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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Never said it was......I just pointed out it was an interesting take from the lady at the forefront of all this.
  2. If that were genuinely the case "they" were staggeringly naive.
  3. London 82 Bangkok 128 I know where I would rather be.....BANGKOK.
  4. Interesting take from the article..... Whistleblower Sara Rowbotham, co-ordinator of the Crisis Intervention Team set up to support young people in Rochdale, expressed frustration at Mr Musk’s posts about the scandal on X, which he owns. She told The Guardian: “What is (Musk’s) motivation for interfering? It seems very political. “The person he is trying to go after is Keir Starmer – it is a political swipe that is nothing to do with the women and girls who have been abused time after time.”
  5. "You believe".....so it could have been no more than a political ploy by Farage, in the almost certain knowledge they would be prosecuted, to give the impression he was active in forcing the issue. I also believe the CPS makes its own decisions based on the law, not on what Farage might be mouthing off about at any particular time.
  6. In April 2019 approximately 39% of adults in Great Britain expressed little to no confidence in the police’s ability to tackle local crime. In October 2024 approximately 52% of adults indicated little to no confidence in the police’s ability to address local crime. https://doi.org/10.58248/HS80 Funny the Mail didn't refer to these polls.
  7. So this horrific problem was brought to the attention of the public by Tommy Robinson in 2009, to the attention of parliament in 2010.......and now, after 14 years in power, the Tories, who did nothing, are suddenly stressed there was no proper investigation? Odd?
  8. Good heavens....TR really is a pariah now....rejected by Farage....how low can you sink?
  9. The body stores pathogens? Where, why and how does the body store them? This is a new branch of biology....to me at least.
  10. I remember one of my kids being taken off tramadol in the late 80s.........too dangerous?
  11. Using a false passport, illegal entry and contempt of court.......just to add to the list......a fine upstanding role model the children of some of the fathers on here.
  12. Went to our tiny little village 'do' last week......primary school reunion with one of these crazy bus shows. There were three fights, one person got stabbed. There must have only been about 200 people there.
  13. Second one down is the well understood "vaccine paradox"......as the majority become vaccinated the majority requiring medical assistance or hospitalisation will naturally become those who are vaccinated. Imagine, as an extreme, 99% 0f the population was vaccinated then it is blindingly obvious anyone needing help is overwhelmingly going to have been vaccinated. I'm sure the rest of his posts are absolute guff.
  14. Yes.....if in doubt........ go large.....no point in skimping on something like a/c.....it has to work as you wanted it to or it's money down the drain.
  15. No. You have never lived there....so leave well alone.
  16. Greater profit on the larger a/c unit I imagine.
  17. Or the first aid who elbowed his way through the crowd to assist......ignoring much more severely wounded kids lying on the ground...555
  18. 217 times.......!!!!.....best to make 100% sure I guess.....
  19. Stood in the front garden yesterday and was nearly decapitated (hyperbole) by a line which was cut by workers on the PEA pole. They must have known what would happen due to the tension the cable was under. I gave them an anglo-saxon mouthful and the looked they gave me was.......stop whinging, it didn't even hit you. Thais just don't give a flying about safety.
  20. Seems very odd to me that your MD thinks this is a bacterial infection without any formal investigation. 90/95% of upper respiratory infections tend to be viral....so prescribing an antibiotic seems a little left field.

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