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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Yes. We contemplated shipping our stuff over for about 2 mins before deciding no.
  2. Apparently he had just returned from Springfield and thought it was okay.
  3. Don’t tell me this all for Yingluck…….new facilities ordered by big T?
  4. We were very lucky….it was the actual photo page that had delaminated…….so not that it just looked a general mess!!!!!
  5. More hope, to be fair, than prophecy….555
  6. Party time……it’s also blue cheese, red grapes and red wine night tonight …..how good can life get in Isaan?
  7. One of my kids put their passport through the wash the night before we flew……laugh? Took about an hour, but immigration at Stansted eventually relented and let her board…..phew!
  8. Zukerberg and masculinity…..no…..oxymoron if ever there was one.
  9. No it’s about how democracy has ‘failed’…if it has? Monday…yes…..off to the IO to do my visa extension……wish me luck.
  10. Just like they did with abortion…..oh wait…that was only after they realised what a hot potato(e) it had become.
  11. Aussie17 is a private individual not a media source. You are just reposting stuff from a crank.
  12. Yep….always thought the same…..or even just an ‘open’ category. Men and women wouldn’t want to compete in the open one….problem solved.
  13. More like…... Fake luxury Watches Worth Over 100 Baht Stolen in Chinese Home Burglary Near Pattaya
  14. Why do you always have to bring Trump into every discussion….does he live in your mind?….stop talking about trump.
  15. An utter farcical response for anyone who has ever lived in or spent anytime in BKK……so if you have never lived there or visited for any length of time….you have no idea what you are talking about or you have lived there I assume you are blind (and almost certainly dumb). Go and troll someone else who CBA to entertain your pathetic attempts to annoy.
  16. Go **** your own face and annoy someone else.
  17. Plenty, though they have to wait until the Christians have finished fiddling with them
  18. Just read an article claiming he positioned observers to identify the first people to cease clapping after he'd finished making a speech………..Not a million miles away from what we are seeing in the US now re: appointments……cheer leaders only.
  19. Get a grip……..it’s pool in a girly bar…...…not the world championships…..it’s people like you that spoil things for everyone else…..

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