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Posts posted by Naam

  1. Quote
    eyecatcher said:
    With respect mr Dellboy you clearly have little concept of how inverters work, how they save energy, and thus how they save on running costs.
    Your typical aircon is straight up to full power consumption, and will stay at that output for a long time, often not even switching off.
    the inverter uses high initial energy for maybe 5 minutes max at which point it drops down the gears and idles with no noise, no switching on and off and regulates the air temp at a constant on very low power.

    absolute technical layman's rubbish that applies to the comment on conventional units as well as to inverters. i consider it a waste of time to go into details.

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  2. On 9/6/2018 at 10:29 AM, eyecatcher said:

    infact a 9k btu  inverter will use not much more electricity than a typical ceiling fan.



    On 9/7/2018 at 11:10 AM, eyecatcher said:

    I have one 9kbtu inverter aircon only at home which I have had for only 1 year after only having ceiling fans. My electric bills have increased from 400bt month to just under 600bt month, so for me that one aircon is costing 200bt a month extra...

    running it in cooling mode for only 2 days a month?

  3. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Can't see much point in old dodderers hanging on for a few more years, fair enough if you're 20, but when over 60 what's the point?

    being an "old dodderer", pushing age 75 in a couple of months, i see a wealth of "much point" to hang on for a few more years.


    BritManToo said

    I always use TFM bread flour, mainly because it's 32bht/kg

    but unlike you i don't make my own pizza,



    BritManToo said

    Funny thing is once you are in Pattaya you are victim of the taxi and tuk tuk mafia and unless you use a public baht bus your fare is higher than the bus.

     and use either my BMW or my wife's Benz. and if i feel like it also her driver.


    shall i go on? rabugento1.gif

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  4. 2 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    Can you run electricity cables with fiber optic?  Don't think internet cables are much of a problem.  The rats and squirrels eat the fiber optic ones on a regular basis in my soi.  Do they do the same with copper?

    that's an urban myth. fiber optic cables have have an extremely tough insulation with contains also a steel core. no delicacy for rats or squirrel. we installed privately twice 700 meters. that's the reason i know what i'm talking about.


  5. 4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
    5 hours ago, marko kok prong said:
    Alot of Brit expats may find themselves in trouble if there is a no deal Brexit.

    Many countries will be in trouble in the future when the EU goes down the toilet

    true! and that will happen with Brexit when the British Empire cuts the financial lifeline which has kept the EU afloat.


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  6. 4 hours ago, garyk said:

    Same here, I am always floored at people who cannot live here on 40K.  I don't drink and don't smoke and don't go with any gold digging women. Which Thailand is full of!

    Before I retired I stayed here on and off for 10 years. Many times I literally could not spend 40K/mo. I am not kidding. I enjoy pretty good food and like to travel around Thailand. 

    Unless you just got off the plane, or want to live a crazy life style, these countries are a wonderful place to retire. For pennies.


    On a side note. Last year I spent several months in Colombia. There is another country that is about like Thailand. In regards to quality of life on very little money. I traveled around the country for months and lived in some Very nice hotels for less than 40K/mo. baht. And I don't have to live on that! I could easily spend more but I just could not?  I rented a room in a very comfortable hotel in Colombia for two months with a nice pool, free and very nice breakfast, weight room, sauna for 300 dollars a month?????


    People that complain about money here must not be putting in much effort. Or listening to others here on TV. Anyone reading this, TV is the worst site there is in Thailand in regards to living here. Don't listen to the people posting here.  


    Don't listen to the people posting here. 

    doesn't that apply to you too? :whistling:

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  7. 11 hours ago, CLW said:
    11 hours ago, marcusarelus said:
    You wrote, " Are you aware that aircon is not good for your health" which is patently nonsense as all hospitals have ac.  

    Yes. And I gave the reason in my second sentence.
    Do you have a clinical condition that requires air conditioning?

    i'd suffer a severe clinical condition without airconditioning. my wife would make sure of that. :unsure:

  8. 3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Quite a few of them, thought of changing to the ceiling cassette types? They got more BTU/unit and are more quiet.

    i have three ceiling units in areas installed where they serve special purposes. in other areas (high rooms) ceiling units are a waste of energy because they suck the hottest air which should be left "undisturbed". wall mounted units are available with the same capacity as ceiling units but not vice versa as there are no ceiling units with 9,000 btu/h nominal capacity.


    other disadvantages:

    -2 maximum 3 different fan speeds as opposed to the 6-speed wall mounted units (that's the reason they are more quiet),

    -difficult to clean (not the filter but intensive cleaning of whole unit),

    and last not least

    -double the price.


    of course it goes without saying that ceiling units beat wall mounted units, seen from an aesthetical perspective, hands down.


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  9. 2 hours ago, AtoZ said:

    You shouldn't open doors and windows when using AC


    Or your house must be at least 400 sq metres running AC 24/7 in every room.

    aironditioned area in our home is 600m². half of the installed units are running ~16 hours a day, at night 3-4 units. aircon share of electricity bill is ~40% november till february and ~60% march till october. 


    note: only idiots keep doors and windows open when using airconditioning.

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  10. 3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


    Wow, I have never seen anything like that, especially in Pattaya.

    I would go to the office and ask them what is up...

    I know guys in the Darkside in a nice sized house paying about 3,000 a month.

    Check it out.  If you think 2,000 b a month is bogus then boy certainly, I am happy with it . ?

    Is your bill from a business environment?  If not, it certainly appears you are getting ripped off. 


    people with a 2,000 Baht electricity bill in a tropical country are ripping themselves of. my 17 (or 18?) aircon units are not a rip-off but they provide comfort as does heating in my home country when it's cold.


    welcome to reality!  :smile:

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