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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Household debt is through the roof. Most people vote out of self interest, not on principles Economic self interest is the reason Prayuth is going to lose in a landslide There will be a change of government, the only uncertainty is whether the losers try to steal the election and force the people to take to the streets for one final battle or will the losers negotiate the conditions of their surrender peacefully. So weak is the position of the anti-democracy side I see negotiations as the only viable option.....unless the crazies seize control and embark on a suicide mission. We'll all know soon enough.
  2. There has definitely been an awakening. 9 years of incompetent rule has the Thai people united unlike ever before. In 16 days, wannabe fascism in Thailand is dead. What on earth are you junta loving anti democracy expats going to do with yourselves?
  3. You are about to be severely disappointed PT are going to win in a landslide Prayuth and Prawit will receive embarrassingly low level of votes Thaksin's daughter will be PM Thaksin is going to return to Thailand this year The constitution will be replaced with one very similar to the 1997 peoples constitution The unelected Senators will be no more The military leadership will be replaced with Thaksin appointees in October Prayuth's corruption during the last 9 years will be investigated and exposed There will be judicial reform - the courts will be depoliticised The use of live ammunition on citizens in 2010 will be investigated and exposed Thanathorn will be allowed to return to politics and probably win the election after the next one further consigning the military to obscurity and maybe, just maybe - a few Generals may yet end up in jail or exile It's over. You have lost. ????????????
  4. You are completely wrong. Your post is a bunch of made up garbage. https://www.newmandala.org/a-response-to-vanina-sucharitkul/
  5. You asked your wife? For someone so apathetic about politics she appears to have a keen interest in economics.
  6. Well then, no need for an election then, a handful of educated and wealthy Thais have spoken. Out of curiosity, is it possible to be wealthy and uneducated or is it just the peasants and unwashed masses who are uneducated?
  7. Some fool (Apirat) will try his luck and get his ass handed to him. It almost needs to play out this way… the final exclamation point on a struggle that began in 1932.
  8. There is nothing the junta can do to stop Thaksin’s return. After 9 years of unelected rule, the military are so hated they are powerless. Soldiers in the streets will be met with bricks not flowers. There’ll be no more successful coups in Thailand, the generational balance has been tipped, the old ways are now just words on pages in history books.
  9. She has lived, practically her entire life, dead centre of Thai politics. She will no doubt be one of the best connected individuals in the country, she will know the true backstory and major players in every significant political event of the past 25 years. She has 3 family members who have been PM… that is 3 trusted (for blood is thicker than water) advisors she can rely on who have “been there, done that”. Additionally, her opposition, the old guard right wing elites are weaker and more divided than they have ever been. Long story short, after winning the election and becoming PM, she will go on to win re-election in a far more devastating and crushing landslide than Thaksin’s huge 2005 re-election win.
  10. Only a fool tars all with the same brush. A jaywalker and a murderer have both broken the law - does lumping them together and labelling them criminals (as they both are) convey an accurate message?
  11. So cast your vote for the Junta and don’t deny others the right to cast their vote as they wish. Most votes wins, losers go away, refine their message, and try again next election. Methinks, Thailand is not for you anymore - time to start researching the visa situations in Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
  12. Do the peasants get a say in what change is acceptable or desirable?
  13. Would you prefer a Thailand with 25k PR and no 30 baht (universal) healthcare? A proper politician is a politician who holds office because of the outcomes of free and fair elections.
  14. Kinda like choosing last weeks winning numbers when buying this weeks lottery ticket. The only constant is change.
  15. What good is a PM in command of 126 lower house seats? They will lose every house vote, not pass any legislation and be unable to avoid continued censorship. If the forces of evil are unable to command 251 lower house seats the Senate will not support their PM candidate. There is a reason Prayuth and Prawit have parted ways.
  16. Last time, after breaking more rules of the already rigged process, PP was able to cobble together a coalition that gave them a majority in the lower house. They won’t get anywhere near a 250 seat lower house coalition this time around. PT will govern in their own right.
  17. Are they criticisms or facts? People can survive for a long time with a terminal illness, but guess what, eventually…
  18. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/10-years-under-prayut-thailand-lost-money-opportunities-and-time-pita-limjaroenrat/
  19. “Some parties” could advocate a policy that instead of receiving up to 10,000 baht, citizens would have to pay up to 10,000 baht and the same “some parties” would still win in a landslide… such is the universal longing by all and sundry to be rid of the incompetent and corrupt Prayuth regime.
  20. That fact that your beloved junta is unable to outwit “stupid and uninformed” people indicates that they themselves are stupid and uninformed.
  21. How inane. Thailand was never more united than during the latter years of Thaksin’s term as PM. Thaksin won re-election in an absolute landslide, he was idolised by over two thirds of the country…. and that “off the charts” popularity terrified the old elites. Such was the adoration of Thaksin, that now, nearly twenty years later, Thais are still yearning for his return - Thaksin’s Housemaid would win an election if Thaksin put her forward. As for division??? Prayuth and Prawit can’t even get along with each other. Anyway it’s all moot. Next month, Thaksin’s daughter is PM and Thailand is back on the path towards freedom and prosperity.
  22. I see you win arguments the same way Prayuth wins elections????????????
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