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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 9 minutes ago, Goat said:

    Well no. Because that just encourages the negativity.

    We need a xmas party so we can all meet each other and get drunk together.

    Married blokes can bring their wives along.


    I would love to come but that's the day I defrost my microwave, sounds so much fun.????

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

    Am alternative would be to put asylum seekers into prison. This might be a deterrent. 

    Last time I stayed in Whitechapel Ibis hotel, I thought I was in Bangladesh, which is a horrible place. 

    The most obvious answer is to stop all the freebies. We are the only country that pays illegals to enter our country. Real refugees would be only too happy to be housed on the barge.

  3. On 8/8/2023 at 8:57 AM, bob smith said:

    mrs. smiths body aint what it used to be, putting it mildly.

    I am already visiting girls on the side regularly but I do kinda feel bad about it.

    It's not her fault after all. well it kind of is actually, she eats like a pig and ive told her that but every time i mention she just keeps on eating, almost in spite...

    She is also very moody these days. Snaps at the smallest thing.

    she says she still loves me though and could never leave me.


    what should I do?

    I still like her personality a bit but i dont find her sexually attractive anymore.

    We sleep in seperate bedrooms and thats the way i want it.


    Should I continue getting my kicks on the side, possibly think about trading her in for a younger model, or should I just accept my lot in life and try to make my woman happy?

    I have checked with your wife and she said the feeling is mutual.

    • Haha 2
  4. Quite a few gyms around Pattaya start up and a few years later close down, due to lack of support I suppose, bit worrying if you plan on a 1 year membership and it closes after 6 months whatever.

    Decided to get some gym equipment at home, all under cover outside, then I can come and go when I please.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, steven100 said:

     I hope Ukraine bombs the sh_t out of Moscow .......   destroy them ...

    Highly unlikely with the drones the Ukrainians are using but it is better than nothing, compared with the devastation the Russians have inflicted on Ukraine it can only be described as a scratch, purely symbolic, but it will do more to damage Putins reputation than any damage to their buildings could ever do. Maybe the West should give the Ukrainians the missiles that would make a difference, I just can't help thinking that the Ukrainians are fighting the Russians with one arm tied around their backs.

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