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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 45 minutes ago, stoner said:

    they did get 4 million more votes. in a country of 70 mil that's no small number. 

    Not 4 million but 3.5 million more - on the party list vote.


    Exact same number of constituency seats though (112 each) both parties with just over 9 million votes.


    PT got 6.2 million more than third place and 9.8 million more than fourth place so again, hardly describable as being “unwanted”.

  2. 1 minute ago, scorecard said:

    Selfish thaksin, he would be well aware she should be in Thailand right now.


    Telling her / agreeing that she should go half way around the world right now to visit daddy very obviusly means he involved in some scheme. But he promised before he was totally finished with Thai politics. Wouldn't trust him with 1 Baht.

    No, not obsessed at all.


  3. 4 minutes ago, h90 said:

    in most constitution is that they vote complete independent and only what they consider best. That isn't the reality but that is what the system was meant for. That all MP in a party vote the same on almost every topic is a degeneration....We wouldn't need to have them sit there if they act like robots.....But that problem exists everywhere in Europe most probably everywhere on the planet.

    What planet are you on?

    Crossing the floor is rare in all countries.


  4. 2 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

    PT, and it's predecessor parties, at it's core has always been more establishment driven then not......and like everyone, self-interest come first before the commons. 


    Surely, wouldn't surprise me if they were looking to hook up with the Junta Gang. 

    Truer colours.

    Survival mechanism. 

    Uninformed prejudiced speculation is of zero value.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Callmeishmael said:

    Quite frankly, I've never thought at Pheu Thai were really that progressive.  They have supported some progressive policies, but they did so more from a populist point of view rather than being truly progressive.


    I think that PT really wants to get into bed with Anutin, Prawit and Prayut and form their own coalition government.  There are 2 things holding them back:

    1 -They may lose a LOT of future votes if they stab MF in the back.

    2 -They still won't have enough votes to make a Senate-proof majority.

    It’s all relative.

    When considering progressive credentials: 

    Pheu Thai > Junta / Democrats

    Move Forward > Pheu Thai

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Jaysisaket said:

    I am genuinely interested in electric vehicles. So if someone asked me: - Are you considering buying an EV next? - I would say yes, maybe. Because it is in the range of possibilities. But it does not necessarily mean I would really buy one. So these polls are deceiving.

    For me personally there are some issues that stop me from pulling the trigger. An ICE vehicle which was well maintained is an easy sell. I normally buy a new car every 5 years and sell the previous one. I usually clock around 100.000 km by then and the car usually sells for at least half the original purchase price. There is a huge market for second hand ICE vehicles. Especially for mid range cars.


    How deep is the market for used electric vehicles? I am afraid that selling a used electric vehicle for any reasonable price would be a problem. First of all they will have a degraded battery after 100.000 km so their range will be lower and might be impractical for some owners. Secondly the majority of people live in apartments and do not have their own private charging points so they will have to go and charge the car somewhere for many hours instead of 10 mins at a gas station once in a while. Not everyone can afford spending that much time on a regular basis. Especially with a degraded battery which holds less charge they will have to make more frequent trips to the chargers. For me personally that would be an endless hassle and anxiety (need to go charge my car at some shopping mall but have no time because I am busy with some other stuff; or need to make a long trip urgently but the car is only halfway charged). The cost of replacing a battery is exuberant in most of the cases and makes non economic sense.


    In my opinion electric cars have still a way to go before they are as carefree as ICE vehicles. The battery technology is still not there yet. Neither is the infrastructure. Without generous government subsidies EVs are a luxury toy for now for those of us with extra money they don’t know how to spend..


    You’ll get there, eventually you’ll have no choice (much like those who swore by the horse and cart when cars first appeared).

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  7. 8 hours ago, waders123 said:

    The two big beer bards more than likely will open their own small craft breweries under umbrella companies and prepare for the forthcoming beer wars.   They won't let this eat away at their monopoly; their too big and too much money to lose. 

    If it were that simple then they wouldn’t have put so much money and effort in to creating their monopoly.


    This will eat away at their profits whilst at the same time benefit consumers through greater choice and more competitive pricing.


    This is only the beginning when it comes to demonopolising Thailand - there are better days ahead for all but those who denied Thailand democracy for personal gain.

    • Haha 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    Hard to know exactly what is going to happen.  Could be that the "negotiations" will lead to Pita being allowed to be PM if he agrees to certain restrictions, or it could be that this is not given the go-ahead and something else will occur.


    The only certainty is that nothing is certain.


    As is usually the rule, if you have to make things up, attack the person, etc., it indicates you cannot form a valid argument.  This appears to be true for you here.

    If you think Pita is for turning, you haven’t been paying much attention to the man’s words and deeds.


    Your posting history is there for all to see - no need to make anything up.

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  9. 30 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    Vote for someone else?

    To what end? 
    No one else can command the 250 lower house seats required to defeat a no confidence motion (see below).


    30 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    In what circumstances would there be another election?

    Successful no confidence motion in the lower house.


    30 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    The senate can simply pick someone else.

    Someone else would immediately lose a no confidence motion in the lower house (see above).


    Your junta is gone - beaten by better people. Commiserations. 

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