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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Really? He is incapable of monitoring the teleprompter. He’s completely oblivious as to what is going on in the world.
  2. Why didn’t these crotch waded wet diapered anarchies raise a fuss when isis was getting hammered to smithereens? After all the two are of the same and have the same objective. Maybe because they are the same racist hate group directed against Jews as the Nazis and the pacifists who are on the fence of moral confusion.
  3. There’s no reason for the government to fund indoctrination centers
  4. Been get’n the gotton from American west. Giddyup with it already and get with the vernaculars while the gitt’n is good.
  5. The American left are fascist though and though. They are in a constant turmoil of obsession to shut down anyone who disagrees with them and it is alive and well in the current US administration, congress and DOJ, though I’d never expect anyone who has been propagandized to have the wits to understand the obvious. Didn’t imply or suggest that, you did. But I wouldn’t expect anything less from a leftist, accusing others of what they do themselves, such fascism.
  6. If someone is under the delusion that their language/dialect/idioms is more superior to others then obviously they haven’t gotten out much in their life. Being able to speak to others from a different region must be difficult for some with an impediment of prejudices.
  7. The fascist in D.C. call their terrorism democracy
  8. Biden’s plan to fund and feed the MIC that is driving this insanity
  9. Yes, but those words mean nothing to pedophiles creeptards that corrupt children. The law is there to protect the children so they can develop a meaningful life.
  10. I keep my Verizon number on a prepaid sim, it’s $15usd per month w/15gb. It’s in an iPhone dual sim, make and receive calls and text via WiFi and Ais data here. Don’t ever really use much data, so it’s suffice.
  11. I’m sure ducks are farmed here, they get eaten every day here. Not all duck feathers are equal. I suppose the pekins are the most common in the region.
  12. Be sure the data is off and only wifi on, when the data is turned on the sim will charge data fees. If the phone is wifi calling capable then you’re good to go, if not then get an iPhone or other wifi calling device.
  13. Why all the fuss and hollering, 500฿ is ~$15.00 USD, it’s really nothing to get worked up about. Why not just pay it and move on, or is this a drama issue?
  14. DDT fogged from China, not hard to find on the internet and have it shipped. Though if one is nice and doesn’t want it hurt the bugs then use mosquito coils or a wimpy bug spray.
  15. The guy at chotana is just as helpful, even more so. Good for you!
  16. The 9th paragraph in the article says it all. The lack of keeping it simple has brought AN to its demise. The last half of that paragraph has been overtly apparent, true colors eventually bleed out.
  17. No can do there. Only 90 day, reentry, stv, teacher student stuff.
  18. Yeah so what, Iran is accused of supporting terrorist
  19. The problem here is the name South China Sea, it needs to be renamed to Indo-Asia Sea or South Asia Sea so chairmen Xi will have no right to claim something without the label China in its name.
  20. All the recent construction is related to upgrading the infrastructure including cnx and the new Lanna airport which is expected to be built in the Buakkhang area close to banti. Nobody knows including the planners. They still have to acquire the property and clear out the land of at least three villages in the area and then at least seven years to complete the construction. We might be dead and gone before the first plane lands.
  21. How about hiring a bunch of retired intolerant traffic cops from the US for traffic enforcement, the Thai government would be rolling in cash being that the cops would be non-stop busy shelling out traffic citations for careless driving, sloping into lane, no traffic signal, no helmet, on and on….
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