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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. I had the same thing last year with a transfer from Chase to Wise.  They being Chase would take the transfer but then just reject it.  I called Chase and you did exactly what I did.  Made a small transfer as a test and then a larger one.  That fits a pattern of people who have obtained someones information and then testing it before making a transfer.  The Chase representative just said, keep trying, the system will eventually recognize the attempt as valid.  I gave up, and transferred to another bank who I then used to transfer to Wise.  Not a problem.  

    Now I didn't try another transfer directly from Chase until 3 months ago.  I thought, well lets give it a try.  Sure enough, this one went through without a problem.  It appears Chase was now convinced that this was not someone who hacked an account. Given that I now do monthly transfers of my pension, I am guessing I will have no more problems because it will look like a very routine transaction in my account. 

  2. 1 minute ago, scubascuba3 said:

    you set up ShopeePay with passport? how?

    It was a while ago but as I recall I had to go to the shopee app on the phone, you can't use the computer.  I had to upload the passport and as I remember then had to stand in front of the phone to take my own photo. 

    Here are instructions from Shopee.  If you had problems, I would just call the customer service number and talk to an agent.  Even according to this link, a foreign passport is acceptable.  If you have a Thai drivers license it may be easier. 


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  3. On 8/30/2022 at 10:24 AM, LALes said:

    Seller has violated Lazada standards" and I would be getting

    a refund notice within 24 hours.  Of course, that never came. 

    Did you get a notice from Lazada that your item had shipped along with a tracking number?  

    If not, I suspect that the seller was working in conjunction with others.  They now have your name, address, phone number etc and they know it is COD.  So the original seller never "sends" you anything and cancels the sale.  That means that Lazada really has nothing for you to contest.  Instead you got a second person sending you a package which you accepted and paid for.  As far as Lazada knows that is a totally different transaction with someone else. 

    Now if you got an email from Lazada with the tracking number and the number on the package matches what you have, you should have a claim against Lazada for sending you the wrong merchandise.  

  4. 12 hours ago, webfact said:

    THE TOURISM Authority of Thailand (TAT) expects a busy high season this year with both Thais and foreigners travelling extensively after Covid control measures were relaxed from April onwards with the country fully opened to tourism in July, INN News said Saturday evening (Sept. 3).


    They are basing this projection on the correlation between the number of Indians reporting having their gold chains and wallet stolen by ladyboys.  That predictor has recently hit an all time high encouraging optimism for increased tourists. 

    • Haha 1
  5. I saw a post back in May that discussed this topic without anyone knowing at that time a good solution.  Perhaps things have changed.  I use to buy the 20 ampule packs at Faschino's but I have stopped there several times along with other Faschino's and they don't have them anymore.  At first they said they were out of stock and selling only the boxes of 6 ampules.  Now they are saying they are repackaged to only 1 ampule for about 318 baht. 

    I know that things have gone up a bit in price but that is about twice the cost in the 20 ampule pack.  

    Has anyone found a source for the injectable testosterone here in Pattaya or mail order? 

    This is what I use to get. 

    Called the number in Bangkok but they say they don't have a stock of it at this time and were unable to say if or when they would be getting more. 


  6. 2 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

    1. and 3.  May I ask why you needed three sets of hearing aids in just several years? 

    I've been wearing hearing aids in both ears for almost 30 years, and am still going strong on my third pair, only changing as I needed stronger devices.

    I have been wearing hearing aids since 2008.  My first set was the typical battery 312.  They were fine, however I tried a set of the newer models that had rechargeable batteries and I was sold on them.  That was in 2016.  The sound quality was noticeably better and the convenience of just putting them in the charger at night and using them all day was fabulous.  In late 2021 the hearing aid on the left was starting to run out of power before then end of the day.  That is when I checked into getting the battery replaced in Bangkok and lets just say that the price was more than I was willing to pay.  After checking options to send it to the USA and having it programmed, I talked to an audiologist who said for about $500 more, I could get two new hearing aids, the top model and that the new technology was vastly improved again. 

    I purchased the hearing aids, and yes they do have a program that allows you to adjust the hearing aids but as I understand it not to the degree that an audiologist can.  Maybe true, maybe not. One way or another for $1,000 I got two brand new hearing aids, the Phonak P90 and for $50 I got them programmed while vacationing out of Thailand.  The audiologist was correct.  The sound quality is even better than my set from just 6 years ago.  I now hear no wind noise at all, and they filter out most of the extraneous sounds making hearing extremely clear. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. I wear hearing aids and have for several years.  Of all the brands Phonak is the best.  Unfortunately there is only one Phonak dealer in Thailand and that is in Bangkok and I can not reccomend that shop.  

    I ended up ordering a new pair of P90 from England for about $1,000 USD total which is substantially cheaper than you can get them here in Thailand for.  The problem you will have is getting them programmed.  

    I ended up taking a vacation and brought the hearing aids with me to get programmed.  They are wonderful.  Rechargeable and they significantly reduce any background and wind noise.  This is my third set of Phonaks and I have yet to have any service on them.  That is one of the major differences.  Many of the brands have a tendency to need repairs which is both expensive and a nuisance. 

    I don't know if you get to Singapore but there are some Phonak dealers there or you can alternatively buy the hearing aids online, and then mail them to a dealer with a local audiogram who will program them for you.  A nuisance but that is what I found out about buying hearing aids in Thailand. 

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  8. 23 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Then they asked numerous questions about my sexuality , even asking whether I was "Bi-Curious" and I wondered why my future Boss would want to know those kinds of things 

    I find that to be extremely odd.  They are not suppose to ask any questions regarding your religion, your political affiliation, or sexual orientation.  I would 'think" they broke the law. 


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  9. Is this one of the obigatory monthly posts regarding gays?  For all the waling and knashing of teeth over reported discrimination never have I seen a group go to such great lengths to disclose the reason that they are reportedly discriminated against.  

    With racism, the persons skin color is obvious, sexual preference is not.  There has to be some crying need for affirmation because of self doubt that is the reason why the LGBT community keeps parading their lifestyle in everyones face and apparently asking for affirmation of it. 

    You are gay, great.  Most people when asked to describe themselves talk about their family, being a parent, an occupation, their faith, maybe their educational background. They don't have this self image that revolves soley around who they prefer to have sex with. 

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  10. 21 hours ago, billd766 said:

    There are several posters on this forum and this thread who have many years of experience with the Justice Department and Law enforcement but you refuse to accept what they say simply because it does not agree with your bias.

    Again, I think you are WRONG.  I have seen no posts from people who have represented themselves to be US atorneys or former justice department personnel. 

    In the USA you have to have probable cause not "suspicion" in order to legally obtain a search warrant. 

    Again, I don't believe that they can they hide and say oh but we don't have to tell you how or why we believe we have probable cause.  That is just an end around the 4th amendment that precludes unlawful search and siezures.  If a government can cloak itself in secrecy and not have to disclose probable cause it in effect has limitless power to conduct whatever searches and siezures it wants without having to prove it had probable cause. 


    • Haha 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:
    10 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

    A distinction without a difference.  CLASSIFIED IS CLASSIFIED. 

    Also we don't know if those classified emails had any attachments or does that make a difference if the Russians who hacked her computer had to print it out. 



    Your confused my friend, very confused. an email document is not a stamped and held under lock and key document which is for certain people with certain security clearances to review, "For Your Eyes Only

    Can you tell me the FOR YOUR EYES ONLY that was stamped on the sailors digital photo of the area he worked in on the nuclear submarine that he shared with no one, not even via an email? 


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  12. 3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I answered your question above, beyond me why you still deflect.  It was a warrant which served to obtain the information and which was issued based upon a declaration of probable cause called an affidavit.

    Yes and I answered yours,  I don't think you are correct that a subpoena is routinely blacked out and only disclosed at trial. 

    If what you say is true, why conceal the 'name" of the perons but not the content.  

    Instead they are trying to conceal any predicate.  Also, subpoenas are to be very specific as to what the authorities are looking for and where they can look.  I doubt Melania's closet was stuffed like Sandy Bergers pants with classified material.

    Also you stated that Hillary Clinton's classified were emails.  So I guess if Trump had an aide like Huma Abedin had all those classified documents scanned and put into PDF files and emailed to him, then that would be ok then.  HUH? 

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  13. 8 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Emails, not actual documents....your hero the Donald had actual stamped TS classified documents in hand....try again.

    A distinction without a difference.  CLASSIFIED IS CLASSIFIED. 

    Also we don't know if those classified emails had any attachments or does that make a difference if the Russians who hacked her computer had to print it out. 


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  14. 2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    There is always always concealment of the warrant until a trial.

    I don't believe that to be true. 

    In order for a warrant to be issued it is suppose to show probably cause and it also can not be unreasonablly broad.  You can't go into a person's home saying you are looking for drugs, find guns as you search and then charge them with illegally possessing a firearm.  

    Is anyone on this forum a former attorney in the USA that could speak definitely on the concealment of a warrant. 

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