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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I thought the same....but it's only a strip of trees.....?
  2. From the tinterweb... Trees are often cleared from the route of cable cars, ski lifts and ziplines for several important safety reasons. Clearing trees from the route is a necessary practice to ensure the safety and efficiency of these transportation systems. It reduces the risk of accidents, facilitates maintenance and emergency operations, and ensures reliable operation in various weather conditions.
  3. Some big ass trees as well....not like pine trees in Switzerland....555
  4. Teleprompter???? Why was there a teleprompter there.....obviously not for Trump...so for whom?
  5. In a June 2020 interview with “The View,” Harris stated, “We have confused the idea that to achieve safety, you put more and more cops on the street instead of understanding to achieve safe and healthy communities, you put more resources into...... public education affordable housing homeownership access to capital for small businesses access to healthcare, especially mental health care, and substance abuse treatment.” What a radical left wing lunatic she is proving to be.
  6. Could be wrong.....but a biggly proportion might be caught on the QT and released after some negotiations have taken place.
  7. Inside out.....problem solved......or wear wellies?
  8. You don't dig them up.....the roots remain along with a substantial part of the trunk.
  9. No, but being safety conscious they could cut down all the trees that could fall and reach someone on the zipline or its infrastructure.......just like they do for cable cars and ski lifts. Just a thought
  10. They reckon 28 is the average age of financial independence in the UK. I wish it were, I have still have four well into their 30's tapping me for money.....555
  11. As long as they are also using tobacco then yes. It will be the tobacco giants driving the action to stamp out vaping I imagine. Although the big companies invest heavily in vaping they want to keep cigarette smoking going for as long as possible,where they can, to support their original investments.
  12. I would feel quite hard done to now if the confused emoji disappears.....grown quite attached.
  13. Not offended as such, but I can, depending on the circumstances, find it upsetting.....purley because it is driving home the truth that I am old...or getting old.
  14. You sound very left wing today...555
  15. The streets are in places, packed.....but with a few exceptions many bars and restaurants have few if any customers in them. It is the Thai obsession of attracting Indians and Chinese ,who by and large do not want to or don't have the money to spend.....they need US and EU tourists.
  16. Did you achieve the things that you had in your mind when you were 20 years old? Stupid enough to have nothing in mind beyond 'Sonia Ridley' What was your main "regret"? Marrying my first wife What was your "best thing I ever did"? Brought up, as a single dad, four of the most beautiful, well balance, intelligent and successful children.....could be some bias in there.
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