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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 15 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    NATO surrounding Russian borders started this whole thing.

    NATO is not a country, nations joined NATO to stop Russia invading them and who can blame them after what we have seen in Ukraine. The Russian mentality is we can take what we like and nobody can stop us, they are in for a rude awakening for sure.

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  2. 25 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    In 2014 the europhile credentials of the SNP were clear - an independent Scotland would seek admission to the EU subject to a referendum. It was Better Together that stated that the only way to remain in the EU was to remain in the UK.


    I think you are misreading my posts. What I am saying is not that Westminster is responsible for SNP failures (although Westminster does set funding) but the argument that the SNP is a failure only works in context - and that context is Westminster, which has presided over a massive decline in living standards in England. The SNP may be bad - but the alternative, which repeated posters try to portray as being superior, is demonstrably worse.

    But what you keep on avoiding is that most Scots want to remain within our Union (for the third time incidentally), so as much as you may want independence your fellow countrymen do not. You do not have an argument and on that note until this thread gets back on topic I will excuse myself. 


  3. 21 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    Brexit - a never ending tragedy that will blight your country and mine for decades



    You had no problem having a vote for independence in 2014 which meant you would have to leave the EU, don't you think that is hypocritical, or is that different. 

    Your whole argument is based on blaming someone else for the SNPs mistakes, but this is about alleged missing monies for which Peter Murrell was responsible, don't you think that SNP members have a right to be peeved when the money they donated in good faith wasn't or appears hasn't been used for the purpose it was intended for. It is no wonder that the party is hemorrhaging its members in vast numbers. 


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  4. 6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    Given the disasters of brexit, Johnson, Kwarteng and now Sunak, I don't really see fiscal competence or integrity in our neighbours either. 


    This is not about your neighbours, this is about monies going missing, oh yes it is all too easy when backed into a corner and start shouting "English" and "Westminster", this is about the currupt SNP, not only are they corrupt they are incaple of running Scotland, Holyrood is a failed experiment and powers need transferring back to Westminster before they damage the country anymore. And most Scots agree with this, 39% say yes to independence and a staggering 47% who wish to remain within the Union. 


    But fear yea not Humza will sort all this out, but I'm surprised he failed to mention the Murrells white garage door, white front door and white upvc double glazing, their house is not diverse enough for me. 



  5. A better investment would be a stand mixer with a paddle, bread machines might give you an ok loaf, but with a stand mixer you can make as many loaves as you wish and then freeze them for later use. Failing that mix the dough by hand. Happy baking. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    To be honest mate can't remember. I did try lots of combinations a few years ago. I remember I did find it was much better grinding my own loin pork (very lean) and adding my own fat to be consistent. Just buying pork mince at Makro etc either way too fatty or way too lean. I might give it a try. I am after a nice firm but moist consistency. Many of the "best sausages you have ever tried here" usually mushy inside and if you cook them for a long time they get dry. I figured the rusk might give me the consistency I want

    I have tried making sausage with loin and fat but it is still too dry for me, so now I buy pork shoulder and use the 20% fat and they are so succulent, also make great burgers.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    We know.  But it's not illegal here.

    That is a moot point, might be like most things in Thailand the laws just never get enforced. Take this as you will.


    Dual pricing started in the 60s when many high-end items were priced higher for foreign tourists.

    This was mainly due to the so-called “thirsty foreigner” phenomenon where a certain number of tourists would spend more money on goods and services than the locals, who were not obligated to pay such high prices.

    This practice was banned in the 70s and has been illegal ever since.


    https://ideapod.com/what-is-dual-pricing-in-thailand/#:~:text=In Thailand%2C many products have,if you are not careful.

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