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Posts posted by Naam

  1. 7 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Education does not matter much, if foreigners make up a good portion of people who they have to interact with(*) every day they are usually able to speak english to at least some degree. If they hardly have any contact with foreigners they usually can't speak much english. Many bar girls speak way better english than the doctors.

    the problem is neither grammar nor wordpower but pronunciation. but why nurses and administrative staff in hospitals fare far better remains still a mystery (for me).

  2. 1 hour ago, Isaan sailor said:

    Someone profits from a high Baht.  Otherwise we wouldn’t have this debacle. More ChiCom subs?  Thailand 4.0 (aka ChiComs Belt & Road Initiative? Lined pockets at Bank of Thailand?  This activity has gone on for several years. Whoever’s doing it, for whatever reason—will destroy exports and tourism...

    does it feel better when parotting barstool drivel conspiracies without taking into account economic realities?

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  3. 1 hour ago, brokenbone said:

    in my experience, the only 'thai xenophobia' that exist

    is in delusional coffin dodgers mind,

    likely an yet undocumented effect of senility.

    tvf could be an interesting place for scientists to study


    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, sanemax said:
    5 hours ago, DougM said:

    Most brexiteers have probably never left their own little corner of England and have no notion of how the pound is comparing to foreign currencies.

    Why should they be concerned about the exchange rate ?

    true! a hard core Brexiteer does not consume any imported stuff. he lives on fish&chips taken with a pint of "ail".  :smile:

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  5. 39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    I can't work out your thinking on that one. In mid 2007 - before the recent world recession the pound was trading in the low to mid 60's. By the end of the recession - 8 years later, it was down in the low 50's. And you say slowdown's have no risk to western currencies?

    you are missing the context of my comment which was the claim "Trump... Trade war... = risk to western currencies". in trade wars or an economic crisis all participants lose but that does not necessarily mean their currencies lose equally.


    and that applies to your pick "GBP THB mid 60s" too as both UK and Thailand suffered because of the 2008 crisis.

  6. 12 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    But long term there is a more serious risk to western currencies, I'm no expert but I listen to what the experts say. At the moment it appears that the biggest threat is that of a world recession caused by the Trump initiated trade wars between the US and China - there has already been a small slowdown. Trump is also having a go at US/EU trade now!

    you don't have to listen to experts as a little logical thinking shows clearly that Trump's behaviour is a threat to the global economy. but this threat has no impact or is a risk to western currencies.

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