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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 1 hour ago, sidneybear said:

    There you go again. Rather than offer a rebuttal to the point I made about pseudodemocracies, you revert to childish rudeness, psychobabble, and ad hominem attacks. You're incapable of serious debate.


    Regardless of what you say, Thaksin's lot will get the boot, and I'm looking forward to it. 


    You’re patience will be tested.

  2. 20 minutes ago, sidneybear said:

    Democracies are so 1900's. They've been replaced by pseudodemocracies all around the world. I'll concede that they look the same on the outside though - we still have parties with different names that we can vote for. 

    The entire population of the UK could have voted for the Monster Raving Looney Party in 2019 if they so desired and the result would have been a MRLP government.

    Don’t blame the system for the electorates apathy and greed.


    If a sufficient number of Thais vote for UTN for them to legitimately win enough seats to form government, then a UTN government is the only acceptable outcome.


    Methinks you do nothing but point the finger as to who or what is wrong / criminal / stupid whenever there is an outcome that does not align with your desires.


    Perhaps you will find it more productive to turn your gaze upon yourself, spend a minute or two in honest self reflection - could this be the path towards inner peace and happiness (constantly lying about Thaksin will never get you there).

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  3. 1 hour ago, sidneybear said:

    You seem to take everything at face value. Next you'll be telling me that a party that calls itself 'The Conservative Party' must by definition hold traditional conservative values, and that a party that calls itself 'The Labour Party' must support the unions and the working classes. Do you also believe that politicians tell the truth all the time?

    You continue to underestimate people.

    In a democracy, people mostly get the government they deserve.

    In the UK, a democracy, the people have many choices - that they continue to vote for the same two parties is their choice.


    I believe that in this day and age, if people want the truth, they have the resources available to find it.

    I also believe that far too many people don't want the truth, they only want to hear (mis)information that supports their already held views and opinions (sound familiar?).


    "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings."

  4. 23 hours ago, sidneybear said:

    Indeed. In the UK, for example, we get a choice of two identical political parties to vote for. At least Thailand's present different approaches. 

    That's  not true.


    In the 2019 UK election 3,415 candidates stood: 206 being independents, the rest representing one of 68 political parties.

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, h90 said:

    Election commission might tell that he broke the law with the iTV shares. I think he is already history and they need to find the next fraudster. Why is there no clean opposition?

    Because all the clean politicians are either yellow shirts or military meaning all those dastardly crooked politicians can only find a home with the opposition (geez, how dumb are the Thai people to keep voting for crooks when they could instead be voting for the pure saint like figures in the junta).


    BTW - after Sunday you’ll have to start referring to them as the government as they will no longer be the opposition.

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