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Martin Brit

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  1. I would have just paid for the extra beer and avoided the argument as it's likely to be a bar I like and want to use again. For the price of a beer not worth falling out over. Just avoid the confrontation everywhere not just at your bar. You never win an argument here. You never know what stress she is going through on the day that affects her judgement. Just put principles & pride to one side.
  2. Can you say where the kayak place is. I'd like to have a goat that.
  3. You are 100% correct. I have come across Israelis in Nepal. Apparently they get 6 months paid leave after national service. Many travel. Horrible experience if you come across them.
  4. In the UK you have to do a Basic Safety Train In the UK you have to do a basic safety training before your even allowed to get on a bike with L Plates. They teach you to drive in the middle of the lane not at the side. That is because when you drive at the side of the lane, cars will continually try to squeeze past increasing the risk of what happened here. So a long way to go for Thailand to get safety on to the roads. Thais can ride bikes, but safely, no.
  5. Don't you think the point of this is Trump will highlight similarly between who was involved with the JFK Assassination & the shocking treatment aimed at Trump the last 4yrs by the last administration. Including the assignation attempts.
  6. Your right. What nationality is the guy who started this. I note in the UK we have a pub culture. You go to the pub for a beer and generally talk to anyone who is there. Interact. But so many nationalities don't have that . Russians don't even speak to each other! Many nationalities happily walk down the street or sit on the kerb with a bottle of beer. British sit in a bar because we have a pub culture & we socialise.
  7. My rule is walk away from confrontation always. Not worth it & not my country. Saw a guy gobbing off to a bolt motor bike driver near my digs recently saying if he didn't have a helmet on he'd punch him. All over not stopping 50m further up the road. What's the point of creating stress. Just suck it up. I don't see an unprovoked attack here, but your better just moving on and just don't engage! It's like bath bus guy occasionally tells me I got on in jomtiem (which I didn't) wants 20b so if he's that desperate I give it. Not worth the argument in my opinion.
  8. Don't most people annoyingly shout at it using face time on loud speaker. Gone are the days people had discreet conversations with the phone against the ear. Why do we all want to listen. A phone has a speaker and can amplify the sound at the other end! They are just noise pollution today.
  9. Sky news description tonight was "Adventurous backpacker's" there not they are herded line sheep following the party trail. Full instructions in lonely planet. The perpetrators are just waiting for them. I visited Ao Nang recently. Left because it was full of said backpackers. Same in Pai, I noted food and drink was all premium prices and the cost of a Macidees was off the clock. Double the UK price! They are taken for mugs as far as can see
  10. You see boys drinking jugs of fluresent liquid with a two foot straw sticking out. Sweet toothes they can't hack a beer. Funnily there was a generation that shunned tea & coffee & drank only water & coke but now coffee has become trendy............
  11. Watch a John Wick film zzzzz!
  12. I have cyber ghost. I have come to the conclusion that the BBC are good at blocking VPNs. Everything connects no problems. BBC is hit and miss and you have to do the "switch off switch back on" routine or whatever else it takes to get connected. I had Clearvpn before this & had same issues. So in my opinion I would put it down to BBC being clever, not the VPN.
  13. Yes, hopefully one less to worry about. We need to feel safe walking the streets at night. Not easy when so many are drinking and driving. I see many farangs of all ages walk out of bars and get on their motor bikes. For the cost of a Bolt, is it worth putting yourself at physical risk?
  14. Every Monday morning under the flyover at the bottom of Thrappaya Road. In the shade there is a team of ladies who do Weight, Height, Blood Pressure & Waist Measurement. It's free. Take your passport. The flyover is the one that goes over to Bali Hai Pier & has Basket/football/skateboard courts under it on the Bali Hai side. The ladies are under there on the otherside of Thrappaya Road opposite the car wash.
  15. You point your finger there are three pointing back at you, shouldn't the hotel train their hotel manager to a high enough standard where this would not have happened. They should take responsibility not fire him. They should look at their staff training modules And see where it failed.
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