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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Not sure what to say......maybe she is the odd one out? Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, no tattoos, no piercings........doesn't mind going out to eat, but not happy going to a bar and would never consider going to a club.......hates it if i go away anywhere.......shows no interest at all in other men, although she is very friendly and affable towards them and other women.......she just gets on with life.
  2. ....and the longest televised putt ever recorded..........Terry Wogan....555
  3. Could not agree more........the number of 'charitable' acts and organisations, certainly in the UK, are just one huge rip off. I give money directly to street beggars......I know that is also imperfect, but more chance of the money ending up in a poor person's hands than having it go to charitable foundations 'director' and his or her family.
  4. I would say she simply grasped the opportunity to break free from her life in Thailand and gambled that life would be better with me than any Thai man she had met.......she had no idea about my financial standing, where I lived or what my future prospects were ......looking back she was incredibly trusting (or stupid) and in the end....... relatively lucky.
  5. Good point......if she had any sense she should have focussed on drug smuggling and not chicken farming......could be in the cabinet now.
  6. I wonder where I fit in?.....wife is 26 years younger and is just finishing off building a three bed detached house on 2 rai of land.......all her money.
  7. Agree......I am far from convinced a 20/30 something Thai woman would find a 20/30 something man overly attractive .......immature, childish, possessive, aggressive.......
  8. Online tax filing in Thailand.......sounds like the stuff of nightmares.
  9. We had an attempted break-in in the UK. I asked the police, if we go away should we leave a light on or do something to make it look like we are still in the house?.........he said NO........in his experience burglars prefer occupied properties...........robbing an occupied house is a much bigger thrill for them!!!!
  10. Almost...555.....it was before mobile phones were quite common. Supposed to be chairing a meeting and had to walk along knocking on car windows asking if anyone had a phone so I could call and cancel.
  11. Amazing how often these things seem to collapse or fall over..........the world over. Had one fall in front of me across all six lanes of a motorway as I drove into Brussels......stuck there for over five hours.
  12. Unless you find a swastika in someone's basement.....then you can invade them...surely?
  13. They are our business in the sense they can have a huge impact on our lives.........but I might agree that unless you are a Thai citizen the right to influence Thai politics is a moot point.
  14. Huge military parade....nuclear missiles......down Sukhumvit.....imagine.!!! I can see their chests swelling with pride as they cruise past the homeless beggars living in the doorways.
  15. Talk about putting a spin on it....... There are packs of 20 plus dogs roaming in the village near us on a night.......the noise is deafening as they fight and squabble.
  16. Read an article from NASA that suggested dinosaurs (bambi raptors) might have landed on the moon up to 10/20 million years ago had they not been wiped out......they had or appeared to be evolving opposable fingers/thumbs!!!
  17. Sadly.....the worst is yet to come.......but at least it has exposed to towering stupidity of people like Rees-Mogg.
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