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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. OMG...funny...... in a very sad way...... you should say that. Just had an MRI brain scan.....not good!!!...and there is nothing I can do about it.
  2. Just checked....5' 10".....which is a bit upsetting.....pretty damn sure I was close to 6' in my mid 20s.....oh well.....lot of stuff seems to be shrinking now.
  3. What a vivid imagination.....your world must be quite scary at times.
  4. Depression, suicidal thoughts? Two of my kids are married to US citizens.....I want them to be happy.
  5. How odd....as certain posters on here get very excited at the sight of red on any polls and insist on everyone looking at them....???
  6. .....and English lessons whilst at school?
  7. Oh yes....put my name down for that.....round about the 12th of never would be good.
  8. Regular little echo chamber you've got going here......you should start your own thread......"Trumpettes only".
  9. Don't hold your breath. Three kids killed in the last year on our 5 mile stretch between villages.
  10. 7....is that more or less than the number of requests I made for evidence of KH backing out of debating Trump?
  11. Tut. By mid 2024, reports and estimates suggest that around 2.5 million encounters with illegal migrants have occurred at the southern border during the Biden administration. This number includes both those who were apprehended and those who were detected but not apprehended.
  12. Oooo.......now this sounds interesting......can he be banned from public office? 🙏
  13. Beating two time loser Trump to the White House.....best proposal ever.
  14. Good job...because he ain't gettin' it.
  15. Two brainwashed 15 year olds talking to each other.....wow.....so convincing.
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