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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 20 hours ago, AustinRacing said:

    Taksin’s family will wait for now. But it is a face losing thing for them not to be on top. They see it as they helped Pita to be where he is now so in their minds he owes them and will expect him to pass the mantle to them as a good loyal Thai would do. 

    What drivel.

    Completely made up nonsense with zero truthful or factual content.

    Why do you bother?

    • Haha 2
  2. 20 minutes ago, wombat said:

    I can't think of a country that is democratic...
    in oz its voting preferences that screw the popular vote


    Preferential voting is the fairest system there is.

    What distorts things in Oz is the difference in the size of electorates (smallest 71k largest 133k). The less populated rural electorates have votes approaching double the value of their urban counterparts.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, dinsdale said:

    Indeed. As I've been posting if he doesn't form a coalition he will be heading a minority government if the senate make him PM which as I see it is the only deal he'd make. He has a big decision to make and I have the feeling he'll go for a coalition with MFP. Well I hope so.

    Minority government is impossible without enough votes to guarantee supply. The result, should they be foolish enough to attempt it, would be an almost immediate election - the result of which would be an even greater MF / PT victory. And it would all (cost, frustration, anger) be blamed on one man - Anutin.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, BritScot said:

    I wish that were true, the next coup's ink will still be wet. The only way to end the cycle is to hand out severe punishments to all those officers who were involved as well as removing all their assets which I suggest might help the country out financially for years.

    It turns out the only way to end the cycle is to let the military run the country under their own constitution for 9 years… their ineptness has unified the people as they have never been unified before. Next election the military vote will be even more dismal than the pathetic showing they had on Sunday.


    Done and dusted.

  5. 14 minutes ago, h90 said:

    they were less corrupt than the Thaksin Mafia.....they may collect their 10% from everything....Bad enough. No one in politics is not corrupt, just the military was the lesser evil.
    I would advocate for much harsher laws....

    The Thai military were less corrupt?

    The lesser evil?



    These guys have got history, corruption is in their DNA




  6. 2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    In case you haven't noticed, Pita's new party is called Move Forward.


    No better way to fall further behind than making the settling of scores and vendettas a priority over good stewardship of the nation's future. Just look at US Congress for a prime example of crybaby, "You're gonna have to pay for that" politics.

    A stitch in time saves nine.

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