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Posts posted by Naam

  1. 1 hour ago, Franko666 said:

    Well that was a load of twaddle Johnarth, so you are telling this forum when the AUD was at 32 THB there were loads of Thais lining up to buying AUD ? Really!!!!  The AUD is down against most currencies because of economic reasons, terms of trade etc and the THB is up because, well it can and its propped up. By the way I buy nothing in Thailand (except beer and food), not even a teeshirt, everything is cheaper in Aus even at 25 THB.


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:
    1 hour ago, Gandtee said:

    Yes. A couple of cling on ladies in my early days. I suppose after thirty years of marriage to my Thai wife I suppose she falls into that category. But maybe me more likely.


    The only one that Klinged on to me was the one I met 25 years ago and married 18 years ago.


    She is still Klinging on.

    i beat both of you being married 39 years.

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    • Haha 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    Thank you for the compliment! When I first came here many moons ago I made stuff that wasn't available. Branstone pickle was another one. I'm one of those who likes to try my hand at anything. Brave? Maybe. I haven't really been tested. But again, thanks for the compliment. But I did survive the London blitz. Brave? No. My mother was and many like her. It must have been because of HP sauce and Branstone pickle. I expect that was rationed, that's if they made it.?

    may the force be with you! any Klingons in your ancestry?

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, billd766 said:
    8 hours ago, Gandtee said:


    Thank you for the link.


    It looks a bit fiddly to make and I am not sure if I can get all the bits up here in rural Thailand. At least Makro is still selling HP sauce so it is still available.

    "fiddly" Bill? :unsure: anybody who goes through the ordeal described in the link is in my eyes a heroic brave man!

    • Haha 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Every government manipulates their currency. Gold is also manipulated.

    There is far more gold on paper in the world than physical gold. If those obligations were called in, just like US debt. the GFC in 2008 would look like a slumber party.

    more paper than physical applies to any commodity that is traded whether pork bellies, crude oil, gold, copper, wheat or soy. there's no such thing like calling in obligations causing a crisis as the actual physical delivery obligations are only a fraction of the trades. all other obligations can be settled in cash.


    that situation exists since many years and only the gloom&doom prophets are presenting distorted theories. the latter also since many years.


    however, the situation of global financial obligations is a different and quite terrifying animal as we have experienced in 2008.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

    Electricity is more expensive in Thailand than in in the UK. UK cost 1 Baht per kw/h, Thai cost about 4 Baht per kw/h.  (there's a standing charge in the UK, about £50-£100 per annum).

    it's more like 3 baht which is cheap compared to other European prices, e.g. Germany (€ 0.28 = 9 Baht).


    Both gas and electricity consumption is measured in kWh. The unit rate you pay will vary depending upon the energy price plan you're on, and even the region you live in, but the average cost of electricity per kWh is 14.37p




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  7. 8 hours ago, JaiLai said:

    Once in America checking it at hotel, the receptionist asked where i was from, i told him Scotland, he then proceeded to ask me if that was in London.......


    Gotta feel sorry for those americans.......shame!

    Americans compensate their lack of geography by being the second most friendly and helpful people we have experienced having lived in half a dozen countries. we got used fast to that little flaw and even had a good laugh once in a while. in 1996 a Singaporean lady who studied with my wife visited us in Florida. we had the neighbours over and one of them asked her "how do you feel that the Chinese communists will take over your country next year?" my wife immediately defused the situation by pointing to our backyard and shouting "look at that big alligator! must be at least 3 meters in length." :smile:

    • Like 2
  8. 8 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    Somehow your style has always seemed American, but if German you are, so be it, now I understand the wurst.

    i wonder whether this is a compliment or an insult :laugh: but there is indeed an American connection. before Thailand we spent the first 15 years of our retirement in the Greatest Nation on Earth™ that made us temporarily "U.S. Persons" for tax purposes but life there was extremely good. my wife is still craving for the U.S. of A even though it would mean to pay an arm and a leg in taxes when compared with Thailand.

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