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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Wait until Jan 7....!!! Then you'll see.
  2. I though it was because his back hurt?
  3. Oh I get it...sorry.....I though facts might play a part....fundamental knowledge, priors........that sort of thing....but really it's about spouting off based on personal prejudices.
  4. Interesting.....also found this.....could be....... as we were inundated last year..... Alternate Bearing Mango trees are known for alternate bearing, which means they produce fruit in cycles. If your tree had an exceptionally large crop last year, it may have depleted its energy reserves, leading to little or no fruit this year. Trees sometimes take a rest year to recover.
  5. I did mean to do a little research then forgot all about it until I saw this thread......cheers.
  6. Certainly the Old Testament God would not have hesitated....555
  7. Aliens will likely never visit Earth due to the vast distances and limitations imposed by space and time. The universe is unimaginably large, with even the closest stars being light-years away—meaning light, the fastest thing in the universe, takes years to travel these distances. Since no object can move faster than light (as dictated by Einstein’s theory of relativity), any journey across interstellar or intergalactic space would take tens of thousands to millions of years, even with advanced technology. Additionally, the expansion of the universe stretches space itself, further increasing these distances over time. Combined with the immense energy and resources required for such travel, it becomes highly unlikely that any civilization, no matter how advanced, could overcome these barriers to reach Earth. Time and space make interstellar travel not only impractical but, for all intents and purposes, impossible.
  8. Not sure we will, as inflation saw space expanding exponentially faster than light......so the light from the Big Bang will always be inaccessible to us beyond what is known as the cosmic horizon........bit of a b****r....presumably God designed it like that to **** with our minds.
  9. 13:30 and we already have post of the day.....👍
  10. Yes.....just started to panic about that.....so many women and so little time.
  11. Knee deep in them last year from three trees in the back garden.......this year.....zip?
  12. I saw for years, a guy with his left arm missing and right leg missing (think it was that way around)......just hauling himself along Sukhumvit.....absolutely tragic case. Can't imagine he is still alive.
  13. Who is keeping it alive? Me!....well for two weeks over Christmas and New Year I will be..........I do have SWMBO tagging along though....but I'll try my best to keep Nana, soi 7 etc alive.
  14. Rubbish...you've never been to Middlesbrough.
  15. WHAT? The government should be meddling in military affairs. The military are responsible to the executive, surely? The military should making a statement that they will not meddle in political affairs.......how dumb is she?????
  16. With what? Your Instamatic? Best pop back and edit this story Bob.
  17. Are the woke brigade not in the frame for this?......I'm surprised.....maybe we'll have to wait for Piers Morgan's take on it to find out the real truth?
  18. One of life's great mysteries to me is how, in God's name, is karaoke a form of entertainment? The people 'singing' can't sing and those listening are being tortured by it......weird. Personally, I wouldn't blame for driving into the bar....except for the fact people were injured.
  19. Can someone enlighten me.......what has this got to with "the woke"?
  20. Oh the irony.....a blanket statement about "leftists" making blanket statements.... with no supporting evidence......do you not think before posting this drivel?
  21. Well the family commissioned their own autopsy and the findings were the same????

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