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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Just love it....the indoctrination of young, malleable minds by religious fanatics.........although I guess Buddism (not really a religion) might be classed as the best of a bad bunch.
  2. Pretty sure most people take comfort in the fact that the polluted air is always "in the distance".....I have tried to explain to my Thai relatives that they're breathing it in and living in it, but they just think I'm mad.
  3. Got to hand it to him....this is pure genius. Who else might have had the foresight to promote exports.....
  4. I would agree with you, the thing that annoys me is why is he saying these things????
  5. So it seems....though the type of fuel dictates if it is allowed????
  6. Whenever possible, passengers should be disembarked prior to the commencement of fuelling after flight arrival and boarded for departure after completion of any necessary refuelling. However, refuelling with passengers on board may be judged necessary if refuelling service cannot be obtained exactly when requested or in some special cases (e.g. if a patient cannot to be moved during a medical flight).
  7. I think we can all relax......I just read an announcement from the MoH that the number of infections will decline rapidly after Feb 29.
  8. Sounds like they are just picking up additional passengers. Certainly don't believe they can't refuel at BKK.....and I am 99% sure you cannot refuel with passengers on board. They are feeding you a line.
  9. Demand three independent quotes for the repairs and say you will pay the middle one.......only sensible way out of it.
  10. Exactly.......better the devil you know......imagine if Thamanat worms his way into power.
  11. Can I ask......did you ever have any trouble with the loft insulation? Do you think you really benefitted from having it installed? We are having a house built and the 'architect' is dead set against it......claims it is too heavy for the ceiling, that animals will move in to make their homes in it....???
  12. I imagine the taxi guy will have asked his wife......they know everything.
  13. Massive queues form outside Buckingham Palace on the news that Prince Andrew is giving away huge amounts of money to people he has never met.
  14. Thanks for that, interesting....thinking about it, I must have been taking 0.2mg....DOH!
  15. True....but it takes me hours.....555
  16. I was prescribed Lorazepam after getting rather stressed following an initial cancer diagnosis, which turned out to be benign lesion! The Lorazepam did nothing for me at 2mg, can I ask what dosage you are/were taking?
  17. Nightmare to find a leak.....I would guess a seal is missing somewhere in the bulkhead (assuming there is nothing obvious like a damaged door seal).
  18. I used to to give a guy with one leg on Sukhumvit (don't know where the other one was) 10 baht everyday (last of the big spenders). Pretty sure he climbed into a Merc parked round the corner at the end of each day.
  19. 99% sure it is what I need to do. Been traveling a lot and had no desire to exercise on top of all the hassle of traveling. Start tomorrow.....555
  20. Similar situation......wrecked by 2200 then dead to the world for four hours, then wide awake. I am pretty sure I need to get back into a vigourous exercise routine to sleep properly.......but for now it is Wordle, read the news (again), read a book......anything but trying to force myself back to sleep.
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