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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Peaceful protests, stop trolling, these hate marches have been going on now for 6 months, time for Rowley and Khan to be booted out, but the country is totally rudderless at the moment thanks to ineffective governments and are too scared to govern. But keep em a coming Mr Laew, nice to have a chortle in the morning
  2. No not at all, but without action now from Israel there will be many more attrocities committed by these Palestian terrorists, so it's best called a means to an end!
  3. Slovakia has passed a law banning Islam now as a religeon, this religeon is archaic and oppressive and needs banning!
  4. Oh look the inflammatory not so fake anti-Semitic poster has returned! Didn't take long for you to spread your hatred!
  5. You really haven't got a clue, all you do is parrot Russian propaganda. The war started in 2014 was again led by Russian antagonists. Lets simplify things for you, before Russia illegally invaded Ukraine there were less members of NATO and now NATO has increased its membership, do you think they joined to attack Russia or is it because they feel safer joining an organisation mandated to uphold peace. You are totally by a country mile deluded!
  6. Are you serious, Russia invaded Ukraine, Zelensky had nothing to negotiate about. Russia should leave Ukraine and peace will be restored. Does nothing compute in your Putin aligned head. Stop trying to blame Ukraine for a war Russia started.
  7. Gibberish hyperbolic nonsense, yes WW3 and remind us all who started it, I will give you a choice of 2 to choose from, either Russia or Putin.
  8. Maybe your side might give a thought to the 5.5m killed in Congo, 500k killed in Syria, 500k killed in Sudan, 400k killed in Yemen, 300k killed in Iraq, 250k killed in Afghanistan, but 20k killed in Gaza = genocide, nobody marching for them, No Jews, no news! You have swallowed the terrorist propaganda hook line and sinker.
  9. Shudda gone to Specsavers, your hero Putin started this war, your hatred for the US is preventing you from talking sense.
  10. If we were getting a fair deal from the government I feel there would be less to complain about, we are not getting a fair deal and if it was upgraded it would still remain the lowest in Europe, do you think that the government is lying to you?
  11. Stop making things up again, there wasn't a war on 6/10.
  12. Students shouting for an intifada and tey are so dumb they don't even knows what it means.....god help us all.🥴
  13. I did my 90 day report on the 10th of this month, worked just fine then.👍
  14. Oh Hummin get the boot in early, you haven't a clue what I have experienced in my life and I would be obliged if you didn't jump to conclusions because you have no idea! If you can't post without discord it might be better you don't post at all.
  15. A pensioner now aged 90 would be on £64.70 per week, utterly disgusting.
  16. When you posted that statement I trusted you had a valid reason for it to be accurate, but never mind that piece of the jigsaw shall have to remain missing for the time being.
  17. I did watch it and every operative he spoke to gave him a different answer, nobody knows for sure it would appear. I have searched the internet to find an answer to your post that you cannot find a link to and all to no avail. But as soon as these British pension threads arise it ends in a bickerfest and all we end with is no useful links but a lot of he said she said and misinformation being banded about like confetti at a Royal wedding.
  18. Look Stanton I know you mean well and are trying to help but what your friends tell you is not classed as factual evidence, it is classed as hearsay.
  19. Despite Ritter being a convicted sex offender, exposing himself to minors on line and because he echoes your sentiments you find that attractive do you. Clueless. While the concept of Western intellectuals kowtowing to Soviet leadership – and downplaying their crimes – was relatively common during the Cold War, it has gained new momentum since Russian President Vladimir Putin made clear his plans to either break up or occupy the entirety of Ukraine. Scott Ritter, a former UN weapons inspector in the 1990s, and a Marine Corps analyst during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan a decade prior, is among the cohort of Americans courted by Russian propaganda sources. You're welcome! https://uk.news.yahoo.com/why-disgraced-americans-scott-ritter-050056973.html
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