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Posts posted by LarrySR

  1. 5 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

    You see that's where your brain washing took place. I wish Biden would have said this but as everybody know s he was at the bottom of his class under the floorboards. And he is controlled by losers. Trump will be back because America needs him, heck the hole world needs him and he stands for MAGA.


  2. When I was a kid, my friends and I would all go hunting with our dads for a deer or pheasant, target shooting with the buddies, attend game feasts after the hunting season. Guns were not much of a problem. The gun culture was positive, good wholesome fun for the most part.... until 2008 when a black man was elected president….. “A dangerous black man, born in Kenya, that is a secret Muslin terrorist sympathizer with a fake birth certificate,” according to Fox and white supremacist conspiracy nuts.


    Around that time, the Republicans and right wing media developed their “hate and fear” campaign strategy that weaponized the gullible racists, conspiracy nuts, religious homophobes, bigots, uneducated white trash. The gun industry/NRA saw an opportunity to manage, control & exploit the politics of the Republican Party.


    The previously positive gun culture was taken over by the haters as Republicans and their fake news empire convinced the base that, “Obama would take their guns.” “Obama is going to rewrite the constitution.” “Obama doesn’t want you to defend your home and family.” “Obama is going to outlaw hunting.” “Obama is going to lock up gun owners who don’t surrender the weapons in FEMA Camps.” (the seeds of the QAnon phenomena were planted)


    Guns sales skyrocketed during the Obama administration. More guns were sold between 2009-2016 than any time in USA history. Gun manufacturers worked around the clock and couldn’t begin to fill the incoming orders. The shelves at gun stores were sparse as the Republicans base loaded up on every gun and box of ammo they could find.


    Now you know why the entire roster of 50 Republican Senators vote down any laws to control gun sales. Not only their campaigns financed by NRA, scaring the base is a tried and true successful campaign strategy.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    For this reason I opted to put a good portion (but not all) of my savings into a lifetime annuity with a very reputable company (USAA).


    Not the highest yield approach, but safe, and guaranteed to last my lifetime however long that may be.

    Guaranteed annuities disburse about 4% a year and end up keeping the principle when you croak. 

    It's a real money maker. That's why they give aggressive (scumbag) annuity sellers huge commissions.

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