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Posts posted by LarrySR

  1. Studies show that the Fox “News” audience are consistently the most ill informed viewers of all major media, dwelling in an alternate reality of fake news and conspiracy. 

    The gaslighting has weaponized ignorance & convinced viewers that fake news is real and real news is fake. 

    They are very effective at what they do.
    I have long suspected they are broadcasting subliminal messaging.  “Subliminal messages are visual or auditory stimuli that the conscious mind cannot perceive, often inserted into other media such as TV commercials or songs.”


    All one really needs to do is listen in on a conversation of Fox viewers or read their comments on social media to determine SOMETHINGS WRONG. 

    After the civil war, historians will trace the seeds of the discontent to the day Fox News was launched. 


  2. 2 hours ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

    Yes, they did. And unless there is a plea agreement that eliminates the need for a trial, the government is going to lose these cases. 


    I believe the most likely reason these charges have been brought............. is because of all the grief they've been getting because there HAVEN'T BEEN any "serious" charges-----charges concerning insurrections and coups! 


    So they came up with this really serious sounding, bogus charge! 


    "No, no, no! It's not just Conspiracy............ it's Seditious Conspiracy! (This essentially means they TALKED ABOUT the  principles and rights described in the Declaration of Independence!) 


    If I were their attorney, how would I approach it? 


    Well, sometimes, religions gets put on trial by the government. When that happens, one of the most effective tactics is to put the judge in a position where if he wants to rule in favor of the government........ he effectively has to declare that there is no God! 


    Since judges won't do this, the religion almost always wins! 


    Were I the Proud Boys attorney, I'd be trying to do essentially the same thing.


    I'd try to put the judge in a position where he has to declare the principles and rights described in the Declaration of Independence........... are invalid! 


    And if the judge didn't want to do that and instead attempted to assert the principles and rights still apply, but don't apply to THIS CASE............. he effectively has to say, "As part of 'the governed,' you have these rights. You're just not allowed to talk to each other about them!" And no judge is going to do that! 


    The DOJ needs to look like they're doing something......... so they're doing this. But this approach is a loser from the git-go! 


    They are undoubtedly hoping, hoping, hoping-beyond-hope they can finagle a plea deal out of them! 



    Mitch McConnell called January 6 "a failed insurrection." 


    You should get a job teaching constitutional law somewhere. All these lawmakers, prosecutors and FBI agents could sign up for your class. 

    • Haha 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

    Defending democracy depends on ACCURATELY assessing the facts and actions, and ACCURATELY charging and punishing those involved, according to those facts. 


    Overstating the facts for feel-good rah-rah reasons............ is NOT how one defends democracy!


    "Seditious Conspiracy" only means a group of people TALKED ABOUT IT. It is a bogus charge.


    The bogus nature of the charge of "sedition" is why Congress repealed one law, and why the Supreme Court threw out another. There is very little room for a valid charge of "sedition" ........ in a country that has a First Amendment!


    And there's virtually no justification for a charge of "Seditious Conspiracy".............. in a country whose very existence effectively began with the Declaration of Independence! 


    Either the Declaration of Independence proves that a charge of "Seditious Conspiracy" is blatantly hypocritical............... or............ the charge of "Seditious Conspiracy" proves that what's declared in the Declaration of Independence........... is pure bull-poop! 


    It can't be both! 



    Quick! Call the FBI and Attorney General and explain things and tell them they are doing it all wrong…..because they indicted the Proud Boys for seditious conspiracy.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Absolutely not.  When Trump first became POTUS, he at least "tried" to govern.  He put competent people in key positions.  But most of them wouldn't do what he wanted because his orders were either illegal or against the national interest.  Trump won't make that mistake again.  He won't care if they're competent or qualified, only that they will follow orders.  Sort of like what a dictator would do.  Just look at Putin.  We see Russia through the illegal war in Ukraine.  But the corruption there has permeated through that entire society.  That's what I worry about for the USA.  It's not just a dem/rep thing.  When there's corruption at the top, they'll be corruption all the way down the chain-of-command.

    The people with integrity fled the scene pretty quickly. 
    One of the early ones to go was Rex Tillerson who called Trump <deleted> Moron.
    And he was right. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    There are times I wish Trump was still on Twitter.  If he was, knowing how impulsive he is, he'd probably attack his own daughter.  But after these hearings, Trump will have a long list of new enemies....all people inside his own administration.

    If Trump does get back into office, he will stack his cabinet, FBI, CIA, with Q Anon, MAGA  whack jobs,  crackpot lawyers and he will go berserk with revenge. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    No question at all.  If there were evidence of an unfair election, Trump and his army of lawyers would be going nuts with it.


    What evidence of an unfair election is there?

    The evidence? 
    He’s referring to a list of bogus election frauds drafted by Rudy Giuliani after Trump lost. 
    Rudy concocted a bizarre list of fraud…. 10,000 people here voted twice, machine switched the votes there, underage voters, illegal aliens voted, suitcase stuffed with ballots, thousands of dead people voted for Biden…boatload of fake ballots from China were counted. 
    Then Rudy distributed the bogus list to the usual suspects in the right wing echo chamber, Fox, Hannity, Tucker etc, Breitbart, OAN, NewsMax, Ben Shapiro, Candice Owens, etc. 

    Rudy’s law license was suspended for making demonstrably false and misleading statements to the courts and public at large. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Yes, but the question was about whether it was a fair election , not about who won or not

    You’re being silly. 
    Trump has severe mental problems and would not accept the fact he lost by 8 million votes. Even after the Justice Department, Homeland Security, Election Cyber Security, White House Lawyers, 60 lawsuits that were laughed out of court and the Secretary of State in all 50 States confirmed the results as legitimate. 
    YOU are confused because you believe Trump and right wing media.

    Many Republicans are going along with the big lie as an excuse to draft new voter suppression laws and stack State election offices with unethical immoral stooges willing to throw out the results in the next election. 

    • Like 2
  8. 12 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Please post a link to anyone who thinks biden has done well on the world stage. You won't do it because it's not possible. You'll only come across stories of his blunders.

    Can always spot the Fox viewer in the comments.

    America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden. 






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