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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. You’re not going to “waste time searching for evidence”….???????????? Finally some truth from you. I’d bet my left nut that you have not ever even once in your life bothered to search for evidence, after all, why waste time when ignorance and prejudice can offer immediate satisfaction. I am curious though, if you are, right now, unaware of or unable to recall any facts that support your position, how exactly is it that you arrived at your erroneous opinion? (Hint: ignorance + prejudice).
  2. You “believe” that the facts contradict me? Which facts are they? Do you care to share them? Do you think Prayuth’s ascension to power was more or less democratic than Thaksin’s. You, my friend, exhibit all the hallmarks of an individual who has no clue as to what “opinion” and “fact” actually mean and the differences between each term. Go find yourself a dictionary - it will help you avoid further embarrassment.
  3. Is that something you think Prayuth does…treat others as he would like to be treated? Gotta say I haven’t seen much evidence to support this absurd proposition - have you? Isn’t it far more likely that he is a thin skinned autocrat who has time and again trampled, harassed, silenced, jailed and even ordered the the army to shoot those who don’t silently acquiesce to his tyranny?
  4. More military bases in the Top End… that wouldn’t be the same place that Morrison and the Liberals signed a 99 year lease for the Chines to take over the port of Darwin would it? How much Kool Aid have you actually drunk gramps?
  5. Wow, how I’ll informed and incorrect are you….Morrison is insanely unpopular amongst the Australian people and also with large sections of his own party. Liberal politicians tried to get him to resign 6 months ago so he didn’t take the whole party down with him. He was <deleted> weak against China - he is directly responsible for China’s increased presence in the Solomon Islands as all he ever tried to do was politicise foreign policy for electoral advantage - all to the detriment of Australias national security and economy. As for the dog whistle racism of border security - it’s over mate, no one is buying that nonsense anymore, Pauline Hanson may very well lose her Senate seat and Palmer spent 80 million all for naught. Then again it’s not as if we should have expected any better from you, being Prayuth’s number one fan and all. Biden beat Trump , Albanese beat Morrison…care to guess what Prayuth has coming?
  6. Old man, your time has passed. Australia just voted out right wing anti science, anti truth religious <deleted>nuttery. My guess is you’d be better served forgetting about Australia and hooking your wagon to the Trump assclowns in the US - all that q anon dimwittedness will suit to a tea. ????????????
  7. How sad, but to be expected I suppose… Thai Visa used to be chock full of the likes of you. Never let the facts (or decency) get in the way of one’s prejudice or bigotry eh? You and a dwindling number of insufferables are, like Putin and Prayuth, on the wrong side of history. The best Prayuth can hope for in retirement is exile; what he deserves is a jail cell. As for your future, after the Thai people reclaim their country - you my friend are going to have to live out your days in a free and democratic Thailand where power is won and lost solely at the ballot box… every fascists nightmare . Enjoy.????
  8. Let the people choose their own government. Why do you have a problem with this. I know it will come as a surprise to you to discover that very few people, be they Thais or foreigners, are as gullible as you appear to be when it comes to seeing through anti-democratic fascist propaganda. It is truly amazing that after nearly 20 years of elected governments being overthrown by armed kleptocrats that there are still individuals out there that continue to hold such inaccurate, inhuman, unintelligent and repulsive views towards democracy and simple human decency as you do.
  9. Anyone know when an announcement will be made regarding changes to ASQ / Sandboxing etc… Is it safe to assume BKK will be open December 1st for double vaxxed Aussies or should we hold off booking flights in case we need to enter through Phuket? Thanks.
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