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Posts posted by LarrySR

  1. Just now, rudi49jr said:

    First of all, the topic here is gun control, not abortion, so please cool your jets and stay on topic.


    And contrary to what almost all Republican law makers would have you believe, Democrats are not out to take everyone's guns away. Just a few very sensible gun control rules would already go a very long way, like background checks, and raising the age from 18 to 21 for people who want to buy a gun. People can't have a beer in many states until they're 21, but they can buy an AR-15 when they're 18. Doesn't that sound just a little ridiculous to you?

    Republicans have zero chance of getting elected if they don't get financial support from the gun lobby.


    For the same reason, every Republican candidate denies man made climate change, they can't win election without financial support from the pollutters.


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  2. 6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Clearly he has some super spidey senses that enable him to see things no one else can- apart from just about every financial commentator world wide that is. 

    SP500 briefly entered bear market territory -20% but has had an astonishing recovery, currently sitting at -14%.


    Bull market begins as soon as the Putin wars ends, oil prices drop, inflation worries subside when the world wide supply chain (that was shuttered during the pandemic) catches up with demand. 


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