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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 15 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Putin has now reportedly said he is open to talks on Ukraine. Zelensyyt's latest nightly report threatens The war has moved to the streets of Moscow and states openly its only fair afterwhat Russia has been doing to his Country. The Counter offensive might be slow but its going forward not backwards and once the Cluster munitions start raining down on Russian forces and Armour it will advance quickly and now Moscow itself is being targeted from within Moscow.

    Peace talks are a non starter at this stage, Putin wants to keep all the territories he has stolen, Ukraine will never agree to that.

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  2. 1 minute ago, billd766 said:

    Some of the bits are interesting and useful but you NEED to be in a country with a reciprocal agreement.


    Thailand is NOT one of those countries.


    I think he is talking about a single person with no family attachments anywhere. For a family I think it may cost more in the long term than the gain you will get.


    I have no idea of the cost of flights or accommodation but I think that if I could do that I would not make any extra money out of it.


    A couple of things he did not mention were what happens to your family while you are away as they will also need money to live on. Also if you have more than one pension you will be paying extra tax at the basic rate of 20% on your extra income.


    This is only my thoughts and opinion.


    For some people it may work but again, IMHO for a lot of us it won't be worth it.


    If it was that simple and that easy many people would already be doing it.

    I need to study it in greater detail as I watched it a while ago and came away without a informed opinion one way or the other, it was just pie in the sky but I put it out there to see what other members thought of his ideas and to whether there was any merit in trying it out.

    But thanks for your thoughts and feedback, appreciated. ????

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Sugar is not required, flour has its own sugar in it. Tried bread machines, kneading by hand and a stand mixer, the stand mixer wins every time. Don't over yeast the bread as you will taste the yeast when baked. 


    Forgot to add always weigh the ingredients and you will get the same results every time.




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  4. 20 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

    They look great. Share your recipe? What flour do you use?

    I use the White Swan flour, cheap as chips, about 34baht a kilo. 

    1 kilo flour. 640 ml water. 28 grams yeast. 16 grams salt and 30 grams of sunflower oil. 

    What I do religeously though is to weigh the ingrediants on a scale as I've found using cups to measure is not very accurate. 

    Mix/knead the dough by hand for 8 minutes but better still use an upright mixer if you have one for 3 minutes. 

    Proper burger buns should weigh 80 grams but I make mine 100 grams. ????

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    The "new" thing is elastic power bands. Great homegym for most, and if I found these before I built my complete homegym, I could got away with much less equipment, but as old fashioned man, I love to move some weights.

    Just using your body, lifting some weights creates endorphins. Not only important to  people who suffer from mood changes, but great for a longer happy life.


    When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.



    Yes the bands are great, they can help in assisting in many exercises like pull ups and ab wheels until you get strong enough to do the exercise unaided.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Brick Top said:



    Can I just say I have spent 25 years as a HGV mechanic, have City and Guilds and went on to own a fleet of trucks with my own operators licence and CPC. I have fit more brake chambers than I care to remember. 

    Each wheel station has a brake chamber fitted and incorporated into the chamber is a massive spring that keeps the shoes pressing on the drum and only air can release the shoes. So should you lose air when travelling the brakes will engage the vehicle, but where the system fails to operate as it should is when the brakes are not adjusted when they should be ie, operator neglect. In normal conditions the cam that the shoes are located on has reached its very maximum and when using the vehicle on hills etc the brake drums expand through friction and the shoes will lose contact with the drum and cause the vehicle to run out of control. 

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Brick Top said:

    Considering I had a fleet of of 5 lorries back in the UK and have had a HGV license since 1979 I  absolutely know what I am talking about.

    It is yourself who has just shown your compleate ignorance of how air assisted brakes operate.

    Have you ever even driven a heavy goods vehicle ? , I use to drive from Porstmouth in the UK across by ferry into Le Harve in France then through to Bordeaux , into Spain and was often away 3 weeks at time driving through continental Europe.

    So I feel highly insulted by your comment.

    If you had ever even driven even a small 7.5 ton lorry you would realise if that if you keep depressing the braks an alarm will sound warning you that your air is running low for the air assisted brakes.

    There is also an air gauge showing your air pressure , if you keep continuing depressing the brakes while descending a hill the air pressure wont have enough time to repressurise by the compressor.

    This is one of the first things we are taught when taking our 3 week HGV course .

    If I were you I would delete your comment as your embarrassing yourself with your complete lack of knowledge either that or your one of these trolls who get off on trying to wind people up behind a keyboard.

    Driving a vehicle obviously hasn't given you the knowledge of how air brakes work, you lose your air and the brakes will apply automatically, thus @Artisi is 100% correct.

  8. 1 hour ago, Goat said:

    Well I see someone has complained.


    I drink two little cans of chang per hour from 3 pm beer oclock to dinner at 8pm. Dont even feel it, i just like the refreshing taste. If i did drink all ten in an hour i would feel it.


    Then a bottle of wine duing a large meal. over one and a half hours. Feeling talkative but not drunk. If I skolled a bottle of wine I would be drunk.


    Then start on the Chivas after dinner, and drink doubles for the taste. Once again, not overly fast. Maybe 2-3 per hour. Getting drunk but if only drink half a bottle, only medium drunk.


    There are many people I know who can outdrink me, because of the speed in which they down the drinks. I also get hangovers if drinking quickly.


    Maybe a teetotaller or light or occassional drinker would not realise or forgets speed is more important than quantity when it comes to drunkeness.


    I am not an alcoholic. Because I can stop whenever i WANT to.


    Sorry I offended whoever.




    Nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, your liver will thank you later.????????????????????

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  9. 22 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Obviously you don’t understand the basic principle that a law cannot be broken if the law isn’t in place at the time.


    The lockdown rules were changed more than once, thee rules in place at the time of Johnson’s partying were not the same as those at the time of Starmer’s work related event.



    And "you don't understand" that the country was in stage 2 of covid rules, which meant that people couldn't socialise outside their households.

    Starmer is a liar, he said he that he couldn't remember A Raynor being there, surely someone with a mouth as big as Raynors he definitely would have heard her.

    I won't wait for your patronising excuses, I'm done with you. Have a nice day.




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