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Posts posted by Cherrytreeview

  1. The doctor isn't saying what some posters on this forum have been spouting.

    'All falling into place for tourist high season.' etc


    That particular poster seems to have disappeared. I wonder if he knows his utterances are absolutely devoid of facts or reality and he's being found out.

    Thailand has been in various degrees of  lockdown since April.

    Thailand isn't going to surrender any gains by allowing a free for all through BKK.

    I have always thought that since the Delta variant arrived that the game had changed.

    If you are a farang who owns a tourist facing business in Thailand, then cut your losses and get out.

    Otherwise, you will burn what capital you have left.

    Get out now.



    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, jippytum said:

    99.9 percent of expat residents could have told you that weeks ago. 

    never mind the hype people who live here know the situation better than this government and the daily nonsense from its spokesmen. 

    Anyone with half a brain has been saying this whether an expat or not.

    You just have to look at the ebb and flow of the pandemic globally.

    If the bars etc open in November or December then a lot of saved expat money will ensure a decent income for farang facing businesses.

    If they have survived this long, then they will make it to the New Year.

    However, Thai landlords will be trying to recoup losses again. Not to mention key money.

    I also wonder will Thai wholesalers start putting prices up again for alcohol etc.

    Not exclusive to Thailand and this is another piece of the jigsaw that people aren't factoring in.

    Thailand is about to get a lot more expensive, whatever your budget.

    Who can blame them.


  3. 1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

    I take your point but "taking China out of the equation" is not optional anymore as they represent the vast majority of tourism in Thailand now.  The other growing market is India.  I think that the western tourists are pretty irrelevant for the next year or two and will never make up to the numbers they used to.  Apart from the gap year travelers of course.  Thailand is always hard wired into their itineraries!

    Spot on.

    China is the big unknown going forward.

    They are still pursuing a zero covid policy, 21 day quarantine period and apparently revamping internal infrastructure for domestic tourism.

    The Thai property market needs Chinese buyers, i would think.



    • Like 1
  4. Just now, JonnyF said:

    Well it should be simple, but you are proving otherwise. Whose fault is it that the healthcare system cannot handle the number of hospitalizations because the population is insufficiently vaccinated and therefore requiring hospitalization? <<Drumroll>> That's right, it's the government's fault. They've had plenty of time to roll out vaccines as the UK has shown. Lockdowns are nothing to do with the government? Yeah OK... ????.


    You're very argumentative for someone with so few posts BTW. Just got banned and rejoined? ????

    I'm talking about after the population is vaccinated.

    Try to read and understand what i have said.

    • Haha 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. I had two summers in Ireland and it rained almost all the time. I could have stayed the winter, but I'd have had to be mad to do so instead of going to Thailand where it's never freezing.

    You where unlucky. Just like the people who have had monsoon rains for the last few weeks in Thailand.

    Ireland's winters are not freezing their mild. Have been for decades.

    I go to Thailand when i want. Normally, during the Thai winter and spend spring and summer at home.

    The climate utterances of some chip on his shoulder baiting keyboard warrior is of no interest.



  6. 9 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Nonsense. What a ridiculous statement.


    Take Thailand for example. The government screwed up the vaccine procurement process, they even actively blocked the private sector from assisting with it. They vaccinated low risk people on a tourist island instead of at risk people in the main financial hub. Now the government has created and prolonged a lockdown to try and buy some time until they sort it out. Some might argue that the lockdown also helps them fight anti government protests.


    Australia and NZ governments have adopted a zero covid policy where millions are locked down for a few dozen cases, causing riots on the streets.


    How you can say this has nothing to do with governments is beyond me. If everyone was vaccinated there would be far fewer people needing beds. Most would be asymptomatic or mild symptoms so we could continue with our lives without needing permission to do something or go somewhere.


    Nothing to do with governments? Incredible.????

    It's very simple but obviously not enough for you.

    Governments can do whatever they want.

    However, if the healthcare system cannot handle the numbers, then restrictions will be reintroduced.

    Just like Singapore just did after one week.

    Waning vaccines, poor or little immunisation for a sizeable minority of the population and those who refuse the vaccines will mean covid will always have a moving target.

    If enough people get sick and hospitalised restrictions will be introduced.

    That's a fact, no matter how many emojis you put after posts.


    • Sad 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Heng said:

    I have booked my winter holidays and just tagged on another 16 days for quarantine.   Scr3w you Covid.   Is that all you got?

    You've used the word 'holiday'.

    Maybe endurance test to gain entry, followed by let's see what businesses have survived/are open and hope the rules don't change before or during my trip, might be more accurate.

    Anyway, hope you have a great time.

    • Like 2
  8. 45 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    Spot the error.


    Conditions Set for Bangkok Reopening


    BANGKOK, Sept 21 (TNA) – Bangkok governor Aswin Kwanmuang sets three conditions for the reopening of the capital to welcome tourists, saying they were based on public safety.


    According to him, 70% of Bangkok people must first receive at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccines. He expected the targeted vaccine coverage to be achieved by Oct 22. Vaccine recipients would then have to wait 7-14 days for antibody stimulation as required by medical authorities.


    The second condition was a decline in new daily COVID-19 cases which were ranging between 2,700 and 2,800 for the time being and the third condition was a decrease in new COVID-19 patients being admitted to hospitals, the Bangkok governor said.



    That will get them booking their flights by the million.

    No one is travelling to Thailand under these flip flop arrangements.

    76 different provinces with 76 bosses.

    Chaos in motion.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Denim said:



    Thailand is now a virtual vassal state of China so this parroting of the Chinese Communist Party line is to be expected.


    The reality is that the Chinese have been steadily building up their naval strength , have built illegal island bases on China sea reefs , in fact have laid claim to the whole sea riding rough shod over territorial claims of the Philippines , Vietnam , Malaysia and Brunei. 


    In addition they have made repeated promises to retake Taiwan by force, have repeatedly violated the air space of the above three countries and threatened retaliation against Japan or the USA should they try to come to Taiwans defense.


    The Chinese Communist party is doing more to wreck the stability of the region than all the others combined. Make no mistake, they started this race themselves and expect everyone else to be intimidated by their threats. If they are foolish enough to start something they will quickly come to regret it. In the meantime they are hoping their bullying and swaggering will get them hegemony over the area without any interference. 

    As perfect a piece of writing you will ever read on this forum.

    The added bonus is it's driven the odious litlle Napoleon, Macron, up the wall. The French are furious.

    Anyone who has travelled extensively in SE Asia will know what the Chinese are up to.

    Let's see if the Chinese Premier even bothers to attend the climate meeting later this year.  Unless the Chinese get on board, the global climate agenda is ruined.

    You only have to look at the property ponzi schemes, like Evergrande, the Chinese state is built on and their interventions, and manipulations of companies listed in China, to realise that the CCP is still a house built on sand.

    Thailand is a butler to the Chinese and will slowly be consumed.


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  10. 4 hours ago, smedly said:

    when I obtained my crystal ball all those years ago it just never lived up to the hype, then I was offered a secret manuscipt that had a map showing the location of a "super crystal ball" - it also came with a whip and a really cool cowboy hat with the inscription "I J", I laughed and respectfully declined ........................... I am sure some mug fell for it but not me



    Yeah, i remember those also.

    One was inscribed 'never listen to miserable old codgers who reply in riddles.'



    • Haha 1
  11. Different day, different nonsense spouted by Thai civil servants.

    Entertainment venues are the last places that will open.

    They will be closing again within a few weeks of opening anyway.

    A few covid cases traced to Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy, LK Metro or Walking Street and the neon signs outside will be turned off again.

    The new normal doesn't have 'entertainment venues' in its charter.



    12 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    “As vaccination rates increase, however, and the released numbers from the CCSA in terms of cases of Covid-19 and especially deaths lower, talk has begun for the first time in six months around reopening the shuttered entertainment industry, which is especially important to the economy of Pattaya.

    This also comes as Pattaya city leaders have tentatively announced planning events for November and December in hopes that the highly accelerated vaccination campaign will be at a level to allow the city to fully open and return to somewhat normality.”


    No mention of what the vaccination level is that will allow the city to fully open. If they are planning events for November it’s unlikely, if not impossible that they will be at 70% fully vaccinated. 


    • Like 2
  12. 31 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    Looking at the death rate ranking data from worldometer over the past 7 days:


    Thailand 66th in world  @ 14 deaths/million of population, down 33% 

    14th in Asia. 

    Anyone with knowledge of Risk Assessment may understand why,  looking at those figures, the government may be considering lowering their original targets for opening sooner. 

    Health vs Economy must be a real consideration now in the decision making process going forwards. 



    You have knowledge of risk assessment running a bar in Thailand?

    Do me a favour.

    Here's some risk assessment for you.

    China still has a 3 week quarantine regime. China is still following a zero covid strategy.

    China has enough on its plate with Evergrande, the giant property company in serious trouble.

    The Chinese won't be coming anytime soon.

    Thailand has 76 separate provinces with each one likely to do whatever it wants.

    Look at Koh Tao opening then closing within days. Imagine being a tourist on Koh Tao?

    You keep banging on about Phuket's shambles box being a success.

    100,000 expected, at most 30,000 arrived with estimates of 6000 real tourists.

    People and travel agents aren't stupid.

    Test positive and your marched off to hospital.

    No central structure or coordination. Rules likely to change by the hour, let alone day.

    Quit while your ahead and get pennies on the pound and forget Thailand for 3 to 5 years.

  13. 1 minute ago, Fairynuff said:

    You’re making your feelings into facts again. There are still too many vaccinated people being hospitalized, clearly they have more than just cold and flu symptoms. The UK has performed abysmally and much as I’d like blame the shameful response of Johnson and his band of thieving incompetents, the public have also been very stupid. Even now refusing to wear masks and obsessing over civil rights. It’s a bit of cloth.... I could go on......

    Just be glad the UK government helped finance the AstraZeneca vaccine and a large part of global genome sequencing of the virus.

    AZ will help get large parts of the globe out of this mess including Thailand.

    Age demographics of the UK and Thailand are totally different, as is the way people live.

    The UK government also had a 70% furlough scheme to help businesses as well.

    Compare that to the aid that the Thai government has given it's people. Zero.

    The chinese vaccine purchasing in Thailand is as dodgy as it gets.

    What's Thailand done for the world during the pandemic apart from begging.



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