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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I would have bet my house on a certain person posting this thread.....555 What's good for the goose......
  2. .....how many roughly?.....don't tell me......about 8 million?
  3. NHS in the UK.......so oh! I know what.....I'll just ignore the knowledge, experience and expertise of a specialist with 30 years service.....mmmmm? That'll stick it to big pharma.
  4. ....and still you continue to post utter dross?
  5. Yes, there are independent studies that have shown statins to be effective in reducing cardiovascular risk. While the pharmaceutical industry has funded many large trials, there are also numerous studies and meta-analyses conducted by academic institutions, government bodies, and independent researchers that support the efficacy of statins. Here are a few key points about independent research on statins: 1. **Meta-Analyses by Independent Researchers**: Some meta-analyses, which combine data from multiple studies, are conducted by independent researchers without direct pharmaceutical funding. For example, the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaboration has performed several meta-analyses examining the effects of statins. While some data used in these analyses may come from industry-funded studies, the collaboration itself is known for its independence and rigorous methodology. 2. **Government and Public Health Studies**: Some government-funded research, such as studies supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the U.S. or the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, has evaluated the effectiveness and safety of statins. These studies often aim to assess public health outcomes rather than commercial interests. 3. **Observational Studies**: Independent observational studies have also shown the benefits of statins in real-world settings. For instance, large-scale cohort studies that follow populations over time have found that statin use is associated with a significant reduction in the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events. 4. **International Guidelines**: Organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Heart Association (AHA) have reviewed evidence from a wide range of sources, including independent studies, when forming their guidelines on the use of statins for cardiovascular risk reduction. While it's true that industry-funded studies are more prevalent in the literature, the independent research available tends to corroborate the general findings that statins can reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, particularly in individuals with high cholesterol or existing heart disease. However, the discussion on the risk-benefit balance and who should take statins continues, with independent research contributing valuable insights into these decisions.
  6. ....don't forget horse worming tablets........they were a deal breaker....no need for a vaccine.
  7. It is a clear indication of how desperate people must be to borrow at those rates.....sad. The wife wants me to start loaning money out in the surrounding villagers........HA!.......she is determined to get rid of me. No way am I getting drawn into that murky world.
  8. Thanks....DrJack has advised me to do it by post as maybe some mismatch arises with the TM30 when doing it online????? Going to post it off tomorrow. The fine is about the same as the cost of the b****y journey to the IO.
  9. Get one of me looking really serious and concerned..........and don't forget to photoshop the watch out.
  10. Odd.....as I teach maths.....but maybe that is one step down from teaching math?
  11. Jokingly said he is trying to destroy Trump......but many a true word said in jest.....COULD HE BE? Lining himself up for 2028?
  12. JD Vance accuses people roasting chickens, of roasting pet cats. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-cats-grill-chicken-ohio-b2612999.html He is trying to destroy Trump
  13. Personally no.......rich people all over the world literally get away with murder because their position and wealth. However, it might be a smart move to pardon him in the interests of the US generally.
  14. Brexit has been a staggering success.....here is a list ...... Blue passports (which we had the option of choosing before Brexit)
  15. Not a snowball's...too many envelopes in circulation now.
  16. ....and yet they are heros and victims.......and due to be pardoned.....all very odd.
  17. Ha...funny you should say that.....90 day got rejected today.....but some said it's because I recently returned from abroad????
  18. Oh my.....you don't think...surely not....no....the msm got something wrong or were looking for clickbait terms to print????
  19. Not sure it was just a lack of action.....food was 'stolen' for the war effort and other food supplies destroyed to prevent the Japanese sweeping into the subcontinent.......some estimates put the total number of deaths close to those in the holocaust.
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