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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. .....and the people want what Farage, the Daily Express, the Daily Mail and GB News tell them they want.
  2. The mind set that if you agree with anything trump says you are far right, racist, misogynistic transphobic, homophobic and islamaphobic.....to be fair, it is easy to see why people think that, if they are faced with loud, in your face, I'll defend Trump to the death, MAGA hat wearing supporters of Trump who think he was sent by God. The fact that the "insurrection" was so less violent then the BLM riots......you do understand there is a huge and fundamental difference between objecting to police killing you because of the colour of your skin and trying to overturn a democratic election....surely???? statistically unlikely votes that appeared overnight for Biden.....you do know the majority of vote counting takes place overnight???
  3. Not quite the same as 31/2 years of blatant lies, encouraging an assault on the Capitol, false accusations of stuffing ballot boxes and false accusations of 'fixing' voting machines. U.S. Democrats have challenged presidential election results in the past. In the 2000 election between Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush. The election results in Florida were so close that it triggered a mandatory recount. The situation eventually led to a legal battle that reached the U.S. Supreme Court in the case *Bush v. Gore*. The Court's decision effectively ended the recount, giving Bush the victory. Gore accepted the ruling, though many Democrats were dissatisfied with the outcome. Another example occurred after the 2004 election, where some Democrats in Congress challenged the results in Ohio, alleging voting irregularities. This challenge did not alter the outcome, as it was rejected by both the House and the Senate. In 2016, some Democrats also raised concerns about potential interference in the election and considered challenging the results, but no formal challenge was pursued in Congress.
  4. How is any of that....."being in the right place at the right time"...?????
  5. This kind of intelligent statement is not be welcomed......it severely hampers attempts by the hard of thinking to propagate their pet conspiracy theories....please cease and desist.
  6. They were just waiting for the Mexicans to stump up the cash......as promised.
  7. So both feet shot off at point blank range.......thanks for the answer.....DOH!
  8. After you provide evidence for this outlandish smear....... It is well documented that Harris got her positions by being in the right place at the right time, Not by any ability.
  9. Yes...claimed he had every right to interfere in the election process......DOH!
  10. So what did Vance do? Threaten the Taliban with poison pen letters?
  11. I think you must confusing perfectly normal, legal challenges from the Democrats with outright lies and sedition by Trump.
  12. Now that is a novel twist.....getting the guilty party to point at his own kit.....like it.
  13. As he only built 52 miles there must be a lot kit rusting away.
  14. Agree. He saved....possibly only temporarily.....democracy in the US.
  15. I've never in 65 years seen so much hate directed towards one individual that has nothing but love for himself. Prior to coming down the escalator in 2016 he loved himself totally. He went to his parties, flew on his planes with Epstein, played on his golf course far too often, and gambled with other peoples money at his Casinos. His is wrongs were so much more than The Clinton's, Obama, Bush or anyone else in the US Government all combined. The US Media and billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett who own and control networks are to be applauded. Hating a man because he is a liar, a cheat and a sexual predator is perfectly understandable! Thank heavens he was beaten fair and square in the US elections....losing the popular vote twice in a row. And you Foreigners who never lived in the US quite rightly bad mouthed him. You have no clue how much damage he did to US politics by constantly lying, mimicking the disabled and bad mouthing anyone who disagrees or opposes him. Again, isn't Trump the complete opposite of what you would want your leadership to be.....YES.
  16. Thought nationwide polls counted for diddly squat?.....oh wait....that's only when Harris is shown to be in the lead.
  17. Just what the US needs....a strong, decisive, no nonsense leader....a real man......someone who always knows what is the right thing to do and does it..........
  18. Get a taxi to the bus station and relax. We never drive into BKK now. Not worth the hassle. Coach and taxi are incredibly cheap.
  19. Including Fox, Jones, Rogan, Qanon......I very much doubt it.....Americans are locked in to their lizard people, baby eating pedos and alien abductions......
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