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Posts posted by Cherrytreeview

  1. 6 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

    Obviously I've been going to the wrong places!  

    Apotheka, Soi 11, Bangkok

    Saxophone Bar, Victory Monument, Bangkok

    Adhere the 13th, Koh San Road, Bangkok

    Would be my go to places in Bangkok.

    Saxophone Bar will have 3 artists/bands at the weekend.

    Ped's blues band used to play Friday and Saturday nights.

    Saxophone Bar will have a mix of mainly Thai's but some farangs.

    They have a full food menu and is a great place to take a date.

    There are pool tables and TV's upstairs as well.

    I always go to see Cottonmouth play on a Wednesday night at Apotheka.

    Keith Nolan has a great line up and Deni Hines sings with him as well.

    Adhere the 13th is tiny, but the house band are very good.



  2. 1 hour ago, DFPhuket said:

    I'm flying from Thailand to Germany on Monday. I had to upload a copy of my (US Pfizer) vaccination certificate to a German government website and print out a document. That's all. No PCR tests. No quarantine. Nothing else.


    For my return to Phuket I can't get my COE until after I arrive in the EU and upload a copy of my entry stamp, along with my passport copy, re-entry permit, insurance document showing $100,000 (which won't cover asymptomatic hospitalization), SHABA 7 day hotel certificate, prepayment of 2 PCR tests, and flight itinerary. Plus I must download the MorChana app. Then I'll need to find a place to get a negative PCR test no more than 72 hours before my flight departs. After I've done all of that, I can fly to Phuket where I'll have 2 more PCR tests. 


    Thai hospitality at its finest. 

    Is it normal that insurance policies won't cover asymptomatic hospitalisation or does it depend on the company?

  3. All these pricing metrics are in the past.

    Thailand hasn't even reopened yet.

    They are going to get their lost earnings back and that means prices are going to go up.

    Pattaya ST 1000 baht?

    Not if they have customers lining up, it will be highest bidder wins.

    Wouldn't want to be in Thailand on a frozen UK state pension.


  4. I doubt you have seen anything yet.

    Thailand closed for 2 years and they are going to get those lost earnings back.

    Expats and returning tourists are going to get rinsed.

    The global tourism industry is doing it, so why shouldn't Thailand? I don't blame them.




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  5. https://thepattayanews.com/2021/09/29/reader-talkback-what-do-you-think-about-the-current-plan-to-reopen-pattaya-to-foreign-vaccinated-tourists-in-november/


    If this is correct, as i read it, it means that apart from having to book certain ASQ hotels, you will be free to roam Pattaya and Jomtein as you wish.

    If the nightlife was open, it would certainly attract the winter snow birds.

    It is reported on another thread that Thai embassies are using digital means to validate passports. No need to put in the post.

    I won't be travelling this year but i will be honest and say i think thing's will begin to ease over the next 6 months.


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  6. 12 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Clearly a waste of time corresponding with someone who has to resort to personal insults.  Quite pathetic really

    I think your being very touchy and looking to take offense.

    I voted to remain in the EU and have no doubt it has created extra layers of bureaucracy.

    If you live in NI i would think this would be amplified.

    However, we are where we are and have to work are way through it.

    I wish you, your family and business all the best for the future and hope we can have hastle free travel to Thailand as soon as possible.


  7. 39 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    The fuel shortages are due to there not being drivers to delivery it.  That is what I said. The government have the army on standby to step in.  And yes people are panicking and needlessly filling up when Schapps and Johnson have told them there is no shortage of fuel.  Problem with that is due to past to past record, NOBODY believes them.  


    My son goes to college and they are now only serving sandwiches in the school canteen rather than the usual cooked meals due to the suppliers being unable to deliver the food supplies.  In my local Waitrose there is no frozen food due to no deliveries and the fresh food shelves are heavily depleted.  Been like that for nearly a month now.  Same story in Tesco and Sainsbury's.  


    I don't have time to sit around much watching TV as I run my own business, which I moved to the Netherlands last year.  I still run it from the UK until my son finishes his education.  It's an import/export sort of business and I have no problem whatsoever with trucks and transport over there, are anywhere else in Europe.


    As for the personal insult at the beginning of your post... I guess that tells us all we need to know about you

    The fuel association is saying the ridiculous panic buying is beginning to ease.


    This article begs to differ from you about EU driver shortages.

    I notice my dismantling of your comments about the gas companies going bust went unanswered.

    As did the global supply chains issues that everyone is facing.

    A pity your son couldn't take himself off to the nearest KFC so the poor lad doesn't starve.

    You sound like the stereotypical remainer complaining that every issue is blamed on Brexit.

    Going by the apocalyptic vision you are trying to conjure, you would think the remoaning Labour Party would be ahead in the opinion polls and a few people might actually know who Kier Strarmer is.

    Anything else you fancy having a moan about?


  8. 43 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Apart from severe fuel shortages due to not enough lorry drivers (thanks to Brexit), supermarkets with empty shelves, food prices up by over 10% and rising.  The furlough scheme will be ending soon with a large number of people then becoming unemployed.  Not to mention over a million job vacancies which aren't being filled.  Then the government offers 3 month visas to European lorry drivers to come and help with the shortages but nobody is coming.  Why would they when they were thrown out before.


    The Northern Ireland protocol is in serious danger of collapsing and the USA refusing any trade deals because of it.  This week a government spokesman advised people buy now for Christmas as there will be shortages of everything including toys for the kids.  Every day energy companies go bust leaving millions looking for new suppliers.  The cost of fuel is rising out of all proportion and that will mean prices will keep on rising. 


    So, yes nothing to worry about in Blighty, unless of course, you live here.

    Dear, dear.

    You should get out more.

    It's not good to spend your day in front of the TV. Get some fresh air.

    There are Europe wide shortages of lorry drivers. In fact, i believe it is a global issue.

    We have just come through a global pandemic and supply chains are restarting, hence the reasons for a lot of shortages and the increased cost of shipping goods.

    Things like toys coming from China etc.

    Last week, Nike announced major delays due to pandemic related factory closures in Vietnam.

    There is no fuel shortage in the UK and you know it.

    There are a lot of headless chickens driving around filling up their cars when they don't need to.

    Same herd instinct that emptyed the supermarkets of toilet rolls and eggs at the start of the pandemic.

    It just takes a bunch of clowns on social media to start the rumours and the simple minded press the panic button.

    The energy companies going bust was because they did not hedge their pricing when global gas shortages led to a steep increase in wholesale gas prices.

    Their problem for bad business.

    Their customers, however, get moved automatically to new suppliers at no expense.

    Once again TVF's resident economists can be relied upon to print total inaccuracies.

  9. 2 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    Interesting read your last few posts. 
    Thanks for the perspective. 

    If it wasn't for the UK funding the AZ vaccine research, Thailand wouldn't be 70% vaccinated until 2030.

    Interesting your perspectives never take into account the complete and utter failure of the Thai government to join covax or procure vaccines in a timely manner.

    @Kadilo any updates on the date of your return flight to Thailand?


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  10. 39 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    The confusion reigns!!!


    This is for Thai citizens travelling on a Thai passport.


    According to my wife, the RTE London has now added to the confusion over pre-departure PCR testing.  Yesterday their website said the recommend passengers are tested - today they still say its recommended but now they also say that immigration may require a negative PCR on arrival!!!


    Other embassies still just recommend PCR testing.


    This is one thing I will never understand about Thailand and it spreads into many spheres of life - the government issues a set of rules but individual offices interpret those rules however they see fit. Maybe the government's rules are unclear, I don't know but its bloody ridiculous.

    Don't forget, even when the dust settles, their are 76 provinces that all have their own governor.

    Their likely to overreact at any minute and enforce restrictions.

    Hope you get back safely.

  11. 1 hour ago, Exploring Thailand said:

    What is the reason?

    The UK doesn't believe Thailand is doing enough genome sequencing.

    Who cares, Thailand isn't let UK citizens in without quarantine.

    I would guarantee that the UK will allow Thai's quarantine free entry before Thailand allows Brits.

    That, of course, won't be acknowledged by the usual suspects.

  12. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    Really the prerogative of UK to place any countries in their color listing. Not sure about irresponsible behavior being the criteria. Take for instance, Malaysia had more infections and deaths and yet placed under amber. Surely irresponsible behavior resulted in Malaysia higher numbers than Thailand but yet Malaysia is amber. In any case, Thailand don’t seem to be much bother with no outcry from the foreign ministry. I am sure UK will relax the traveler requirement when better sense prevailed. 

    UK doesn't think Thailand is doing enough genome sequencing of the virus.

    UK does 1 million plus tests a day.

    Thailand does about 40,000 and a BOGOF at the local 7-11.

    To be fair, at least you are constant in your ability to ignore or misinterpret the facts.


    • Haha 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, meechai said:

    555 As opposed to Thailand?

    Thailand  accepts no vaccinated tourists from anywhere without quarantine!

    Talk about pot kettle black 555

    Yes exactly.

    Tried to explain this to someone who responded to me earlier on this issue.

    I think some posters first language isn't english or their just not the brightest.

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