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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Sounds like they are running out of money.....what are the options...? Hit the poorest where it hurts or tax the incredibly wealthy and those companies enjoying monopoly like profits....? ANS: HIT THE POOREST
  2. Good point, well made.....but look at the number of idiots just on this forum.......would it be sensible to even give them a choice......????
  3. Damn...only close to one of them...... amlodipine....looks like diet and exercise is my only option 😞
  4. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He claims the UK will be the first Islamist country to become a nuclear power.....idiot.
  5. If this ever gets built in will be in the same year we all take up electric helicopter taxis and it will become a huge white elephant.
  6. Waste of money.....every single kid has a smartphone, which will be more than adequate for their needs at school.
  7. Football managers generally need to learn from Rugby. Loyalty to a fading start is totally misplaced.....In Rugby only the team counts and the results it can achieve. Football managers keep hanging on to players past their sell by date and get punished for it.
  8. Breast and cervical cancer......how unlucky can you get? Poor woman.
  9. The last thing the elite want is an educated electorate.
  10. My perfect afternoon? The wife is called away on urgent business and tells me she will be away until later that evening at the earliest.
  11. While it's true that some exceptional circumstances, like a car fire or submersion in water, might pose a danger, the overall risk of such events is relatively low compared to the proven benefits of wearing a seatbelt. Here are several key points to consider: 1. **Statistics on Survival Rates**: Numerous studies have shown that wearing a seatbelt significantly reduces the risk of fatal injury. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), seat belts reduce the risk of death for front-seat passengers by 45% and the risk of serious injury by 50%. 2. **Increased Control During Accidents**: Seat belts help keep occupants in their seats, which can prevent them from being thrown around inside the vehicle or ejected during a collision. This not only reduces the risk of injury but also allows the driver to maintain better control of the vehicle during and after the impact. 3. **Ease of Release**: Modern seatbelt designs include mechanisms for quick release, making it relatively easy to unbuckle even in emergencies. Emergency responders are trained to quickly and safely remove people from vehicles, even in challenging situations like fires or submersion. 4. **Statistical Rarity of Extreme Situations**: The scenarios where a seatbelt might trap someone in a burning or submerged car are extremely rare. The vast majority of accidents do not involve these extreme conditions, and in typical accidents, seatbelts provide crucial protection. 5. **Complementary Safety Features**: Cars are equipped with multiple safety features designed to work together. Airbags, crumple zones, and seatbelts all contribute to passenger safety. Relying solely on one aspect and ignoring the others undermines the comprehensive safety design of modern vehicles. 6. **Emergency Procedures and Tools**: There are tools designed to help in emergency situations, such as seatbelt cutters and window breakers, which can be kept within reach in a vehicle. These tools can provide an additional layer of security for those concerned about rare emergencies. In conclusion, while no safety measure is without its risks, the overwhelming evidence supports that wearing a seatbelt greatly enhances overall safety in the vast majority of car accidents. The potential risks of being trapped are far outweighed by the proven life-saving benefits of wearing a seatbelt.
  12. ....and the second most ridiculous response of the day goes to......
  13. No. He remains very unpopular.....much the same as Starmer in the UK remains quite unpopular. Are you thinking Taylor Swift should be president?
  14. Even better with someone else's wife....🤭
  15. WHAT A DISASTER BIDEN HAS BEEN...... Under Trump’s sway, a recalcitrant Republican majority in the House of Representatives effectively derailed bipartisan reform legislation that was making its way through the Senate. Until that logjam is broken, the US immigration system and the border it defends will remain a disaster beyond repair. Access to affordable health care is Biden’s crowning achievement. The number of uninsured Americans hit an all-time low of 7.2% in the second quarter of 2023, while the number of people who signed up for an Obamacare plan for 2024 surged to 21.3 million. The economy added 14.8 million jobs over the first three years of his term, more than any president in US history over the same period. What’s more, unemployment has held below 4% for the longest stretch since the 1960s America’s cost of living, which surged to a four-decade high during Biden’s first two years, is poised to return to its pre-pandemic level this year. The CPI has plummeted at an unprecedented rate to 3.1%. The resulting disinflation — occurring while gross domestic product expanded 3.2% last quarter — is unmatched in modern history and the opposite of the 1970s, when inflation took eight years and five months to subside to 3%. American households are wealthier and in better financial shape than ever before by almost any measure. Even with a bear market in stocks in 2022 and elevated inflation, Federal Reserve data show household net worth rose to a record $156.2 trillion at the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, from $131.4 trillion at the end of 2020. Preliminary data suggest that inequality continued to narrow in 2023. Even better, the improvement — unlike during Biden’s first two years — was due to rising real wages. Since his inauguration, the S&P 500 Index has returned about 45%, more than double the total returns of the rest of the world’s developed-market equities. The US was in the midst of its worst spasm of violence in decades when Biden took office, with the homicide rate rising 29% in 2020. It rose again slightly in 2021, but started to fall that autumn. There was a slight year-over-year decline in 2022, then an 11.8% drop last year — the sharpest on record.
  16. Prices will jump...even if only temporarily.....as will CP's profits... CP and like will be the main (sole) beneficiaries.
  17. Economy of scale and few imported raw materials plus a plentiful workforce that is severely oppressed....working long hours, minimal holidays and low pay.
  18. Trump’s administration built 52 miles of new primary border barriers — the first impediment people encounter if they’re trying to cross the southern border with Mexico, that can block access either for people on foot or for vehicles — where there were none before.
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