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Everything posted by Phil1964

  1. The price of some EV models on UK car supermarket's websites are plummeting showing just how slow new sales are, and the unrealistic price points, eg: Vauxhall's EV Mocha range are now being offered for nearly 50% of their list price, (£20k - £22k GBP v £38k to £44k depending on model spec), on CarWow. Main dealers still trying it on with their higher unrealistic pricing however. Kindof shows how parlous and unrealistic the industry is, outside of the company car market??
  2. Quality family resorts and country... 🤔🤦‍♂️
  3. They usually are. Mine was too. She lied more than Boris Johnson ever could.
  4. And once she and her family have that 'power' confirmed boy you're screwed.
  5. First time seen this in the media. Not covered in UK media. Now I wonder why?
  6. Thailand. Still in stuck in the 1800's, with their mentality and attitudes.
  7. Thai women are pretty ordinary in bed, sorry. They may look good, slim, pert, a bit bendy / flexi etc, but like others have mentioned they are compliant, not adventurous and rarely lead. Plus they are'nt much into foreplay from my experience. Like another poster said, "They starfish"!
  8. Because, they're corrupt, incompetent and lazy. Oh yes and did I mention at grass roots level to the top they're corrupt? 😂 (The brown envelope manufacturer in Thailand must have a really good income)!
  9. Here in the UK this awful breed is now banned after a series of high profile maulings were featured in national media. Destry the dogs, ban the owners from keeping such a stupid unnecessary pet. Imagine the uproar if someone was keeping a tiger as a guard feline. There'd be uproar and concern for public safety etc. These dogs are dangerous and have no place in our society.
  10. Stainless steel benches.?? That'll stop farangs wearing inappropriate, revealing clothing when out in public, as they won't be able to sit down to drink and behave lewdly without self inflicting 2nd degree burns on themselves! 🤔🤣 Better send some north up to Pai, (stainless benches not more farangs), that should counter the 'farang behaviours' up north! 😂😂 Refer to the earlier news article on Asean Now, if you missed it.
  11. Was'nt there a recent episode where a farang had won a decent amount of Thai baht from a lottery prize, while in Thailand and all those racist Thai-netizens were up in arms about farangs playing Thai lotto etc?? Pot kettle black and yet again Thai hypocrisy in full swing. That's 2 examples on here today alone!
  12. At the end of the day Thailand's leaders, monarchy etc are a bunch of pious hypocrites.
  13. Maybe, just the new emigrés the Soviets seem to like it along with those who have lived there a long time?
  14. They're too busy sexting, playing on their mobiles, or watching Tiktok to be able to find time to concentrate on sport. Plus it's too hot to do outdoor sport most of the time. Perhaps why they're only good at sports like; badminton, Muay Thai, boxing as they're indoor / covered arena sports.
  15. What? Really? They've, (local authorities etc), only just realised? It's the land of scammers and chancers, FFS!!
  16. "In a similar incident, a Thai homeless couple was arrested for public sex in the Isaan province of Khon Kaen in May. The homeless man admitted to the act and emphasised that being homeless, he had no choice but to have sex in public".... One helluva brilliant alibi..., "Being homeless he had no choice but to have sex in public.."!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  17. And every other country. The fact is the rich and landed gentry don't want anybody 'gatecrashing their party' and rebalancing the order and levels of gl9bal societies.
  18. Yeah and in other news Spurs won the English Premier League, Rishi Sunak is the best ever British Prime Minister and Donald Trump is the secret love child of Kim Yong Un!! 🤣🤣 Mind you Phuket is probably okay for Soviets compared to their western front fighting Ukraine??
  19. #1 - **** a Thai w**** in Thailand, but most definitely leave her in her own country. Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT export such goods to your own country for the sake of your health and finances..
  20. How dare a farang make any bad comments about poor quality and service in Thailand. There's plenty of other, more welcoming, (these days), countries to spend our hard earned wages in.
  21. Perhaps a relative of a copper was driving the van. T****r. Guess (s)he'll be off for a few Wais to ask Buddha for forgiveness, once his relative in the police has brushed it all under the carpet? Q: What would happen if a farang hit n runs an ageing Thai resident?
  22. So sad for Mme Delacott. RIP. But hate to say it, this bears all the hallmarks of Thai lies and shenanigans to get their hands on Mme Delacott's money, gold and property assets regardless of Mme Delacott's situations in life of coping and dealing with divorce and cancer.
  23. Says in the article, "most prominent values being respect, self-control, and a non-confrontational attitude"! Lol!! Are they talking about a different country or race in the article??
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