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Daniel Cully

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Everything posted by Daniel Cully

  1. I had this happened to me three years ago. To get around it I used a agent with my own funds in the bank,extensions have been no problem. I was married in Thailand in 1984, I cannot remember this form pertaining to be single.
  2. Thanks to the 10,000 baht handouts.
  3. Yes it's Laksi,Bangkok. IT Square
  4. If you ban Thai's you haven't solved a thing, since the thousands of illegal establishments will still operate.
  5. The only answer is, go to the Canadian embassy in Bangkok and talk to them.
  6. When time comes, your CPP from Canada won't be much unless you're contributing each month.
  7. Back in time the west was jealous of the success Chinese restaurants were having. They had to come up with something.
  8. Taxi driver has his taxi stolen, while he himself steals a motorcycle to chase down the first thief.
  9. First clue for dad. Daughter "Sorry cannot go bank today"
  10. Sorry no, they have been saying this since 1980,when I first started coming here.
  11. Non-O,90 days from the states,12 month extension in Thailand.
  12. Like all villagers in isan could afford this.
  13. Your Honor, Thai electricians no good,so I hire Vlad.
  14. Many Indians in Thailand have Thai passports.
  15. Also make sure you don't own any communication stocks.
  16. Put a latter in up along the bank,after you clean it out.
  17. Why do you think the X was trying to bail him out?
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