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Posts posted by Naam

  1. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:
    1 hour ago, sitti said:

    What the heck are you talking about. I wasn't talking about a rent. I was talking utility costs. For example, currently I'm paying on average 20,000 baht per month for electricity alone in Bangkok. Back in California, I was paying around $250~300 per month. That is the cost of maintaining the same level of our lifestyle in Thailand.

    Unless you live in the largest mansion in Bangkok, your info. is totally bogus.

    I was paying $400-$500 a month in California.

    I pay about $60 here.

    Water in Calif. $60. Here $10.

    Maybe check your math....

    we live in the outskirts of Pattaya. our home is not a large mansion but a comfortable size. personally i think that an electricity bill of $60 (THB2000) is either bogus or it calls for condolences. here's one of our old bills which is representative what we are paying since many years. consumption 3-3,500 kWh in the cool season, 4-5,000kWh in the hot season.




    Electr apr may 2016.JPG

  2. 10 hours ago, Jingthing said:
    11 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Singapore, or if really really have money central Tokyo

    Which points out the big question, what is their goal?

    They could afford to live in either of those places but their wealth wouldn't be particularly powerful there.

    Or pick a lower cost place and be closer to the top level.

    whether they could afford or willing to match Singapore's "entry fee" for residence is highly questionable. on top of that the proceeds/income  of the required investment would be taxable.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:
    8 hours ago, The Theory said:

    It’s not about moving to Canada. 

    This guy was financially supported by wife (as he told in his old posts). He is a “Serb” who is holding Canadaian citizenship. He complained a lot about Canada and the system as well in his posts. My guess is things has gone sour and no more support by wife. 





    I was never supported financially by my wife. Find me 1 post where I said that.


    Your "guess" couldn't be more wrong. By all means, keep that username alive by theorizing. I'm "guessing" it's jealousy that I am not paying my wife a salary and that she is a self sufficient Thai woman who I didn't have to buy a house to win her heart. 

    some of your postings could have easily lead to this theory even though the theory might not apply.

  4. 4 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Lets use the most expensive for one hit a day. that will cover guys who maybe hit cheaper places twice a day. So lets say 1000 baht worth of drinks, 1000 baht bar fine per day, 3000 average between ST and LT, add three meals at 500Baht a meal (cuz you know he is eating western food), a hotel at 1000 and we can say, 7500. Add taxis, tips, condoms, fags....how about lets call it 10,000 a day. Give us 7 days, how about 70000 baht per monger.


    The key is not to double count. So you would have to mark the targets with a paintball gun.

    i've seen these kind of punters who throw around money as per your estimate. at least three, perhaps even five, during the last 13½ years of my stay in Thailand. :whistling:

  5. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Aircon in Thailand would be essential. A fair strain on a motor already relying on air cooling.

    that is correct without an additional condenser panel with an electric fan. father and son are doing an excellent job and might have thought of this. but space in the engine compartment of a "bug" comes at a premium.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

    Fortunately, sarcasm is not understood by the Klingons. In fact, thinking is not their strong points, but they often repeat well worn out tidbits of advice to maintain the illusion of intellectual superiority ?

    any advice no matter how well worn out is superior to the ridiculous fairy tales pertaining to finances you have been presenting over several years.


  7. 4 minutes ago, MikeN said:

    Some predictions have the Oz dollar at around $0.50 US, but that is the US dollar going up rather than the Aussie going down. The Thai baht is already considered to be overvalued so it is very unlikely to go up too, the net result will be the AU/TH rate remaining pretty much the same as it is now.

    Paramount Chief of the U.S. of A., World Twitter Champion and Leader of the Fre World™  Donald Trump thinks indeed the Baht is overvalued. :laugh:

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