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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Had an identical problem, though no as extensive. Almost new, shiny condo…..all granite and marble…..and the ******** moron above us decided to hammer up the floor, he wanted a different colour. I’m passive/aggressive…..and went ballistic with juristic. Eventually agreed….works only Mon to Fri only 9am to 5pm. We lived with that for four weeks. THEN……Guy came back and the builders had laid the wrong tiles and the whole process was repeated……laugh????
  2. Just joshing. Spent three days drinking in London recently with four guys I worked with in Germany…….never laughed so much and can’t recall one single ‘conversation'….555
  3. Just an aside……to dispirit you even further…..a recent poll of US citizens indicated 40% believe the Earth to be less than 10,300 years old.
  4. Had similar plans, but as it happens we moved for work.
  5. Exactly……that’s why a try to keep bang up to date with Coronation Street and Emmerdale so I can join in discussions.
  6. I think all parties must have a committee dedicated to……”What can our leader do today that makes them look a right………."
  7. Good point, well made……so keep your beaky little neb out.
  8. Yes….pretty big damn one in these parts….55
  9. Could not argue with that……if you can stand the foul taste of sweeteners…..555
  10. I wonder if has occured to the Thai tomboy not to be so ******** annoying and turn the music off, or get headphones.
  11. We have (as an extended family) about 200 acres…..mostly sugarcane……the leaves will all be burned this year, next year and the year after……no one is going to fine anyone for burning or stop anyone from burning. The leaves have to be burned for one single reason……’we' need to now where to ‘plant’ the shears for ploughing. The only solution I can see is that sugarcane must be delivered with the leaves intact and the sugarcane processors must forced, paid, induced, bribed by the government to remove the leaves at the factory and mulch them.
  12. Just happened to be reading this….legs crossed. Samuel Pepys is famously known for undergoing a significant medical procedure in 1658: the removal of a bladder stone. This surgery, known as a lithotomy, was incredibly risky at the time due to the lack of anesthesia and high risk of infection. Pepys, aged 25, survived the operation and commemorated the anniversary of this event each year as his “stone day.”
  13. I can’t help but imagine the intense excitement these changes must be causing the incredibly wealthy.
  14. The Worker Protection Bill would bring in a duty for employers to take preventative steps to stop harassment by a third party, such as a customer in a shop, pub or cafe…….seems sensible……”You…yes you…..out now. You’re barred" An employer can defend a claim against them if the comment was not directed at the worker, is not grossly offensive, and is expressing an opinion on religion, politics, moral or social matters. Big fat nothing burger as per from the Daily Fail.
  15. Would love to see the report on that.
  16. Slowly but surely, Isaan is becoming slightly more appealing each day.
  17. If we were a month out yes…..but we are four and half years away from the next election….so put the tissues away.
  18. How embarrassing posting a response like that….at least make the effort to stick an aitch on the end for heaven’s sake...
  19. I imagine a huge number of people reading that will be so grateful for your explanation. I, for one, had no idea.
  20. Is there still a stigma attached to that? Seems a bit harsh in this day and age.
  21. I tell you it was ****ing amazing. Even after all this time I’m still amazed/shocked at the impact….….and as you say fingers crossed for the OP.
  22. Do not move away from Pattaya/Bangkok….you will rue the day. It would be like leaving London to live in Middlesbrough.

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