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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Idiot drivers believe they have the right of way so you Bob Smith need to walk accordingly otherwise you will get flattened by an idiot such as the subject in the op. You lack any ability to separate the assumption of what drivers believe from the law yet you just want to play a game here.
  2. Yes, it doesn’t mean it’s open season on pedestrians. …as he should be.
  3. I’m from the US Hey, the women was walking and he was riding a machine. What about that don’t you understand? Apply some wisdom. Pedestrians have the right-of-way where we come from and here as well.
  4. You can file me in that bunch as I witness careless foreigners on the roads every day that per capita far out weigh the local folks up here.
  5. Bring in 10,000 traffic cops from the US and implement a year long saturation campaign of handing out traffic citations and stiff penalties.
  6. Where I come from this perp would have been immediately taken down kneed in the back cuffed and tossed in the slammer. Cops here are too nice and lazy.
  7. Possibly inspired by a caliph and if so then perhaps much more to come in the near future, certainly hope not. Imagine if there were 1000 like this in the US trained and ready for a go?
  8. Sure, mistakes are covered until discovered. Yet what many intentional “mistakes” that have not been discovered, and the ones that have been are just “conspiracy theories” coined by none other than the CIA. Ignorance is bliss and life is easier for some keeping their heads plugged up in a dark space.
  9. Good! It’s an honor, thanks. Though you seem easily bothered by yet such an insignificant. Some folks have a very difficult time conceptualizing in their heads the real factors of the size of space, some people say the sun is big compared to earth, but big is not even the beginning of the story, the Sun is 1.3 million times bigger than earth, and the Sun is not a big star, UY Scuti is five billion times bigger than our Sun. Our solar system is barely dust in our Galaxy, and our Galaxy is a grain of sand in the universe. & all it takes is a single prion to kill a person which is about 15nm big to start a cascading effecting of folding proteins that will eventually kill a person. So with that, any rational broad thinking person couldn’t care less about the utterly ridiculous emotional abjects you and others post on this forum.
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