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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. They haven’t the courage to own their political views. Thaksin is just so evil that these poor souls are forced to support coups, dictators and authoritarianism (fascism). This of course means logic and reason must be discarded as well - it’s very hard to maintain the delusion with either still intact. It is hilarious.
  2. Was there a coup? Are coups legal? Why hasn’t he been charged with treason? Could the courts be corrupt? Does this cast doubt on the Thaksin (and Yingluck and Thanathorn) charges and convictions? What would a rational person conclude? Hmmm???
  3. The voters know this and PT will win in a landslide. What’s the problem? The people want who they want. One senses that quite a few of these unelected and unwanted Senators are starting to get very jittery. Would a PT win in the election result in deserved retribution being delivered unto these much despised junta lackies who have aided and abetted in the oppression of the last 8 years? I do hope so.
  4. Be curious to see how her intellect stacks up against yours. The fact that she has led a life far, far more successful and interesting than yours doesn’t bode well for you when it comes to the question of who, of the pair of you, is the dopiest.
  5. Those that don’t get it are not the problem; it’s the ones who don’t get it but think they do - they’re the time wasters and enablers. If only Dunning-Krugers wasn’t a thing, the world would be a better place.
  6. Look who’s scared of the pending ass kicking in the upcoming election. ????????????
  7. ???? ???? ???? So there is no established (written and unwritten) diplomatic protocols and etiquette between nation states? Everyone is just winging it eh? Making it up as they go? ???? ???? ???? International: adj. - existing, occurring or carried on between nations Why do you insist on repeatedly revealing your shortcomings?
  8. Singapore regularly extradites people who have committed no crimes in Singapore to the jurisdictions where they are alleged to have committed a crime. Why are they not extraditing Thaksin? Poor, poor Louie - it seems you have no understanding of how international diplomacy works. ???????????? When Thaksin’s daughter wins the upcoming election and becomes PM, Thaksin will once again be striding the world stage as he pleases, meeting and greeting heads of state regularly - exactly as happened when his sister won in 2011. Prayuth on the other hand, will be an international pariah until he draws his last breath - no trumped up charges or convictions required. You’re on the losing side Louie. ????????????
  9. Quick, you better let the Singapore authorities know an internationally wanted fugitive is in their country. ????????????
  10. Sure do. https://www.takimag.com/article/dinner-bell-for-the-rights-last-supper/
  11. How many people gave flowers to the military? Was it enough to win an election? Is anyone receiving flowers considered a good guy?
  12. There is a fascinating book “True Believer” by Eric Hoffer that explains these types of people exactly.
  13. https://www.thailandnews.co/2011/08/thaksin-never-wanted-by-interpol/
  14. How on earth do people manage to so completely manage to disconnect themselves from reality? Should mankind ever cure this madness then there will be no more Dictators. If you can convince a man to believe absurdities, you can then very easily convince him to commit atrocities. OMF has certainly got the absurdity part sorted.
  15. Curious. Why are there no pending charges for these crimes you mention?
  16. For sure still a long way to go, however, it is abundantly clear that the weaker the grip on power of the military and elites, the greater the level of democracy in Thailand. Something for all those morons who carry on about Thaksin to take on board. Less military = more democracy = more freedom = less corruption
  17. You remember wrong. Read the ANFREL reports for each Thai election since 2000 - the only one with significant cheating was the only one Thaksin “lost”. If you are not a fan of democracy, have the courage to say it, don’t regurgitate ridiculous lies, it just makes you look silly.
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