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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. 19 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    Doesnt the answer depend on where and who the car is repaired by

    Do you secretly work for Joe Biden as his speech writer. 

    You have two cars both identical mileage identical condition. One has been in an accident and repaired, the other has never been in an accident and the price is the same.  WHICH ONE DO YOU PURCHASE

    The fact that the damaged one is repaired at a dealer versus non dealer shop is irrelevant. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Clearly, you don't know how professional body shops here can repair damaged vehicles.  A properly repaired car is not "a death sentence"

    Irrespective of how well the repair shop can repair the car it is now a repaired vehicle.  The value of her car went down.  Also from the pictures this is not a door dent.  It appears the car suffered significant damage.  I would not want it back after being repaired.  She also faces the liklihood that even after repairs she will have to go back to correct whatever defects remain after the repair.  Hard to get a badly damaged car with all the defects correct the first time. 

    Bottom line, she entrusted them with a car that had zero damage.  She is owed back a car with zero damage.  There should not be a problem locating a virtually identical car with the same or lower mileage and for the dealership to repair the car and sell it.  They will then take the loss in value rather than her. 


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  3. On 8/13/2022 at 11:51 PM, Jerno said:

    f you like all your neighbors and most strangers carrying guns everywhere, schools unsafe due to violence and shootings

    Now that is just not true and non-sensicle.  Most people do not carry guns either openly or concealed.  Are there areas of the USA that are unsafe, absolutely.  I worked for a bank headquartered in Detroit, Michigan and there were areas of the city where you would not want to venture.  Conversely some of the suburbs of Detroit are extremely beautiful and safe. 

    As to gun violence, the vast majority of it is centred in the major cities, urban areas and is drug related.  If you removed the gun deaths from cities including but not limited to New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Los Angeles the USA instead of having one of the highest rates of gun violence would have one of the lowest. 

    Just like most countries and major cities, there are areas that are beautiful, safe, have good schools, and you can leave the home with its doors unlocked.  Other areas, even the police are are afraid to enter because of the danger in those areas. 

    America stretches 4,262 KM from coast to coast and 2,546 KM from north to south.  You can't portray what is happening on Kensington Ave  or for that matter narrowly focus on any region and say that is typical of the USA.  

    Is healthcare more expensive.  Yes.  Are other things cheaper, Yes.  Is the average person wealthier and with its tougher the enviornmental,  zoning laws and no garbage on the streets enforcement generally  better than Thailand, Yes.  


    Just like you can not compare the quality of life for someone who has an oceanfront home in Phuket to one who has a one room shack in the slum areas of Bangkok you are mistaken if you believe the Hamptons in New York is anything like Kensington Ave. in Philadelphia. 



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  4. On 8/11/2022 at 11:40 AM, Geoffggi said:

    there is a good chance that the Biden administration will not approve F-35 sales to Thailand due to the Thai military’s close ties to its Chinese counterpart.

    Actually the reverse is true. The Biden Administration will likely approved it because it its close ties to its Chinese benefactor. 


    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    A lot of U.S. expats here end up losing their U.S. state driver's license cards as the years go by, especially if they don't travel back to the U.S. very often.  And I don't think the U.S. domestic airlines are going to accept a Thai DL instead.

    I don't know if they did.  All I can say is that I have a US Passport card. To date, the only thing I have found that it is acceptable for is to fly domestically in the USA.  Hardly what I think is a worthwhile reason to have one. 


  6. 6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    As others have noted above, if you end up losing a passport ID card, there's no great grief associated with that. But if you end up losing an original passport book, there's a TON of grief associated with that

    So let me understand a rationale to have it is that it is not very significant if you lose it.  

    I have found you can use it as ID to board a plane and that is about it.  That is not true if it is an international flight.  Given that a drivers license or state issued ID does the same thing, I am at a loss to determine of what real use the passport ID other than it weighs down my wallet to carry it but empties my wallet of $65 USD. 


  7. I wonder about this as well.  I was told that in order to transfer a car book that the owner of the car had to by physically present.  Now if the parties were married a different story since the surviving spouse would inherit the car.  But it would seem that two people not married would have difficulty in establishing that the surviving one had a right to owneship of he car and I was told a will in Thailand means nothing as it relates to tranferring a car book. 


  8. On 5/22/2021 at 9:26 PM, DrJack54 said:

    I'm not American. Have had passport card explained before but don't recall it's purpose. Is it useful? Vaguely recall that things changed with it's usefulness.

    Can you clarify.

    Yes if you are applying for the book and card the card reduces the number of dollars in your wallet by $35.  If you apply for just the card it reduces your wallet by $65  Other than the dollar reduction the card is of no use.  I have one. 


  9. 19 hours ago, plus7 said:

    Maybe you can leave the car uncovered and ask you friend to turn it on periodically with aircon to dry air? Once I left it under the cover and salon was full of fungi.....

    The trouble is that the birds seem to relish roosting on the car when it is not covered.  The car cover is dry, we don't put it on the car if the cover or car has water on it.  It just seems to thin from the enviornment. 



  10. I purchased a car cover from Toyota for my Corolla Cross.  It is the typical silver fabric but of better quality than the cheap 200 - 500 baht models.  I paid 2,200 baht for it.  The vehicle is parked under a roof in a parking area adjacent to the home.  It is now 10 months old and started to shred.  It is as if the sun has thinned the material but as said it is out of the sun. 

    I am wondering if anyone knows of a top quality car cover that lasts and where to go to purchase one. 


  11. On 8/7/2022 at 5:16 PM, kokesaat said:

    My guess:  you had the max insurance discount on an older car.  You bought a new car, probably got first year free through the dealer.  When that year is up, you pay......based on a new car, not your older car.

    Happened to me several years ago.


    I bought a new car, opted to go direct for my insurance rather than through the dealer.  The dealer gave me a 20,000 baht discount not to take the insurance.   

  12. 11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    You are remarkably diligent in ignoring the core of my posts.  TRUMP WAS NOT LEGALLY PROHIBITED FROM TWEETING TO HIS SUPPORTERS.


    No you are ignoring the core of the issue.  The fact that Trump did not Tweet is not against the law.  

    You are presupposing that somehow a Tweet would have stopped the protestors which is pure specualtion on your part.  

    Trump could have gone on National TV also.  He also could have machined gunned the protestors.  He did neither.  You charge someone for something they do.  

    He did not actively foster the protestors.  And this whole notion of being under attack.  This was not Seattle or Minneapolis with weapons drawn, and buildings on fire.  This entire "protest" and I qualify it as a protest lasted all of 6 hours.  


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  13. 1 minute ago, heybruce said:

    No, if Trump had sent out a timely tweet telling his supporters to leave the Capitol it would not have been used as an excuse to hold hearings.  If it were, the tweet itself could have been used to discredit the hearings.  Too bad Trump never sent out such a tweet.

    No and he didn't build a wall, dig a moat, put on a tv commercial or hold a parade. He did not put machine guns on the capital building. 

    People are held for what they do, not for what they "could" have done.  And where the H is your guarantee that if he had done as you said, that the protestors would have suddenly gone home.  A presumption of something that is pure conjecture. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. I was kind of shocked.  I bought a new car last year and placed insurance through Roojai.  This year I got a notice of renewal and of course same coverage though the car is now 1 year old and worth less.  My "discount" for good driving went up to 40% since I have never had a claim.  Last year it was only 30%.  Despite that my premium jumped 15%  Are others seeing the same thing? 

  15. Just now, heybruce said:

    Allow me to help your focus a little--the title of this topic is:

    Yes he did nothing ( So What) Was a formal insurection declared.  If not, HE WAS LEGALLY PROHIBITED FROM AUTHORIZING TROOPS. 

    My posts are right on topic.  He offered troops previously for cival disturances and the Democrat Mayors and Governors rejected it.  

    Tell me how is Trump suppose to know this time they 'WANTED" help when his previous offers to provide it, they did not want it. 

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  16. 34 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    And what would have happened if the National Guard would have sided with the protestors ?

    You are correct.  However the point still is that this was a "civil unrest" not any different than those that happened in Minneapolis, Seattle and a host of other cities.  Mayor Bowser a Democrat has 3,500 armed policeman 'TRAINED" to deal with law enforcement.  She chose not to dispatch them and somehow escapes criticism.  

    The National Guard is a part time military force. Trained in certain weapons but not in law enforcement.  One way or another in order for Trump to "legally" call for federal troops against civilians was for the action to be deemed an insurrection.  Who would delcare it to be an insurrection, and how long after that would it take to have the national guard personnel mobilized.  The entire protest was over in 6 hours.

    Having a thousand people, enter the capital building is hardly an insurrection.  It is a civil "unrest"  Now if I was CNN and this was a protest following the George Floyd incident, I would term them "completely peaceful protests" 

    • Sad 1
  17. On 7/1/2022 at 2:22 PM, Jumbo1968 said:

    68000 baht at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, they suggested claiming on my Health Insurance but as it’s a pres existing condition they would not pay for it

    39,000 at Jomtien Hospital Pattaya by the same surgeons on staff at Bangkok Hospital. 

  18. On 8/5/2022 at 3:07 AM, heybruce said:

    Trump broke his oath of office.  He is unfit for any public office.  Trump is no patriot, and neither are those who support and defend him.

    Yep the "left" now judge someone guilty of crime for "something they did not do"  

    Lets add to the list. 

    Trump did not put up a billboard telling protestors not to attack the capital - guilty.

    Trump did not have a motorcade dragging, do not protest signs - guilty

    Trump did not put up a wall around the capital building to prevent protestors from entering - guilty

    Trump did not dig a moat around the capital building to bar entry to protestors. - guilty

    Oh and it has also been reported that one of the staffers "unamed" of course said they personally saw Trump tear out the  Do Not Remove label from one of the Whitehouse matttresses. 

    The entire event lasted 6 hours and he is lambasted.  The Washington Police are there to quell civil disturbances and are domiciled in Washington DC.  

    The National Guard is a group of part time group not housed on some military base in Washington DC.  Even assuming Trump called them out the minute the disturbance started by the time they were contacted and assembled the 6 hour "INSURRECTION" would have been over.  

    • Sad 2
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  19. On 8/4/2022 at 8:57 PM, Lucky Bones said:

    Yep. Take out all the BS.

    I did not do an extensive search of agents but one agent quoted me 3,500 baht.  Now this is a extension from a 2 year to a 5 year.  I do all the chasing for the certificate of residence, and health certificate.  The only thing saved is driving to the license bureau and I am not totally sure of that since they would need my picture to put on the license. 

  20. 1 hour ago, PJ71 said:

    Cert of Res, health test a complete joke.

    The certificate of residence is like the 90 day report.  Really nothing but "make work"  keeps the people at the immigration office having something to do to justify their jobs.  Now for the health check, I do think it is important to verify that the driver of a car is healthy enough to pass the mirror test.  That is they put a mirror in front of your mouth and you blow on it.  If it fogs you are healthy enough in Thailand to drive. 


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  21. When I went for my initial 2 year license I was put on a waiting list that due to covid was more than 2 months out.  Can you book a time online to go from a 2 year to 5 year license or do you just show up.  I know I need a residence certificate, copies of my passport and visa and copies of my expiring license.  Do I also need a new "health certificate" Some say yes others no.  

    Is there anything else, I would need? 

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