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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 11 hours ago, bannork said:

    The old guard are desperate but they know they can rely on Pheua Thai to help them out. Thaksin will do anything to come home. There are no permanent enemies in Pheua Thai, a party that welcomes back traitors who joined the junta government.!



    Your post is 100% nonsense.

    Prawit and PT have both stated this story is  garbage.

    I assume, you concede and stand corrected?

    • Confused 1
  2. 15 hours ago, h90 said:

    been here while he was PM.....And don't know what your problem is with the Junta....everyone that has doubts at MF is not a Junta lover...I would guess there are close to non who love the junta

    Who could have ever predicted…..



    Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong..,, how many times are you going to get things wrong before you finally wake up to reality, drop the Thaksin nonsenses and own your own anti democracy beliefs?

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, h90 said:

    been here while he was PM.....And don't know what your problem is with the Junta....everyone that has doubts at MF is not a Junta lover...I would guess there are close to non who love the junta

    Junta lovers lack the moral courage to publicly acknowledge their junta love, they instead obsess over Thaksin (and now MF) treating lies and exaggerations that portray the pro democracy side as evil, selfish and corrupt whilst turning a blind eye to the blindingly obvious evil, selfish and corrupt junta villainy that is occurring right before their very eyes. 

    If you were here when Thaksin was PM - some 17 years ago, then it is an absolutely remarkable effort on your behalf to have remained so ignorant and misinformed over such a long long stretch of time. Bravo.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Agree, and once again the military has a foot in the door, the establishment is hard to beat. Pita should have been more careful with his announcements, he has alarmed the old war horses and Thaksin will be easier to manipulate considering the legal leverage they have against him.

    Idle gossip.

    Explicit rejection of said gossip by PT

    Thaksin obsessives do what….. treat the gossip as gospel.


  5. 3 hours ago, robblok said:

    Good point the guy is as bad as the milletary parties, im sure if the voters had heard of this before the PTP would have been even smaller. First claiming not to work with military parties and then including them in an around way in his party. What a country.

    Nothing has happened other than a bit of idle gossip - calm yourself down.


    Out of curiosity , if Thaksin remains true to his word and PT remain in Pita’s coalition will you come back here and correct your posts?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, kingstonkid said:

    While I agree with what you are saying the one thing I have learnt here is never say it would not happen.  


    Thaksin wants back home without free and clear of charges.

    The military camel wants to keep its nose in the tent and keep some control.



    It would be suicide for Pheu Thai.

    Thaksin, whatever you may think of him, is no fool.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, h90 said:

    1% of GDP and many dead farmer...many companies left Thailand. Japan officially complained.

    And how can your source know what damage was from the demonstrations (blocking airport, scaring tourists) and what from the coup?
    And correct me if I am wrong, I can't remember a 2008 coup.......2006 and 2014

    More inaccuracy and dishonesty.


    In February 2014, the Mental Health Department published the result of their investigation into the suicides of 13 farmers, which was that there appeared to be no connection between these suicides and the delayed payments. This was widely reported in the media at the time.


    Japan officially complained ????????

    What did the juntas coup do for Thailands economy?




    There was a judicial coup in 2008 that ousted the elected government


    When the December 2007 elections resulted in a clear victory for a Thaksin-backed party, the former prime minister’s opponents mobilized once again. The PAD took to the streets, creating a crisis of governance, and the Constitutional Court disbanded the Thaksin-affiliated party in 2008. This decision allowed the Democrat Party, a long-time ally of the royalist establishment, to lead the government coalition, setting in motion one of the most violent confrontations in Thai political history.

  8. 1 hour ago, h90 said:

    yes because they want to


    Your timeline is wrong....The big crash was 1997...than a bit of recovery with the Democrats and Thaksins first term. Than huge damage with the Yingluck rice scam. Which the Prayuth government repaired but than did not do any other reforms....and than killed the last economic activities and tourism with their Covid politics.
    Short version: he is to blame but not him alone.....And MF politics will make a short term boom and than long term problems.

    Huge damage from Yingluck’s government? Even the juntas dodgy figures had total losses at about 1% of gdp


    Also, your timeline seems to have overlooked the 2006 and 2008 coups - both of which caused immediate and significant damage to the gdp. It is also a matter of fact that the 2014 coup caused more damage to the Thai economy than the rice scheme.



    Why do you persist with the dishonesty?

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