetted by those with the ability to determine if it is both genuine and there is no evidence of tampering before making the statement that only Hunter would be involved and it would only involve tax evasion.  

    I have heard over the years so many times over both accusations about Democrats and Republicans that they had a smoking gun, for it turn out to be nothing. 

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