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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Is your interpretation of "the right to resist their oppressors" include raping innocent women, setting fires to houses with whole families in them and taking innocent hostages and sexually abusing them then finally killing them! You sure have a lob sided view of this war that the terrorists started! Resisting does not include rape nor all the other barbaric evil deeds committed on 7/10!
  2. "Israel will be history" sounds very anti-Semitic, do you have a problem with Israel securing the safety of their citizens and do you agree that Israel has a right to defend itself.
  3. The UN terrorist sympathisers hold a minutes silence for the Butcher of Tehran. 🥴
  4. Frank I'm sure help is available for you, please don't give up all hope!
  5. Just wait until Al Jazeera gets its hands on the story the helicopter will have been carrying 100 passengers of which 95 were woman and children.
  6. And they say that sanctions don't work, they've hit the jackpot with this one if true.
  7. You saying that the Israeli tactics has failed is simply not true, they would have failed the hostages by not trying to save them and by not going into Gaza would have left the door open for future hostage taking and massacres. Now that's what I call a fact!
  8. And only pro terrorists supporters ignore the captive hostages (dead or alive) and the gruesome event on Oct 7th, oh I know some posters don't like being reminded about that, but fear not we won't let you ever forget!
  9. Don't risk it....stop eating durian. 🍻🍺
  10. You are either with the Israelis or with the terrorists, no ifs or buts!
  11. I have already agreed with you that the Tories are dire, I am saying that Labour would be catastrophic for a credible government, only a Marxist might disagree with that. When it comes to intellectual intelligence Labour are hardly the sharpest tool in the box.🥴
  12. I agree with you that this is a "failing Tory Government" however they are still better than what Labour has to offer. The UK has no credible government in waiting and all the UK is left with is Hobsons Choice. Angela Raynor as deputy leader......what can possibly go wrong. 🥴
  13. Zelensky wants peace, he did not ask the Russians to invade his country and kill, rape and torture his citizens!
  14. Hamas slaughtered innocent men, women and children, Israel is ensuring it never happens again to their citizens!
  15. Your posts are totally without foundation, when shown this topic title you can't resist spitting the dummy out and bleating childish hyperbole.
  16. The Troubling Trend: Is Islamist Terrorism Gaining Ground?
  17. Well I've certainly got you down as one, only your opinion matters. Americans fighting against Franco.....have you stumbled into the wrong thread. 😂😂😂
  18. Thanks for proving my point, only the lefts opinion counts, the mob can hardly be called tolerant now can they.
  19. Certainly by the liberal lefties that has swallowed the terrorist propaganda hook, line and sinker. 🥴
  20. When the mob are chanting "we are Hamas" and "intafada" there is no doubt in most peoples minds that the antisemitics are indeed pro Hamas.
  21. It still does apply, it is you that does not understand its meaning!
  22. He is not labelling genocide protesters as pro-Hamas, maybe he is labelling antisemites as pro Hamas. Cap fit?
  23. Some would be wrong, some are clueless, some people wouldn't start a war and some are surprised when Israel fights back.
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