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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I imagine it is to establish how strong the evidence is against him.....that in turn will give an indication of how much they can extort
  2. We..."the extended Thai family"....have about 200 acres of sugarcane fields and they have been getting B1850/tonne this season......so where do the prices in the article fit in to the scheme of things?
  3. OMG....who cares....have three categories men, women and freestyle
  4. Lots of expats cooperate on a frequent basis with many Thais.
  5. OMG.....if the lecky goes off in the night I panic......I'd go and sit in the car if I had to....
  6. Agree 100%.....licensing is the way forward.....it can fund enforcement and fund, or contribute to, the problems related to strays. Every dog to be chipped, tagged and treated....or say goodbye to Bowser.
  7. Supply, demand and competition don't seem to function very well in Thailand?
  8. My dream The wife requires a non-life threatening medical procedure in a Bangkok hospital that necessitates...let's say....6 hours under a general anaesthetic.
  9. Is the Brauhaus still staggering on? I popped in a few times last year...it was as dead as a dodo....maybe wrong time of day?
  10. Reacting to complaints? The RTP must be the only people within a five mile radius who don't know about these drug dealers......but I guess many of them do and are not happy that this action has been taken.
  11. Chaiyaphum....I always book.....but they pay no attention to appointment times or queues or whose turn it is. You just have to brave and thrust your paperwork under someone's nose.
  12. Toyed with that idea.....but I just haven't got b***s to even suggest it.....555
  13. Thought Baloo said this is fine (elephant pants?) and Thais just had to get their act together and stop whinging.
  14. Soi 11 is probably "Sugar.".....the noise from there is ridiculous......
  15. Just thinking the same.....although in their defense their reaction might stem from experiences of "meeting expats in bars"..........with one exception the ones I have met, I've left a beer on the bar and quietly slipped away.
  16. The hills near us have been on fire for two weeks now.....just as the last few twigs burned out the head of the village announced no one is to set any fires on the hillside.....FFS.
  17. Having lived in Germany for 25 years I can tell you....hell hath no fury like a German denied a parking space.
  18. 12:55....stuff it...the air is going on...don't know why SWMBO is complaining......when did she ever pay the electricity bill????
  19. I've used that to get into sports...excellent idea.
  20. ....the thread is about Canada....please stay on topic.
  21. What is it doing to the West?....other than being a distraction for the hard of thinking from the failure of rightwing governments.
  22. I miss lockdown.......soi 11 was the best....Jewellery Bar and the ones either side.....run by the local constabulary....
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