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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. As it ever was and ever will be, Thaksin wins again. To all the sooky haters, time to start preparing for the biggest celebration Thailand has ever seen. The legendary, supremely adored greatest ever leader of Thailand is coming home. ????????????
  2. The courts have clearly been used as a political weapon, your refusal to acknowledge this fact reflects poorly on your honesty, intellect or both. Should you ever (even inadvertently) find yourself mixed up in the Thai judicial system you will very quickly discover karma is a bitch.
  3. Name a country with no corruption. There isn’t one - only the levels vary. Exposing government corruption is one of the main strategies for opposition parties to win elections - democracy counters corruption (to a degree). Democratic Thailand will always be less corrupt than Dictatorship Thailand. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
  4. Believe it. You need no further proof than the almost complete absence of juntalovers on this forum nowadays. The fact the 99% of these lowlifes have scurried back into the gutters and sewers from where they came from (and belong) confirms just how unwanted, pathetic and unpopular the current regime is.
  5. Uneducated and uninformed….now who does that remind me of?
  6. No, it’s not different now. It is exactly the same as it was 100 years ago and it will all be exactly the same in a hundred years from now. What nonsense. There will be an election this year and the election will do what elections are meant to do - reveal the will of the voters. Expect a pro democracy landslide, it is coming and the message will be clear - no more Generals in politics. Between now and then you should try to pay a visit to the Berlin Wall (nothing ever changes so it’s still there right?).
  7. Sounds like you should go and buy a lottery ticket with last weeks winning numbers. How could you possibly lose.
  8. Two big differences between then and now: 1. Social Media 2. … There will be no more coups. The dragon has been slain. From here on in, it’s messy democracy.
  9. …as some here are gluttons for junta propaganda. So sad indeed.
  10. Nope. Not enough support anymore. Its over. Democracy reigns. There will never be another successful military coup in Thailand. Never again.
  11. Yeah, there is quite clearly very little difference between being elected and conducting a military coup. ????‍????
  12. Dr T gonna be back in town dominating again. The crowds will be 10 deep every single place he graces with his presence. Statues will be erected. The economy will boom. Freedom shall reign. Generals will be jailed. Water will turn into wine. But best of all, the insipid keyboard warrior, democracy hating, wannabe fascist junta loving “but but Thaksin” bozos will have to witness it all - day after day after day. Oh what joy.
  13. You won't find too many volunteers willing to drink your Kool aid brother. Your moribund views are perhaps the only thing in Thailand less popular than Prayuth. What's hopeless is your ill informed pessimism. Change is the only constant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2ZID9M5_dU
  14. Q1. How can one be so certain that the Pheu Thai circles are the good guys? A1. Because those opposed them, Prayuth et al, are so utterly and irredeemably awful. Q2. The last coup? Highly doubt that. A2. It's not that you highly doubt it, it's more that you don't want it to be the true....how sad for you. Q3. .....and Prayut and his ilk will never see prison time or exiled. A3. Again, you just don't want this to be a possibility (understandable as nobody wants their idols locked up, do they now?) Q4. Another one that clearly doesn't comprehend how things work here or dismissive of historic affairs. Instead, viewing most everything through naive and tinted [and Eurocentric] glasses - seems to be the fashion within this venue. A4. What was once in fashion "within this venue", was hordes of junta cheering expats freely exchanging their derogatory and racist views of the average Thai, deluding themselves of their own superiority. Unfortunately for these ignorant asses, their beloved junta performed so dismally that it quickly became an embarrassment to all but the most intellectually deficient rabid right wing nutters to publicly proffer even the faintest of support for the illegal oppressive regime which they so love. Oh dear.
  15. Nah, hold your breath, you’ll be fine. It is going to be a landslide victory for the good guys. The last successful coup in Thailand has already happened. There is an ever growing likelihood Prayuth will be off to jail or exile. Happy days ahead.
  16. Not dishonesty but guns and a demonstrated willingness to use them.
  17. How hilarious. Your solution to stopping the Shinawatra / coup cycle is to continue supporting denying the Thai people democracy. ????‍????????‍????????‍????
  18. Prototypical response of the classical right wing, alternative fact, science denying, dictator worshipping, anti democracy neophyte. Nobody is surprised.
  19. When Yingluck started as PM, Prayuth and the military had just finished using live ammunition on civilians - murdering 100 of them. Dishonesty will get you nowhere.
  20. That should be pot, kettle, black. (there’s that ignorance again) ????????????
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