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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. Hint: The government is divided into three branches. The executive, legislative and judicial. Trump controlled only one. Biden by contrast served in Congress for 36 years and as VP for 8. Do you really believe the only influence peddling occurs at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The money comes from Congress.
  2. So the Steele Dossier turned out to be paid for the DNC, and Hillary Clinton, The New York Times admitted it was wrong on its coverage suggesting a collusion with the Russians. Mueller and Comey found Zero Evidence of a "golden shower" and the FISA warrant allowed the FBI to have wiretaps on Carter Page. That meant they had two jumps. They could through the warrant also wiretap anyone that Carter Page contacted and whoever those people in turn had contact with. THAT IS VIRTUALLY EVERYONE CONNECTED WITH THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps/index.html https://www.foxnews.com/media/ny-times-columnist-admits-wrong-about-trumps-supporters-says-russian-collusion-hoax https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/10/us/politics/fbi-fisa-court.html
  3. Is there any legal prohibition to videotape a homeowners meeting With proxies can a board member or their spouse receive a proxy from another homeowner. I read something about that not being allowed Can a homeowner and the spouse of a homeowner be on the board at the same time. Do proxies have to be presented at the meeting in order for everyone to be notified? I read that proxies in order to be valid must be presented at the general meeting to allow homeowners to ascertain their existence and verify their authenticity. . Isn't it legally required that financials, including a budget, suggested community fee, audit, and agenda be sent to all the homeowners in advance of the meeting. With proxies from foreigners is it required that they be witnessed and notarized when they are executed in the foreigners home country rather than in Thailand. The vast majority of our owners do not reside in Thailand.
  4. So many and apparently you seem to believe to have special insight into what is on the computer and what can or can not be verified. The fact is, that none of us know what exactly is on that laptop. Only what the media has said and they of course are limited in their knowledge. Now, even if it is conclusively proven there is damning evidence on that computer, that does still not mean for purposes of a criminal prosecution what if anything will be included. So this conjecture that the problem is only Hunters, and his problems are limited to only tax evasion is made with all the credence of a pronouncement from a ouija board.
  5. What I would say is that computer experts would be able to determine when the data on that computer was added, and if there was any alteration of the data on that computer. Need I remind you that Hillary Clinton used a computer expert to delete 33,000 emails and used a military grade software package called bleach bit to erase the data multiple time, and yet computer experts were able to retrieve it. There is a huge difference between what a computer expert can determine and what a judge might allow as evidence in court.
  6. Yes, and even if Joe was no longer VP does his influence within the government stop the day he left office. Hint: Many from congress go to be lobbyists for companies. Why? Because though they are no longer in office they have access and influence.
  7. You should really look into some memory excercises. You were the one who stated that only Hunter was in legal troubles and his troubles would be limited to tax evasion. I am pointing out, you have no idea what is on that computer or what the legal ramifications might be nor who it might implicate.
  8. I can't read the article since it is for subscribers only. Again to beat a dead horse WE DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS So for those who are either dismissing it as evidence and claiming they can predict what charges may or may not result of themselves are making conjecture that just can't be substantiated.
  9. No that is "if or buts" also. The plain fact is WE DON'T KNOW We don't know what is on the computer We don't know what can or can not be determined as authentic on the computer. We don't know that even if the evidence on the computer is completed damning that a judge would not throw it out because of some of the issues you mentioned. I was replying to many who were making blanket statements as if somehow they had all the answers.
  10. 1. We don't know what time periods the Hunter Biden laptop covers. 2. HInt: Joe Biden was a Senator for 36 years, and Vice President for 8 years. Influence peddling could have occured during any of those periods. 3. Money passing to Hunter "may" be tied to his connection to his father. Again, we don't know that but one thing is for sure, Hunter rode on Air Force 2, and had investments and compensation coming from both Ukraine and China that we know of. 4. Now call me a cynic, but I don't believe that Burisma or the Chinese government gave Hunter money because they were so impressed with him personally.
  11. So perhaps instead of making wild assertions as to what might or might not be on the computer and what charges might stem from it until after it has been fully vetted by those with the ability to determine if it is both genuine and there is no evidence of tampering before making the statement that only Hunter would be involved and it would only involve tax evasion. I have heard over the years so many times over both accusations about Democrats and Republicans that they had a smoking gun, for it turn out to be nothing.
  12. I didn't realize that you had such inside information on the entirety of what is on the computer. I suggest we know only a smattering of what is or is not on that computer.
  13. Let me say, I believe that the "computer experts" in government know a great deal more about the ability to determine computer tampering than you do.
  14. I was replying to the comment that only Hunter would be in legal trouble and his trouble is limited to only tax evasion. First off we don't have complete knowledge of what is on that computer. Secondly, if any of the money went to Joe Biden his troubles exceed just not paying taxes because he would be receiving those monies because of his political position. There are a myriad of charges that could arise from that.
  15. Since you are a legal expert on chain of custody, perhaps you should study up on computer forensics
  16. Oh, so according to you, if the FBI came into Trumps Mar Largo estate and took information from boxes that it could not be used against him because they could not prove chain of custody from the time the documents left the government
  17. Its so good you know so much about what is on that laptop to make that assertion. Now let me point out that if Hunter Biden received money that was not declared that would be tax evasion. If Joe Biden is the "big guy" and he also is found to have taken the money, he is guilty of both tax evasion, extortion, money laundering, and taking a bribe.
  18. Oh like they waited for the Russian Collusion, The Steele Dossier, The golden showers and the wiretapping of Trump campaign headquarters
  19. Which part of the experts at least so far have said that the information on the laptop was not planted or altered. Perhaps you are no computer expert but the fact is there are forensic experts that can tell if any data on a computer was altered or manipulated. Using your logic a murder weapon with DNA on it could not be turned in as evidence because you could not prove the chain of custody from the time it was used in the murder to when it was turned in.
  20. Yes you said that other presidents had taken kickbacks. I challenge you to prove your statement.
  21. And just where did you get your JD degree from. Chain of custody applies to evidence doctored after the receipt by authorities not before.
  22. Ozimoron, you certainly know so much that is either untrue or unproven. Its amazing the "facts" you know that are unknown to anyone else but you. Who has taken massive kickbacks and provide proof.
  23. ok this is 2021 and the disparity has only gotten more towards the top 1%
  24. These are 2020 figures DUH Also CORPORATIONS DONT' PAY ANY TAX. A tax on a business is no different than rent, utilities, insurance, wages, advertising etc. IT GETS BAKED INTO THE PRICE OF THE GOODS AND SERVICES that business provides. Maakro here pays VAT to the government. You didn't. But wait, that VAT is added to your bill. When you fill up with gasoline, you didn't pay the fuel tax to Thailand the service station did. So did the business pay or did you. The fact is the top 5% pay more than the bottom 90% With a standard deduction now $25,900 anyone earning less than that PAYS NOTHING. https://taxfoundation.org/publications/latest-federal-income-tax-data/
  25. You are as Reagan described when he said. It isn't that our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant. They just know so much that isn't true" The top 10% of all income earners paid MORE THAN THE BOTTON 90%. https://www.cnbc.com/2015/04/13/top-1-pay-nearly-half-of-federal-income-taxes.html
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