You’re probably one of the most embittered toxic resentful posters on this entire forum, the moment you get cornered you lose all composure and your true colors are exposed.
We didn’t go anywhere for Xmas. Will be going to the wife’s village for a few days on the 1st. I will have the last word on what and where we do and go.
Next time be the leader, not a following partaker
Try setting the region to the US on both the phone settings and the App Store settings. Then use a vpn set for a US connection and turn off location. Put the phone in airplane mode and make the call over WiFi. It might work. Ideally google voice should be set up in the US, then when outside the US don’t update the app and don’t update the annual OS version
Everything you post is supported by the creators of mRNA therapies, this is where your credibility ends. You lack any sense of independent thought or curiosity, just rehashing the same treadmill in perpetuity.