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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Yourself included? Scott Ritter has been many things, all mostly bad, but he his best known for his Russian propaganda.
  2. Again baseless accusations, I am only asking for a link to read and not what your mate Sid told you down your local bar!
  3. Do you have a link to that cropped piece of paper, what is it?
  4. I must admit for various reasons I don't follow TASS. "I've done research" you mean you follow Scott Ritter on YouTube, give us a break.😂😂😂
  5. I have asked for a link and not sarcasm, if that's all you've got why bother. These threads are fine but ultimately they always end up with misinformation being banded about and it's not helpful.
  6. You haven't a clue, Russia's intention was to go to Kyiv and install their own puppet government but Ukraines self determination pushed the illegal invaders back. Sorry your 3 day Special Military Operation didn't go as you might have wished for!
  7. Yet some people appear to navigate around this issue whilst others don't appear to want to help themselves. 🥴
  8. Sorry Joe, but that is hearsay, a link to a credible source is what's needed.
  9. Nukes and nobody wins. But your opinion at best is laughable.
  10. Again can you verify that statement as I don't believe it, thanks. 😕
  11. Thanks for all those links OG but they still fail to address the post I asked for verification for. I am not trying to catch anyone out but trying to piece the jigsaw together.
  12. No disrespect Alex but I am trying to find out a way to receive a pension that I have worked for all my life, not to be fobbed off by a government that doesn't give a rats tail about us.
  13. I was asking you for a link to your post. Stop avading my request, you either have one or not!
  14. Not at all, I am trying to research this injustice and reading 'he said she said' doesn't help in anyway, it would be nice to get hard facts instead of the usual negativity. I am not prepared to lie down without at first trying to find a solution to this and doing as much I can to resolve this ridiculous situation for myself at least, if other people wish to walk down the corridors of "we're all doomed" that is entirely up to them!
  15. A link was all I asked for, I wasn't looking for a sermon. 😀
  16. Possibly, the DWP don't come across as the sharpest tool in the box, however I asked you for a link and can we assume you don't have one.
  17. I think that is a possible answer to those willing to think outside the box. I did an internet search and it's possible to open a Philippine bank account on line without even going to the Philippines. Surely finding a Philippine address can't be that difficult.
  18. This is the mentality of deranged university students that have been totally brainwashed by their tutors. This is the leader of Columbia uni anti Israel encampment Communists saying that Zionists don't deserve to live.
  19. Stop playing whataboutery, this topic is about another Islamic extremist that enjoys killing in the name of his Islamic God!
  20. Sorry but I don't have a database of your preferences on US Presidents so can only go on what you write, try not to get too triggered you might end up with a thrombosis. 😂😂😂
  21. You were the one singing his praises and due to contrary belief Trump cannot do wonders and pass cucumbers, he lies Hummin, he lies!
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