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Posts posted by LarrySR

  1. 1 hour ago, cmarshall said:

    So, Chanintr Work is a spacious, modern showroom.  They have all models and colors in the showroom, but not in stock.  The only color available for delivery  within five days is the Aeron Model B in graphite color, which looks like black to me.  The dark gray and light grey versions entail a two-month delay as does the headrest.  The light gray Aeron "B" is also THB 20,000 more expensive.  Model "A" looks child-sized.  


    No discount was available, but they had a promotion of a six month installment plan with zero interest.


    They also had some Eames chairs of which I have fond memories from my college library.  It was fun to sit in one again, but at $6000, not on the shopping list.

    Can find replica Eames chairs easily on the internet. 

  2. Harvard and MIT professors used artificial intelligence & analyzed millions of political articles and data points.

    They published the findings in a book, "Network Propaganda"- "Misinformation and how the beliefs spread,"

    available on Amazon and the usual places.



    Words of the authors, "the right-wing media ecosystem differs categorically from the rest of the media environment," and has been much more susceptible to "disinformation, lies and half-truths."

    Liberals want facts; conservatives want their biases reinforced.

    Liberals embrace journalism; conservatives believe propaganda.


    The book is not a work of media criticism but, rather, of data analysis--a study of millions of online stories, tweets, and Facebook-sharing data points.

    The authors' conclusion is that "something very different was happening in right-wing media than in centrist, center-left and left-wing media."  it was the feedback loop of right-wing quasi-journalism that had the most impact--and that hypothesis has profound implications not only for the study of the recent past but also for predictions about the not-so-distant future.


    A majority of conservatives are dwelling in an alternative reality of fake news and conspiracy theories.


    The book makes clear it has been the decades long growth of far right media in the form of Fox News which is the rampaging Gorilla destroying U.S. democracy.


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  3. 49 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    I thought it was capped at 300. 

    Bad form to have crowding like that.....

    Got me a sore arm 1st day after, and some confusion second with a Pfizer jab. 


    I didn't count but it sure looked like allot more.

    Perhaps they had 300 reservations on the books but there was a huge line of "walk-ins."

    Takes allot of organization to run show like that.

    Stand in line for the consent form, next line for registering on the database, next appointment booking with printout, line up temperature check, then the jab + 30 minutes observation with info on the Covid Passport APP.

    Was there around 4 hours.


    Overall, they did a good job of it. The only improvement I would recommend is some organizing of the line/social distancing and mask police for the bozos.



    • Like 1
  4. Got my first dose yesterday at Central Festival, Pattaya, 6th floor. 

    Well over 1,000 people crammed in there waiting in various lines. Of course there was no social distancing with punters breathing down my neck for 4 hours. Not everyone properly wearing their masks. 

    Probably the highest risk environment I've been exposed to since March 2020.

    How many infected people were mingling with the crowd I wonder?


    That said, feeling no side effects from the shot of AZ today.

  5. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

    The chart very clearly shows a continuation of a trend line of falling unemployment established under the Obama regime and continued into the Trump regime. The fact that there was absolutely no deviation of the trend line gradient shows that the continued reduction in unemployment was in no way due to Trump's policies. The first chart does show that the number of jobs created following the disastrous GFC crash, caused by Bush banking policies, rose sharply in the second year of Obama's administration and continued to rise generally but then declined under Trump's administration.


    To suggest that Trump was a better manager of the economy is a flat out lie and that point is adequately addressed by those two charts. To repeat, when a trend line gradient does not change after a change of administration, it has NOTHING to do with the policies of the new administration. Republicans love to point to lower unemployment under Trump but willfully neglect to admit that it was a product of the policies of an Obama administration and a healthy economy which was inherited by the Trump administration. The falling job creations under Trump tell the real story. Average job growth in the US is approx. 230,000 new jobs per month.


    The collapse in employment under Trump following covid was largely down to the mishandling of the pandemic by Trump as proven by the fact that the pandemic is still very bad but job growth has resumed under a democrat administration. Bottom line, Trump was a disaster for the economy and for the pandemic. The US notably had one of the worst outcomes in the world under Trump, a disgrace for what is probably the country most capable of handling a pandemic.


    Trump's abuse of Fauci and the head of the CDC demonstrates this point


    In a television interview Sunday, President Joe Biden’s new CDC director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, accused the Trump administration of silencing the agency as it looked to downplay the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic, echoing sentiments Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed last week. 



    I'm confused....Your information contradicts Trumps claim that he "brought jobs back" when in fact the charts show that job growth began to decline after he took office.  Unemployment only dropped a further 1.2% under Trump following Obamas 5.5%.

    (By the way, I noticed Biden unemployment already dropping 1.5%, beating Trump. You could say Joe is making America great again.)


    And Trumps claim he oversaw the "greatest economy in history" was actually a below average economy he goosed with zero interest rates & by running up the greatest deficits in history, before running the country into the ground with his incomprehensible handling of a pandemic, leaving office with the worst economic conditions since 1929.


    Are you saying Trump lied and Fox went along spreading bad information to their viewers?


    I'm beginning to think the only thing Trump was ever successful at was pretending to be successful on a fantasy television show. 


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  6. On 8/17/2021 at 4:18 PM, Jingthing said:

    No biggie but I got the May's  taco Tuesdays prices a little wrong.

    The prices are 59 for chicken or pork and 69 for fish or shrimp. 

    Tacos here won't remind you of Mexico or Texas but they are tasty. Very large for the price.

    Mostly salad with some chicken, pork of fish sprinkled on top.

    .....but the waitress was awesome! Found myself humming that old Linda Rondstat tune all the way home.."Its so easy to fall in love"

    • Like 1
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  7. 5 hours ago, nauseus said:


    -Trump entered office, unemployment at 4.7% then left office at 6.7%.     Loss -3.2% 

    it was at 3.5% before Covid

    -Obama entered office, unemployment at 10.2% and left office at 4.7%.   Gain +5.5%

    started in 2009 under effects of financial crisis


    -Trump stock market gained +64% half the duration (4 years) plus Fed rasied rates in 2017-2019

    -Obama stock market gained +235% 8 years plus Fed was at full-on QE and flat rates throughout


    -Trump debt, $8 trillion in 4 years. half of that was due to Covid in 2020. 

    -Obama debt, $6.8 trillion in 8 years. I see $8 trillion

    - Biden debt - proposes $6 trillion in 2022 alone (and get ready for the tax hikes!).


    So Biden will own the worst jobs & economic data since the depression. Inflation is already doubled and there will be the inveitable huge tax hikes on the way. Have a great term.


    Have you noticed? The Democrat pooper-scooper needs to be redesigned to suit self-use.




    You seem to be concerned about Joe Biden raising taxes. Please explain how his tax policy will personally effect you. How much more do you expect to be paying?


  8. In Pattaya, I used the Bangkok Bank on 2nd Rd across from Soi 6. Only need a passport.

    Very friendly in there. In fact, the housekeeper that was sweeping the floor slipped me her phone number, looking for a quikie. LOL

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 hours ago, nauseus said:




    How dies that fit with unemployment down from 4.7 to 3.5% under Trump until Covid?

    If you like Trumps economy then you must LOVE the Obama/Biden economy.


    -Trump entered office, unemployment at 4.7% then left office at 6.7%.     Loss -3.2% 

    -Obama entered office, unemployment at 10.2% and left office at 4.7%.   Gain +5.5% 


    -Trump stock market gained +64%

    -Obama stock market gained +235% 


    -Trump debt, $8 trillion in 4 years.

    -Obama debt, $6.8 trillion in 8 years.


    Donald Trump owns the worst jobs & economic data since the Great Depression. (Trump calls it the greatest economy in history. Allot of the low info fan boys posting here even believed him.)

    Well he did promise to do for the country, the same he did to his businesses. He inherited $200 million and went bankrupt after borrowing another $900 million.

    Promises kept!


    Have you noticed?.. The Democrats alway have to bring the pooper scooper to the White House.










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  10. 14 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    You seem to be trying to cause an argument with Trump supporters .

       Your man  Biden in now POTUS , why dont you want to talk about Biden ?

    Biden Administration. USA economy grew 6.4% in the first quarter and experienced the best stock market since JFK. A record 54 new S&P500 highs by September 1.

    Joe has been one of your best friends if you have a retirement account. Expats are experiencing a 10% raise with the dollar exchange rate. Nice!

    4,085,000 jobs in first 6 months.

    38% decline in black poverty.

    2.67 million vaccines daily.

    Daily Covid deaths dropped from 4,280 to 377. (mostly unvaccinated Republicans)

    The administration is shaping up to be one of the most successful in USA history. 

    • Haha 2
  11. A closer look at Trump supporters:

    An uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status. 

    The majority of the species are hideously repugnant, unintelligent, and in many cases they rode the short bus to school, yet they manage to breed in ever-increasing numbers and populate an area known as the south or suburbs. It is quite common to find five or six offspring in each family group, often with a different father for each new baby.

    The male of the species must be kept separate from the female offspring to prevent errant mating activity. 


    Their habitat consists of a weatherboard or brick-veneer dwelling with Fox on the TV and is characterized by an early-model Chevy or Ford in the driveway with a MAGA bumper sticker,  surrounded by a group of males drinking Mountain Dew, discussing why the carburetor is fuked and the results of last night's tractor pull or TV wrestling match.


    The female spouses of the males, often referred to as "my cousin" while smaller in stature, is far more loud and aggressive than the male. While the males tend to be very friendly and congregate with other males, the females spend most of their time in supermarkets and shopping malls, pushing a baby stroller while smoking a cigarette & using a shrill high-pitched call to discipline their children and contact other females. 


    Males and females rarely interact socially except during breeding season, which is otherwise known as Friday night. During this time, females are allowed to enter the male-dominated area known as "the bar" and display their impressive coloured plumage to a prospective mate. 

    Herein lies an intersting phenomenon. Males will often fight over a particularly attractive female and she will mate with only one male, while some less attractive females have been known to have several partners simultaneously.

    • Haha 1
  12. Indicted Trump associates:

    Paul Manaforte

    Rick Gates

    Steve Bannon (Pardoned after stealing $1 million in donations from Trump supporters LOL)

    Mike Flynn

    Michael Cohen

    Roger Stone

    George Papadopoulos

    Allen Weiselberg

    Trump Org

    Elliot Broidy

    George Nadar

    Tom Barrak


    Soon to be indicted:

    Trump Org Controller Jeff McConney & Mathew Calamari

    Louis DeJoy

    Don Jr



    Donald Trump


    Trump Foundation Civil Fraud: Donald Trump and his children were barred from ever participating in a charitable organization after pleading guilty, admitting to 19 admissions of misconduct for "illegally misusing charitable funds." 

    The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors.

    The Trump foundation hadn't held a board meeting in 19 years and the purported treasurer, Alan Weiselberg testified the he didn't even know he was listed as a board member. 


    in 2018 Civil case Students vs Trump, a federal court ordered Donald Trump pay a $25 million settlement on with students who were duped by Donald Trump and his now-defunct sham Trump University for using false advertising, bait and switch high pressure sales tactics.


    More to come with the Trump inauguration fraud case in the pipeline along with 29 other investigations. 


    In 2020 a desperate Trump wasn't running for president. He was running for presidential immunity and more pardoning of the swamp.



    • Like 2
  13. 53 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    oh boy, another one who see Russians everywhere under your bed ????


    would have done well under McCarthyism ????


    but this is 2021, not the 50s

    The Republican Senate did investigate the Russia allegations. Fox viewers never heard about the report.

    You can read it in the Senates 1,000 page report. Let me summarize.

    -Trump campaign associates failed to disclose 147 contacts with Russians, even after the FBI warned each campaign about foreign agents attempting to influence campaigns. They lied to the FBI.

    -Trumps campaign manager, three days after being hired, flew to Spain and handed over confidential campaign polling data that was used to micro target voters with propaganda. He lied to the FBI.

    -Trump refused to testify to the Mueller grand jury even after he said he "would love to" then lied repeatedly on the written answers to Muellers questions. 

    -Trump committed 10 instances of obstruction of justice.

    -Trumps attorney Michael Cohen lied to the FBI about Trumps business activity in Russia and went to prison.

    -Trump son Don arranged the campaign to meet Russian operatives about interfering in the campaign to favor Donald Trump.

    -Jared Kushner lied to the FBI about contacts with the Russian embassy to use their encrypted phone system to speak with Russians abroad.

    Now you know.

    It would have been a case of extreme negligence if the FBI ignored the above suspicious activity.



  14. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:

    It's a bit rich for Trump supporters to be bringing up poll numbers, no? The worst ranking president in history.

    Trump left office with a 38.6% approval. Never even breaching 46%.

    We all know he would always get at least 35% from the deplorable demographic, even if he shot someone on 5th avenue...and even higher if he shot a black guy or immigrant.


    Biden has been riding at 55% but recently dropped to 47%. 


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  15. 13 hours ago, Espanol said:

    There are many hairdressers at a cost of 100 bahts (or even less) in soi Buakhao, if you only need getting your hair cut. 


    I suppose that some of them will be already open again now.





    There are also hairdressers in Soi Buakao that will lay down at a cost over 100Bt.

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