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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Aww, don’t cry. Too bad you don’t place as much value on the right for ordinary Thais to vote for their own government as you do on your right to spout nonsense.
  2. It’s all relative isn’t it? Even the yellowest of the yellow juntalovers here have got to admit Prayuth has set the bar awfully low.
  3. You been living under a rock? The current regime is so bad even you would be an upgrade. Thailand is at rock bottom - the only way is up. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
  4. Part of of forthcoming joy for those of us that support freedom and democracy is knowing that the keyboard warrior junta fanboys, who have been smugly cheering on every crime and misdeed the Generals have visited upon the Thai people for the past two decades, are going to be spending a great deal of time living under another Shinawatra’s Prime Ministership where day by day they will have to witness the quality of life for the majority of Thais improving under a competent elected government whilst they feebly attempt to deny ever loving the anti democratic forces as the mountain of theft and corruption committed by “the good people” is exposed by long overdue investigations. I am giddy with anticipation.
  5. 1. A very small minority of people supported the removal of Yingluck and a slightly larger minority of people supported the removal of Thaksin. Had either of these events been popular then elections, rather than coups, would have sufficed to achieve the desired outcomes. 2. People, all people, whether they be so called uneducated country bumpkins or sophisticated urbanites are all very very aware of their own self interests. Everyone votes, not for the greater good, but for self interest - there are no sheep and no excuses for denying democracy. 3. If “Pat” doesn’t deliver on her promises after she wins, then she’ll have to answer to the voters next election. If there is an acceptable alternative option, then out of self interest voters will withdraw their support and “Pat” will be out on her ass. No coups required.
  6. From such a vast distance, do you really think you’re in a position to be judging her character? She may very well be a patriotic and caring individual who is willing to do the work and sacrifice the easy life for a better future for her fellow country men and women. If you can’t be rational at least don’t be needlessly nasty.
  7. Old Tony Shinawatra’s will not rest until democracy is restored. The reasons may be selfish but that does not mean the outcome is any less desirable.
  8. Oligarchy - a small group of people who have control of a country. You are clearly wrong. The Shinawatra’s democracy!
  9. You are correct, change is impossible and has never yet once occurred in human history - tomorrow will be exactly the same as today, the 1997 constitution was mistakenly named “the people’s constitution” due to the high level of public involvement in its drafting and the democratic nature of its articles, Saddam Hussein and Myanmar Gaddafi remain firmly ensconced in their palaces, Thai demographics are not undergoing a profound realignment, social media does not allow the masses to circumvent censorship and coordinate their efforts, Thaksin has been utterly routed to the point where he is all but forgotten and imparts zero influence on the political scene and Prayuth and his cohorts have performed so spectacularly the they have garnered the love and admiration of the Thai people on a level yet to be matched by any regime since the dawn of time. You my friend are wise beyond all measure.
  10. They should livestream these two in a shared prison cell when justice is finally meted out. I’d watch.
  11. Pro Prayuth / Prawit parties need 126 lower house seats - they’re so incompetent, and detested that they won’t get them, it’s over.
  12. Until it happened, nobody thought the Berlin Wall would ever come down. When change comes, it will come in a rush.
  13. With any luck, they’ll be reunited in a jail cell once democracy is restored.
  14. She will win. 250 ain’t a big enough headstart for these incompetent thieves.
  15. In 2021, Thailand's economy grew 1.5%, the worst performance among major Southeast Asian nations. Their harsh economic reality has many Thais yearning for a return of Thaksin Shinawatra, a former prime minister who led the country to high economic growth. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Turbulent-Thailand/Thailand-s-Prayuth-Chan-ocha-fights-economy-Thaksin-s-popularity
  16. Sad. Depressing even. Prayuth, Trump, Bolonsaro….. ultimately, these types of demagogues are enabled by people who should know better but don’t. In these enabling and inadequate individuals gullibility, delusion, prejudice, jealousy and refusal to accept accountability for their own personal failures are twisted and distorted to allow their tiny brains to override common sense and common decency. Is this you?
  17. Thailand suffers from corruption from top to bottom in every institution and transaction. There are no hero’s dressed in white, Thanathorn included. Both Thaksin and Thanathorn were bought down by the same people using the same tactics for the same reason - to perpetuate the status quo, unfettered corruption. You’re almost there, it’s right in front of you, you need only see past your own biases and prejudices and you’ll reach enlightenment. It is not helping against corruption it is helping maintain and increase corruption. Red v Yellow is exactly what this conflict is about. A small greedy anti democratic elite (Yellow) versus the people (Red). Future Forward are Red. I support, not Thaksin, but democracy. Thailands path towards a fully functioning democratic society runs through Pheu Thai (maybe then onto Future Forward but we’ll never know as long as coups and judicial bastardry reign supreme). You use weasel words to pretend you don’t support the Yellows - you are fooling no one. Hiding behind “Thaksin is the devil” therefore my support of coups, oppression, censorship and corruption is justified elicits and deserves just one response - ridicule.
  18. Why do you think Thaksin, Yingluck, Thanathorn, etc., etc., … have been dragged through the courts? To punish corruption? ???????????? What you are supporting is a continuation and escalation of corruption. You want murder analogies. The Yellow gang murders 10 people per day. Democracy replaces the Yellows with the Reds. The Reds murder 5 people per day. Democracy remains in place creating the possibility that the Reds will by replaced by the Oranges who murder 2 people per day who may then, one day, be replaced by a yet to be formed colour group that murders 0 people per day. The Yellows illegally replace the Reds with themselves and abolish democracy. The Reds, Oranges and all other non Yellows now no longer can participate because the courts have been used to assist the Yellows in monopolising power. The Yellows now murder 12 people per day. You are happy Thaksin has been forced into exile because you know he will beat your side of politics every single time - it has nothing to do with fighting corruption and everything to do with the political philosophy that you support.
  19. Such naïveté. By eliminating all opposition the Yellow/Green side of Thai politics have enabled corruption to flourish at levels far, far greater than ever. The coups against elected governments, the re-writing of the constitutions, the bastardisation of the judiciary all serve one purpose - to ensure corruption can continue to flourish. By your logic, you’d be happy if a jaywalker were arrested whilst murders run free because… at least some justice is being administered. ????????????
  20. How on earth can this stupidity persist? Why does every anti democratic, coup loving junta fanboy think they can regurgitate erroneous, false, fabricated, absurd and ridiculous anti Thaksin propaganda and somehow think “I was here, you weren’t here” validates the nonsense. There is nothing Thaksin has done, or been accused of doing that those opposed to him have not done a hundred times worse. You are fooling no one by pretending that your obsessive hatred of Thaksin is because of Thaksin’s criminality - you dislike the guy because your political beliefs align with the authoritarian right wing side of politics that cannot win elections in Thailand due to Thaksin’s immense popularity amongst the people. You’re basically just a bunch of people hating sore losers.
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