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Posts posted by LarrySR

  1. 49 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Rather funny it's only Fox News reporting on the border crisis, wonder why?? hmmmm

    15,000 illegals under a bridge is a conspiracy in your world. Stunning. 

    Every country has border "problems" but it suddenly becomes a "crisis" on Fox when a Democrat is in office,.... an invasion, caravans of diseased, murdering, drug dealing, rapists with a few muslim terrorists blending in.


    Fox is on a mission to trigger their viewers, with a daily dose of hate fear and manufactured outrage. 

    • Like 2
  2. Imagine if battery powered cars were the norm the last 100 years and someone now is trying to convince you to go internal combustion.


    Remove the battery and electric motor and just add a cast iron block with a crankshaft, pistons, valves, cams, oil pump, fuel injection, exhaust system, air filter, pollution control devices, radiator, thermostat, fan, water pump, $5,000 transmission that goes out at 150,000 miles, drive shaft, differential, ..and every couple hundred miles you have to go to a fuel station and pump 25 gallons of gasoline into a tank under your back seat!

    Not to mention the pollution from 100 million barrels of oil burned up every day.



    • Thanks 1
  3. 5 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    They could have done walk ins from the start for foreigners. No, let's have them register, send passport and visa info, jump through hoops. And all of a sudden it's just walk in and get a shot.



    3 weeks ago, I was in Central for my scheduled BPH Astra shot and there also was a huge queue of walk-ins that day. 

    Perhaps they unexpectly found themselves with some extra doses and are offering them up. Good.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Jenkins9039 said:

    If one falls, the land price has likely risen, so you can just collectively sell your plot, and buy somewhere else (further out from the city), chances are the appreciation offsets any actual loss...

    The co-owners need a 100% vote to abandon and demolish a condo or I suppose the building could be condemned by the BMA.

    Sale of the land plot then distributed to the co-owners.


    A few years ago, I recall hearing the prime land on Sukhumvit was around 450,000 per Sq Meter. 

    The owners in a building such as Lake Green Condo on Sukhumvit Soi 8 (guessing the land is 800 SqM) would then divide 360,000Bt million.

    If there are 100 units, that =3,600,000Bt. each. Currently listed on Hipflat for around 14,000,000Bt.


    Is there any doubt we will be seeing lots of this over the next 20 or 30 years?



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  5. The collapsed Florida condo, 12 stories, didn't look too bad to an untrained eye.

    However, after the city and a structural engineer evaluated the concrete spalling, the winning repair bid was $15 million USD.

    The 228 condo residences in the 12 story tower were facing a bill of $66,000 each to put the building back into a safe condition.


    The corrupt practices in the original construction along with the delay in the repairs ended sadly with 97 dead and a total loss of the structure.




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  6. On 7/27/2021 at 12:07 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    In the U.S., there have been nutjob groups of anti-vax medical workers, mainly in Republican/Trump states like Texas and Florida AFAICT, who have been refusing and fighting their employers efforts to require that they be vaccinated.


    Now today we have this:


    Doctors, nurses and medical groups call for mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for health workers


    The health and safety of the nation 'depends on it,’ says a statement signed by 57 groups.


    "Medical groups representing millions of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health workers on Monday called for mandatory vaccinations of all U.S. health personnel against the coronavirus, framing the move as a moral imperative as new infections mount sharply.


    “We call for all health care and long-term care employers to require their employees to be vaccinated against covid-19,” the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association and 55 other groups wrote in a joint statement shared with The Washington Post. “The health and safety of U.S. workers, families, communities, and the nation depends on it.”






    Yep, the anti science Covid nut job Republicans are "owning the libs' one funeral at a time. 

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  7. 9 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    If I had property for sale.....I wouldn't be looking for a farang that is wanting vendor terms.

    Generally means skint.

    A 20% down payment and some sweet interest on the balance for 10 years might sound good to some sellers.

    Of course hang onto the deed and be able to evict the buyer if they default would be in the terms, registered at the Land Office.

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