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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. What do you think will happen to the next Thanathorn? 1. Party disbanded 2. Trumped up charges filed 3. Courts unjustly convict 4. Banned from politics Sound familiar?
  2. Are you suggesting Thammanat is not a powerbroker in control of a group of 20 MPs and maintains close ties with DPM Prawit? https://thediplomat.com/2022/02/who-is-thammanat-prompao-the-man-shaking-up-thailands-ruling-coalition/
  3. Indeed you did. https://www.newmandala.org/a-response-to-vanina-sucharitkul/
  4. She was removed from office by the colluding constitutional court as part of the coup. You’re fooling no one but yourself.
  5. The mature response, is to identify the lesser of two evils, particularly by deciding which option is most likely to lead to the best long term outcome. It really is as simple as choosing between democracy and dictatorship. What impact did Thaksin “reign” have on you and how is it different now under an unelected reign?
  6. Wait, what… Thanathorn’s a good guy? Then why has his party been disbanded? Why was he charged under the computer crimes act? Why was he kicked out of parliament? How can you not see the problem here? Bad guys using the legal system to destroy good guys in order to maintain the status quo - you agree with this as long as at least someone (even good guys) still get punished. Baffling!
  7. Again, incredibly illogical. You are supporting the very method used to force Thanathorn out of politics. Using the judiciary to eliminate political opponents only perpetuates the nonsense. ????
  8. How on earth could you reach such an inane conclusion - it defies logic. Isn't the alternative to fix the judiciary? How could sending people from one side of politics either to jail or into exile whilst those on the other side continue to be as corrupt and anti democratic as they please without consequence. It does not get worse than it is right now. A Prime Minister was once removed from office for appearing on a cooking show whilst a convicted international drug dealer currently occupies a lead role in the current government. Baffling, truly baffling.
  9. Wow! You've made a complete mess of the Ratchadapisek land deal. Every single thing you mention is wrong. This is a classic example of “alternative facts” from “true believers”. How embarrassing for you. http://slimdogsworld.blogspot.com/?m=1
  10. Anyone who believes the Thai courts are either fair or impartial, especially in relation to political matters, is an utter fool.
  11. Just imagine if there was a way to hold politicians accountable? Something like say… regular elections. regards common sense
  12. People vote in favour of self interest, gullibility has nothing to do with it. Who are you to look down your nose at Thais who choose to vote for politicians who they believe will better their lot in life? Policies benefitting the poor and the young are wise - demographics are on the side of both groups. What is sad is money being wasted on the likes of submarines, F35’s and propping up a greedy elites monopolies. Pray tell, who here are really the gullible or uneducated ones?
  13. How ridiculous! ????‍????????‍????????‍???? Democratically elected leaders might / maybe / could possibly / potentially turn into Dictators….. so let’s just forget about democracy and go straight to dictatorship. ???????????? Educated and well informed you say? ????????????
  14. You are clearly quite incapable of distinguishing the difference between “majority” and “most”. In this article, most means a plurality, not a majority. If you want a majority, click on the link in the article and you’ll see a majority of poll respondents (65.7%) prefer pro democracy parties. How fascinating it is to see the inner workings of the cognitive dissonance required to reside in the “but, but Thaksin” anti democracy unreality. ????????????
  15. Not 25% of Isaan, 25% of those polled. That is the most in this poll. Sudarat had the second most, with 20%. ???????????? Paetongtarn has a plurality in this poll. Plurality is when the candidates receive less than 50% of the majority vote, yet the candidate who receives the most votes would have the plurality. Majority is when the candidate receives more than 50% of the vote. Here endeth the lesson.
  16. Johnny has 4, apples, Sarah has 3, Tom, Dick, Harry all have 2 each - who has the most apples? In this particular poll, Paetongtarn has the most supporters (i.e. - more than any other candidate). ????????????
  17. I’m not sure you understand anything. My “like” for Thaksin is relative. Thaksin > Prayuth Thanathorn > Thaksin or, put another way Democracy > Coups Thaksin is not the cause of Thailands woes. Only fools and fascists think that he is.
  18. Nobody said they would not vote for Thaksin’s daughter - you need to work on your comprehension skills a bit there old chum. Those who preferred Sudarat over Paetongtarn would certainly vote for Paetongtarn over Prayuth (or whatever other fascist clown your mob offers up). The real news coming out of the poll - is not the sensationalist, lowest common denominator Paetongtarn angle, but the very clear and very large margin favouring the pro democracy side of Thai politics. Why does it no surprise me that you don’t know what pro democracy is.
  19. Couldn’t that policy be easily beaten with a 600B per vote policy?
  20. So unless the elected government is perfect - it’s better to have the unelected, corrupt criminals in government? How ridiculous. Which path has the best chance of installing a government that is halfway honest - coups or elections? The answer is obvious.
  21. Is there corruption now? Are criminals running the country now? What planet are you on?
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