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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Known as the "vaccine paradox". if everyone is vaccinated then all those who pick up the infection, are hospitalized or die........just happen to be vaccinated.....amazing!!!
  2. The Tory Health and Care Plan will help less than 5% of elderly people requiring care. Helen Whatley, Care Minister, Sky News.
  3. Wholesale peanuts ? Where are the farms in Thailand ? Where to buy 10 kg to 100 kg ? why are peanuts so expensive in shops ? This one has me gripped.
  4. Squirrels are starving at Dongtan beach after the flood, please feed them, they are even following people on the sidewalk to get some food ! Going stale my arße.
  5. If they are incapable of normal, routine tasks and continue to pay £1000 pm until their total assets drop to £86,000.....then YES.
  6. Not looking good...no sign of my new topic???
  7. It is in the nature of the beast...throw in a few agent provocateurs and one or two hot heads......light the blue touch paper and stand back.
  8. Just posted a topic under this forum.....on the Heath and Social Care bill, England. Not seen it come up yet, but maybe the moderators have to scrutinize it first.
  9. I'm not convinced I have seen any improvement. Most people on here have always been quite proficient at verbally attacking each other.
  10. Some, if not many, might be thinking they have a safety net if/when returning to the UK with the government's Health and Social Care plans, BUT......... The government has confirmed the accommodation costs of care - food, energy bills and the physical building - will not count towards the cap. These additional costs are currently estimated to be £1000 pm and will continue to be charged irrespective of the cap. Only the most frail, those unable to do daily tasks such as washing, dressing and eating, will actually qualify for the spending cap and local authorities have the power to assess who qualifies. Not quite the panacea it was projected to be. The overall outcome seems to be the young and businesses will carry the costs, whilst landlords and wealthy homeowners in the home counties will have their wealth sheltered from the tax man.
  11. There is a "Home Country Forum", might try that.
  12. True to a degree. I just wonder if there even is a law? This sounds like policy on the hoof (I recognize it, coming from the UK)
  13. Didn't they have an International Forum once (might be my imagination). I recall Brexit, for the Brit expats, being very lively.
  14. Stale? Never.... Car hits lorry Lorry hits car Car hits power pole Lorry hits power pole and car Road flooded in Pattaya Road flooded in Jomtien What more do you want?
  15. Frustrated to have had mixed jabs. It is looking like the UK and the EU are not going to accept them. Can't see a way around this. Had sinovac/AZ....maybe a third AZ, but then I would not have a proper certificate. What a mess.
  16. Whoops. I was badgering the wife to let me go and have a shufti. Think I will give it a miss now.
  17. I have been prescribed Xatral, an Alpha blocker for BPH.........am I on the right stuff? I was also prescribed Duodart, but reading up on it, there are concerns it can actually trigger an aggressive form of prostate cancer, so I have never taken it!!!!
  18. Disaster capitalists must rubbing their hands watching Thailand, maybe hanging back for another three or four months and then boom.
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