-awake, awareness of social inequity and injustice, alert to injustice in society, especially racism, to be socially just, believe every individual must be treated equitably and fairly by society.
Yea, those old white guys that have run the worlds military, police, governments, courts, business, entertainment have had it way too hard for way too long.
Temples? Right. Golfing and temples, thats what we tell our relatives, why we like it here.
Everyone knows tourism is about going on a drunken rampage, whoring thru someone else's country, indulging in alcohol abuse and illicit drugs.
You should set up a YouTube camera when the tradesman comes into work tomorrow and you explain you've been on the internet 'doing research' and he's doing things all wrong.
"the usage of the beach is for the public and not vendors and businesses."
Very unusual that businesses can set up on the public beach & the code enforcement officers haven't noticed. Just sayin, usually they notice.
County Clerk Kim Davis, married 4 times with 2 kids out of wedlock wouldn't issue a gay couple a marriage license because she "believes in the sanctity of holy matrimony."
She said distributing marriage licenses to such couples went against her beliefs as a member of the Apostolic Church, arguing that she could not give them a marriage license "under God's authority."
The decision leaves open the question of whether the former clerk is responsible for the legal fees of the two couples who sued and other monetary damages that have accrued over the nearly seven years of legal back-and-forth.
A jury will decide whether Davis is liable for those fees and other damages, which likely stands around hundreds of thousands of dollars.